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i LOVE Lady Gaga!!

Let me go

Meiyang Chang <3

Please Stop

Those flames

October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010

Thank You

© freakyryo-

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Yeahhh, soooo. I don't feel like blogging in chronological order today. so here goes ...

Evening / night .

Wellllll , my skin near my big toe is peeling really badly. Its not painful. but yeah, I think its because of the shoes I wear to school. Because they're too small . So I showed mom and dad and they were all AHHHHH. So we decided to go out SH-SH-SH-SHOPPINGGG.
Went to Paragon. Top floor, kiddie's section. Yeah, I think I'm still classified as a kid when it comes to shopping. hehe ;) Firstly, I got JEANS. From Levi's. yayyyy. they're like blackkkkk. and they're quite skinny . then, went to Guess. Got like 3 shirts from there. So awesome <3 And there were jeans there too. You know , I think I should've gotten my jeans from Guess instead of Levi's. Levi's cost like 70 bucks, and Guess were around 65, so yeah. and plus, Guess jeans were skinnier. MORAL OF THE STORY : Impulse shopping isn't worth it .
Oh well, I'm still happy to get my jeans whatsoever.  Yeah, and i REALLY like my shirts <3
yayyy. Yeah, and I liked this bag from Guess too. Its like small and cute and colourful. cost around 60 bucks ? Not bad eh ?  Plus, I really want to clean up my wardrobe. Its so MESSY.


After 2 years, I finally went back to my primary school. Raffles Girls' Primary school. Felt pretty wierd seeing all those things . To be honest, I don't miss it at all. Went in the canteen, gosh , I miss the food A LOT. that's one thing i miss. The one and only thing, in fact. The laksa, ice cream puffs, cheesy sausages, and my god, that soup was DARN GOOD. Sadly, I was fasting. So, couldn't eat . Met Mujibhah. Hugged her. Met Angelyn, hugged her too. And after that, I met Caroline, Anthea and Natashia. OHMYGOD. I was so surprised to see them!!! They still look the same. woah, and they saw me and were like ' IS THAT MANAL!? OMG SHE'S SO SKINNY.' Hahah! I heard that from nearly everyone. Met salwa. Met Chervy. Met adeena. Nearly everyone was looking for Mdm Wirda. I walked so much looking for all the teachers. In the end , met only one. Mdm Wirda. Looking at the classrooms, I've realized how small they really are. And all the kids are small too. saw Hanna. And another one of dad's friend's kid. BIGGEST SHOCK : NOELLE'S FROM RAFFLES. I was like looking around and then I saw someone reallyyyy familiar looking down. And i was trying to recall who it was. And then I was like OMFG ITS NOELLE. And then went up, met her. I took ages to find the Indoor Sports Hall. Hahaha ! Really nice :) And then I saw Mdm Wirda. She was talking to someone, so I waited at the side. then she saw me and went ' MANALLLLLL!!!!!!!!' and I was like ' omg, you remember me !?' and then she was like OF COURSE  I DO, MANAL!' Hahaha! Then I talked to her . Really nice man, meeting her after so long!
Mom said I should meet Mrs Yue , the principal. Cuz we've known her since we first came to singapore. And she's the one who got me admission into school. Nice lady. And now she's the principal of RGPS. LOL, but i felt really wierd about meeting her, so I didn't. But I went in to meet Mrs Huang, the smell of pancakes with chocolate sugar was TOO TEMPTING. I went out asap. Later met MANDY ( amanda) and  JOCELYNEEEEE <3 they said I was damn skinny too. hahhaa! rawr.


