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i LOVE Lady Gaga!!

Let me go

Meiyang Chang <3

Please Stop

Those flames

October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010

Thank You

© freakyryo-

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Last day of school. Last day being with 202. And next year, we're gonna be SEC 3. Upper secondary. Time flies . Wow.

Today was the AWESOMEST day of the year. I had soooo much fun. MY GOSH. Took like a gabillion pictures, on my camera, jiahui's , her phone and jun hong's camera. LOL. Sex education was a COMPETE waste of time.  Stupid. Like i'd want to know anyway. Area cleaning was lame. I DIDNT EVEN CLEAN ! Went to the toilet, found a ciggerette at the water cooler. Held it to show Mrs Wong, but it was so smelly. That i just threw it off the balcony in the end. Sadly, the smell of the ciggie stayed on my fingers for the rest of the day. Class photo was awesome muchh. RAWRRRR. And yipeee, i got my girl guide cookies. OM NOM NOM NOM.

Went home and ZZZZZ all the way. Woke up, went to Sogurt with Shriya. Useda BUS. OMG. Rawr! Yum yum, sogurt . And on the way back, took a bus too. BUTTT we were so engrossed in talking. That we missed our stop. S.H.I.T. We were like OH SHIT. UNCLEEEEEEE. THATS OUR STOP. OHHHHH SHITTT. OMG. WHAT DO WE DO NOW !?
Got off at the next one. And decided to start walking back. BUT THERE WAS NO PATHWAY. IT WAS ON AN EXPRESS WAY. AHHH. So we walked in the grass , crossed at dangerous places but managed to reach home just fine. WHAT AN ADVENTURE.

                                           ^^ WABBIT WABBIT.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Today, was a complete waste of time. All we did was play touch rugby, it was sooo boring. Meow, and we didn't even get our report card back, not like i want it but still. Meow, it was so funnyyy . In the morning, Mrs Wong wanted to call someone and she was like OI . and all of us were like OHMYGAWD. I mean , this is MRS WONG saying OI. Its like against her principles. Sooo funny, she started laughing too.

  oh oh oh oh oh my god.

grill's a smooth criminal. you got hit by, you got struck by, a smoooth criminal.

Heylo. Meowy is having rather boring holidays. She's sooo glad the weekend's over and tomorrow is A SCHOOL DAY. So she can meet her friends and she'll have some fun in her life. Rather than sitting home , using the laptop, texting, sleeping, eating, walking around aimlessly, and watching tv. Yesterday. I watched Precious. It was succch a good movie. A little sad but it was alright. Really vulgar though. AHHAHA. Then watched a bit of THE SOCIAL NETWORK, kinda boring to be honest. Then closed it,and watched THE LAST EXORCISM , it was darn boring. closed it and watched STEP UP 3. yayyy.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Today's post won't be that long. Spent 6 hours creating Jiahui's card yesterday. Printed pictures, texted people for bithday messages, and the cutting took ages. But its worth it cuz its for my sisterrr <3 <3 Love you, sis , HAPPY BIRTHDAY.  Was so exhausted by the time I went to bed, woke up at 8. went back to sleep. jiahui and hemma came. then zakiyah. Showed them ' cool' things. AHAHHA. meow.talked for ages. went to minimart, playground , swimming pool. Then went to Sogurt and walked back home. Tiring ttm but it was FUNNN :D

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today, is the start of th epost exam activities. Initially , I expected it to be like, really boring but turns out it was everything BUT BORING. Meow. We had our personality tests taken .Did you know Ritz Carlton hires its staff by taking a personality test ? ISNT THAT SO COOL? Woahhh, I am  blownnn away. Anyway, I turned out to be I/S , which shows that i am people oriented.

It was really cool how everything matched with what I did, like some fortune telling thingy. HAHAHA. So yeah, that was the coolest thing today. The coach was sooo funny. omg. After that, went to Indoor Sports Hall to watch PERCY JACKSOOOONNN <3 woohoo.
Some more, they played POKERFACE.

Coolest thing today ? PERSONALITY TEST. and omg, sitting next to Jiahui is HILAAAARIOUS. And Hemma's a noob. I know she'll read this . She can go cry in a corner . GAHAHA. Just jokkking. And the funniest thing today was ' EH ZAKIYAH, GET OFF MY SEAT! ' omg, i can seriously be so rude.

turn it up, turn it up, mash it up, it ain't the end of the world <3

Monday, October 18, 2010

Went to sogurt. and omg sohrab and i were only like 5 minutes away. AHHH. he left 5 minutes before me. WTFF.FF..FFFF.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

sara called. snow city. sohrab's hilarious.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


We meet again. After SUCHHH a long time. Oh well. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. And when exams come in, YOU, MY DEAR BLOG, YOU GO OUT. Exams ended today. WOOHHH. bloody mdm qwah, is missing WITH MY PHONE. so i wont have my goddamn phone. I hope she gets struck by lightning. Meow. Science was killer. I'm gonna die. Oh well, going to Sara's later at 5pm.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

OMG OMG OMG. Guess what I got yesterday ?