I went to school. Feeling like Santa Claus. Seriously. I was holding a huge plastic bag with presents. Felt so stupid so I went to the toilet, made my hair and stuffed 4 out of the 6 presents into my bag. After that, I felt considerably better. Hahaha! :) yes, and then, went up, Mrs Wong dressed better and was in a good mood. Probably in hopes of getting a present. But no no noo, she didnt get one. Science was boring. Got so much homework! :(  Walked 10 rounds during PE with Zakiyah Hanani. then played badminton with jiahui and hemma. Then with daryl. daryl's really good. But I owned Ruey Yiing . Hehe. Gave Ms Tan her present. On it, i wrote ' you may keep the teriyaki sauce ' And she was like HAHAHA. wth! Then she asked me whether it contained teriyaki sauce. and I was like HELL NO!  Teacher's Day Celebrations. Its was more like some K-pop concert. Thunder Acoustic was TERRIBLE. Emcee's performance was kinda irritating. LOL, no offence. 
 Yes and the Apple Awards. I guess the Most Caring teacher and Most Humorous teacher right. Ms Chen and Mr Ben respectively. Seriously, who else could it be ? I really have a knack for guessing things. I think my name should be Manal the Octupus.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Because your love , your love, your love, is my drug. The song is stuck in my head. In my head, I see you all over me, in my head, you fulfill my fantasies. Shoot, now that's stuck in my head. L.O.V.E , I love you and you love me . I miss Hi5. Yesterday, I went to united square and saw a poster of Hi-5 and every single one of the original members have changed. Except Charlie. Nathan, Kelly, Kathleen and Tim have gone :( I really did like hi-5 ! I even went to watch them live when they came to Singapore when I was younger. Those were the good ol' days :) mao. Now my life is scarred with scary , moronic teachers, stupid fights, screwed up people. Meeowww. Except my friends. My friends are AWESOMEEE <3! heheheh. Yeah , so today mr lo's lesson. HAHA . Nowadays , mr lo is a permenant content of my daily blog posts ! ;) he should feel honoured. Yeah, yesterday domo texted me to see his profile picture. Sure enough, it's his wedding picture. The wife is quite okay. But mr lo is UHMMM! Yeah, so yesterday, mr lo took my deodorant. And when I went to united square, I bought a NEW ONE! Dove , cucumber and green tea. Sounds gross but I swear, the smell is to die for. Very deliciousss ;) I showed lo my new deodorant ! And later he told wong about it and mrs wong said that she wanted to confiscate it ! WTF! That wouldn't do! It's my new deo, eh! So I was like that wasn't my deodorant, it was my hand sanitiser. Hahahahhahahahh! So funny. And mr lo kept on denying. And said it was another bottle . And I was like ' yes and that bottle is called hand sanitiser!' hilarious. In the end, she confiscated my hand sanitiser. The awesome one i got for ndp, the one which smelt so good. The one which reminded me of imran Mamoo( uncle) !

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My 202th post. Until I manage to find time for the previous days when I didn't post . Haizzz. So hard to find time to
blog nowadays . You know what? The one thig I can't stand are people who keep on changing their blog URL. Damn irritating. I mean, just keep it same la! Does it make a difference? If you change then ALL your friends have to go thru all the trouble to change it in thir template. Stupid. Since I made my blog, I haven't changed my URL even once. Yeah, I was stalking praise's blog yesterday. I still hate it though it has peace signs on it. Hemma and jiahui's expressions were so similar when I told them I was stalking her. LOL. Peacock is an awesome song. So is dynamite and teenage dream! Nearly got caught with my phone by mr Chengdu again! Damnnnn close! Hahhah! Home econs was just sad. And yeah, mr lo announced that we had a free period during Maths. Durig which he nearly hugged and kissed Jun hong, harrassed me and the rest of the class, gave us his crap philosophies, etc etc. He really has nothing better to do. I told harveen to throw a one cent coin at him. He didn't aim right. Oh welllll . And I was standing up. Then he was like 'my lady, sit down' and u was like i am NOT your lady. And then he called me sweetheart and I was like You better shut the hell up. Stupid paedo. And after that, I didn't sit at my seat. And when he told me to
come back, I told him I won't cuz he called me a sweetheart, and I felt very harrassed. Totally owned him today. And I told him
nobody learns anything from
his class. And I challenged him to find one person in class who learnt something from
him. And he asked Ronald. And Ronald was like yes I learn things. And I was like EFF YOUUU! so yeah, he got some biscuits for that. And then Ronald was like yay, at least I got something for lying . HAHA. Junhong did the same and he got biscuits too. I told them not to eat it. Later it's poisoned or something :P then he asked the class for feedback on him. And I was like YOU SUCKKK. Oh yeah, he confiscated my deoderant too! Bastard . I tried to steal it back. But he smelt it and was like' air freshener ah? ' and I was like NO, U FARTED. Hahah! And I took my peace sign and said I was the anti Christ to him. I was talking nonsense.I am a ardent believer of Allah, yes ;) mao. So he took it back and I said' fine take it. Just don't cry. Happy teacher's day! You need this deoderant anyway!' ownageeee. Mao. A lot more happened in class. But moving on.... I had mr 1at experiance with gatsby today. Akid's one. And I attempted to spike my fringe. Epic fail. Then harveen and charlton twisted my fringe round and round. Terrible terrible :P it was so sticky! And it would even wash off properly! First thig I did when I got home, shampoo my fringe!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Todayyyy. Was okayyyy. Meow. Mr Lo was scary as usual. He came to me in Math and was like I like Animals. And I said SHUT UP. Mrs Wong screamed at me. For insulting her. All I said was that she couldn't remember the class's names. wtf, right !? Cleaned two labs with Hemma today as a punishment for mixing chemicals.Oh welllll.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Mummy. Haven't gotten your present yet because its sold out. But I'm sure you'll love it ;) Its sold out because its such an awesome book and everyone wants it. But no worries, I've reserved one just for you. Screamfree Parenting ;) HAHA.
Yusss, went to Coffee club for dinner. Took lots of pictures which I like ;) yayyy.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday the Twentieth.

Mum's birthday tomorrow, and I still haven't gotten her book ;(
Oh well, Jiahui opened her present today. she felt damn stupid while opening it, but at least she likes it ;) HAHAH. Hair for hope ceremony today. coolio. It was kinda disturbing seeing so many people getting shaved. Biggest shockkkk : Faris SHAVED. My goodness. WHY?! His hair was nice! Oh well, he said he wanted to do something crazy before graduation and sure enough, shaving your head is crazy. Guess he was having a BRITNEY MOMENT.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Anmol and Jastara's partayyyy <3

yayyy. Was pretty late, had to buy their present. Britney Spear's Circus perfume. And another Salvatore Ferragammo perfume. I really like Ferragammo perfumes. They smell heavenlyyyy <3
The party was so darn awesome. the thing I really liked about the party was that her whole family was like doing so much for their party. Like, all their efforts were put into organizing the games and all. Really bonded family, its nice :) Mao. YEAH, so first we had the treasure hunt. I was in the same team as Anmol , Sara , Mischa , Beverley , some other girls. I had to gulp down a pack of baby food. Carrot flavour. Disgusting, i felt like puking it out. ewwww. Sara and mischa did a drawing thing while being blindfolded. Anmol's cousin would describe the cousin and they would have to draw. So funnyyyy. After that, ran round the whole neighbourhood. lucky I wasn't fasting that day, would've killed myself with all that running. Ran up and down to cold storage. Beverley dropped a bottle of jam. We didn't have to pay though. yay. hahaha! We crossed the road holding hands, more like jaywalking actually. We needed straws and plastic bags, and I was like ' Hey, Sim Ching lives just down the road.' So called up Sim Ching, went into her house, said hi to Junior and got the straws and plastic bags. Damn funny. LOL, sim ching's skirt is considerably much muchhh shorter after school . With a thick layer of make up with fake eyelashes. Haiyooo. lol, hahaha, plucked a flower from somebody's plant. he was like shouting at us. and then we got a piece of a picture with each thing we solved and once we joined it together, we got a picture of anmol and jastara. really nice.  hahaha! Jastara's cake was nicer than Anmol's . HAHAH. Talked with everyone. With my feet stuck in the pool. after that, ate food. Deliciaso. satay. pizza <3<3<3 after that played pass the parcel. I was the first one with it. Really fun. Mao. After that, talked and talked. Sara sang the Enrique Iglesias song. would you ask if I asked you to dance ? HAHAHHA. My best friend is nearly as retarded as me. Maybe even more ;)