LADY GAGA - THE REMIX. AHHHHHHHHH! Its amazing. Wow. I am blown away. It has this really Indian-ishhh remix of Just Dance in it, quite funny to listen to. But its pretty gooood. Meow. 

anyway, you know when i was at That CD Shop, there was a Gaga song playing.
 then suddenly it stopped.
 and i was like ASSHOLE.
 but right after i said that, another gaga song played.
 and i started freaking out.
 then the customer and the saleswoman who was playing it started laughing at me.
 so funny.
 then the man was like ' GOOD CHOICE ?'
 and i was like GREAAAATTTT CHOICE.
 then he talked to me and my lil bro.
 and he was like ' which country are you guys from?'
 and my brother was like ' pakistan ?
 and then he said ' Karachi ?'
 and then we were like yeahhh.

and then he was like' hmm, pakistan, beautiful ppl. beautiful ppl'
 and i was like WOAAHHH.
 noo, he was like white.
 and he was buying a present for his daughter. and he wanted to buy the album.
 isnt that sweet ?
 so yeah. then he was asking my opinion and stuff. LOL.yeah in the end, he decided to buy the album.
 such a nice man.
 OMG then.
 so i got the remix album.
 i went back to Nando's where i was having dinner.
 i opened the album, AND THE CASE WAS BROKEN.
 so i was like CHIBAI.
 then i went to the shop and was like ' Excuse me, i just got this cd from you, and its broken!'
 then the shopkeeper was like THE CD'S BROKEN1?
 and i was like' NO NOOO, I MEAN THE CASE IS BROKEN'
 then she exchanged it .
 though the shop does have a NO RETURN policy.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tuition. Marina Bay Sands. Went to the 38th Ferrari store in the world. Took a picture with an F! car. Cool ttm ;) meowy. Went to this indianishhh fair. and got these super awesome earrings. they're goldishhh with pearls. SOOO NICE. Went to Coffee bean to eat. Yum yum. Marina Bay sands has s much hype, but seriously its okayyyy. Meowwww.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hellooo. Meow. I dont remember the week's details. Sorry. So it wont be in chronological order. 

Anyway, I just came back from Sogurt with Shriya and my family. LOL. I'm collecting Sogurt cups each time I go to Sogurt. A cup for every trip there. So far, I have 4 ! :) And underneath the cup, I write the date I wne tot Sogurt . Hahaha! I tried a new flavour today. Red Velvet Cake yoghurt, with mixed fruits, milo powder, cranberries and fruity pebbles. Fruity Pebbles is like A MUST for me now :) So yeahhh. It was disgusting. 

I went for froyo a couple of days ago too. I'll tell you the full story , I was waiting for mom. Then Ms Lee came . 
Manal : HI MS LEE.
Ms Lee : HI MANAL. Oh you know you're the only one in class to get 14/15 for the geog test .
Manal : Wow.
Ms Latifah : Congratulations.
Manal : Thanks :)

Got in the car .
Mom : You look happy. 
Manal : Do I ? Well, I am happy!
Mom : You got your test marks.
Manal : Yeaaahhhh ,,,how did you know ?
Mom: You got 14?
Mom : I'm your mom.
Manal : Woah, that explains -.-

I think I got my octopus predicting skills from her. Its in the genes. So yeh, my prize was to go frozen yoghurt. Yummyyy :)

Anyway. today's morning started with exam. Sara and I cheated like crazy shit. I really can understand how we're besties. I did my hairstyle cuz it was so effing hot. And sara changed into her uniform in the corridor and i was her lookout . HILLAAARIOUSSS.
Cheated more than half the paper. Awesome or what ? From Wamlas and Sara . Hope I did well. Meow. Then went to my second home with Shriya and Sara. Hung out there for a while. Had lunch and stuffs.  Then Sara left. Me and Shriya then went and jumped on the trampoline. Saw some insect stuck in the net. Tried to get it out. Still stuck . HAHAH.

Then Iman's party, Sooo cute. I was helping out with the kids mostly. Helped them make cupcakes and colour and make necklaces. There was a real cute baby called Naomika. Actually there were so many cute babies there. Sakina, Aleena, Naomika, Maitili etc etc etc.
Omg and Maitili came to me. In a british accent ' Can you help me make a necklace? ' and then we set about making it. in the end, i accidentally let go of one part. and whooshhhh it all came down. OMGGG THE LOOK ON HER FACE WAS EPIC. i felt so freaking badddddd. omg. i was like SORRY SORRY OMG SORRY, KAY WE'LL MAKE IT AGAIN. and then i made it doubly quick for her. Such a darlingggg. There was a magician too, i found him so funny. this girl took his bat and he said ' that's alright . take your time. i get paid hourly ;)' HAHAHA. Talked to Nada for the first time. She's hilarious. LOLLLL. 

Then had dinner with Shriya. Went back home at 11.30. spent the entire day with shriya. HAHAHA. Awesommeee.