After the party, went to united square with family cuz they wanted to eat. I didn't want to eat of course. I was full. then had to follow rayan to the arcade cuz he wanted to play animal kaizers. Walking past the skill cranes, I saw an Elmo. First thought : JOVIAL TEO. Walked on, saw domo . First thought : CHAN JIAHUI. So yeah, naturally i tried like 8 times for that domo. means it was worth $8. But the uncle there had to help me a lot. He had to adjust it, and on the fianl try i was like ' Uncle, if I don't win this time, you're giving it to me for free! ' LOL. And he was really sweet. So yeah, I won it in the end. thank's to the uncle. Spent the entire night wrapping its many layers with newspaper. With a note in each layer. so funny . Can't wait for my dear sister to open it <3

Oh yes, I've signed up for a Macaron Baking Workshop with Sara, sadly, its full ;(
I do love Macarons <3 BreadTalk sells them !

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

You know , I think I shall properly blog on the weekend. haven't had enough time to blog. Need to write about me coming to school unexpectedly. Mr Lo's epic lesson. Hair for Hope. Twinnie's party. Domo Opening ceremony. Mr Cheng and the samsung  f480. etc etc etc .

Alright so I'm gonna talk about the HIGHLIGHTS of the weekdays since I haven't had much time to blog and I can't remember the details anymore.

Me coming to school unexpectedly.

K. So by the the time it was Tuesdayy . I was missing everyone at school like crrrazzzyyyy. Cuz it had been 3 days since I hadn't met them. Saturday Sunday Monday. AHHHH. So I woke up, and I heard the front door close . And I was like SHIT, IS MOM LEAVING WITHOUT ME AGAIN!? Then, when mommy came back , I asked her why she didn't let me go to school. and mommy said that she thought I was sick. and I said I was fine. So mom, said that she could drop me off at school AFTER visiting the doctor and getting an MC. So went to the doctor, had to wait for a while. Then visited the doctor.
Doctor : Whats your weight ?
Manal : 34.2 kg
Doctor : Wait, are you serious ?
Retarded or what ? So the doctor wrote a letter to school telling them I was sick. And she gave me an MC for tuesday. But I wanted to go to school so mummy dropped me at school.
And I walked in, and first person I see. Wong. And then I had to go through a big debate with her. She told me to go home and I was like NOOOO I WANNA STAY IN SCHOOL! And finally she talked to mum on the phone so I got to stay in school.
I went to the basketball court, cuz the class would be having PE. and then everyone was like ' Is that Manal ? ' Meow. And the my bradder ran towards me and gave me a hug. I <3 you bradder. And then Jiahui was like OMG MANAL YOU'RE HERE. Then I sat and gave them my big stories.

Later that day , Mr Lo's Most Epic Lesson yet !
Okay, so according to my classmates, Mr Lo came in the morning to check if I was at school and he saw I wasn't so he left. So obviously, I came like 2 hours late. And then there was the most epic lesson ever. K, so when it was his lesson, he didn't know I was actually in the class. I decided to hide under Jiahui's table. Which was nearly at the back of the class. I stayed there for half of the lesson. UNDER THE TABLE. A bit uncomfortable, but I'm small in size so it's fine ;) Anyway. Its still better than sitting infront of him while he scrutinizes you. Mao.And my gosh, he is pretty blind, he  walked right past Jiahui's table and he didnt notice me. everyone was laughing so hard. I poked lixiang's leg with my pen , his reaction was funnnayyyy. then , jiahui and i kept on laughing so damn much cuz she said my hair was liek dog fur. wth! HAHHA. Finally after about half an hour, I popped from under the table and waved my hands at him. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Most priceless expression on Mr lo's face everrrrr. He was like so shocked and his face froze in that shocked expression for like 20 seconds. Harveen and I died of laughing. mao. Meanwhile, daryl was handing out the maths common tests and I got mine. Then Mr Lo was like MANAL, YOU WILL NOT GET BACK YOUR PAPER.' and I was like ' I already have it. HAHA.' Then he took it from me, like I give a shit. Take then take la. haiyoooo. After that , I kept on going about his Facebook account . ' Mr Lo, you have facebook ? ' 'Why did you add Ronald ? Do you stalk him ? I KNOW YOU DO.' and i kept on talking about it then he told me to get out. I happily skipped out and then I was standing at the door. Then he told me to close the door. I said I didn't want to. then he carried on with the lesson. So, after that, I distracted the class a lot. And he was like ' I DONT WANNA SEE YOUR FACE.' And I was like ' Then close your eyes la.'
                                         WOAHHHHHHHH. OWNAGE.
Then he slammed the door and said I was a shame to my parents. How does he know I'm a shame to my parents if he's never met my parents before ? Anyhow say one. Stupidddd. So that was one really enjoyable lesson. spent outside class. yay!

Mr Cheng and the Samsung F480.

In the morning, I was walking past the science labs , listening to my music then mr Cheng told me to keep my phone. Wth right ? I've been doing this for the past year and nobody has stopped me . Not even Mr chua. So what gives the right to MR CHENG to order me around ? I'm not doing anything against the rules , Am I?  plus school had not even started. stupiidddd. So i kept my phone and when I saw him walking away, i put my headphones back on. Then while walking up to class, he came out on Level 2. shizzzz. And saw me with my headphones on. Dammit. Yeah and I was like ' My mum called , that's why its out ' And he was like ' Fine show me the call log .' And then I showed him and said I deleted it already. And he was like ' ' No one deletes their call log '. That's not entirely true. Many people do delete their call log, and i am one of them , for that matter. And so he shouted at me , the whole of level 2 was looking at me. Oh well. So i met him after school and he was like ' Your mom didnt actually call you, right ?' and I was like. ERRRR. NOPE. ahhahaha! embarrassing. But I got it back in the end. Now, I have to be careful listening to my music.

Oh yes, and I officially think that this is the most unlucky day I've had this year.
Hemma and I got scolded really badly. For mixing chemicals. Today, we got the best chemicals, most colourful, and we got the worst scolding. Was it worth it ? THINK SO.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Helloooo. Alright, I didn't go to school today. I was TOO SICK. But I missed everyone like crazzzyyyyyy.
Meow. Jiahui told me Mr Lo came to class and asked WHY ISN'T MANAL HERE ? And then the class was like SHE DIDN'T COME. SICK . SICK OF YOU LA. Hahahha!

                         > I seriously love 202 . <

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rawr, didn't fast today, or go to Urdu School . I was so sick. Still am, actually. so yeah. Got ready, bought sara's perfume. Incanto by Salvatore Ferragamo. so it was PRETTY expensive but it smells good so who cares. I'll be getting her the Tokio Hotel album later. Went to ger house. when I walked in, her SJII friend, Giles, was like HI SHAKEERA. And I'm like I'M NOT SHAKEERA! Hahahah! Sara insisted on all of us swimming. So I wore her short shorts. Haha! With my white peace sign shirt. Wearing white in the pool is a bad BAD idea. Cuz when its wet, its super see through. Should've thought of that before. So yeah, went swimming. With shriya, shakeera, jastara, nicola, caitlyn, rika. rawrrrr. We were all pretty pissed cuz Sara wasn't hanging out with us much. Haha! when I went in the pool, Sara was like KAITLIN, LOOK AT MANAL, THAT'S A STICK. And I was like what the HELL! hahahha! Said heyy to kaitlin, and she said hi. She's got the whole Aussie accent. Its so cute :P HAHA. She was the only one wearing a bikini in the pool. LOL. She's really pretty actually. Part Australian , part Chinese.
I shouldn't have swum. My cough has gotten considerably worse after that. After swimming there were water balloons. Awesomee <3
Got dried then changed into my dress, Sara cut the cake, we ate, took pictures, THEN there were the sparklers and bomb bags. Sparklers are so darn scary. Bomb bags are pretty scary too actually. I screamed when they burst. shakeera and I were like Pakistan Zindabad ! Cuz it was pakistan's independence day and we were like planting bomb bags everywhere. so retarded. but it was all for fun. meow. Jumped on the trampoline. After that sung songs in the guest room. Rayner was playing the guitar. I didn't like Rayner much, so anti social, he's like the opposite of giles. Giles is like superrr social, really nice person.
Straightened hair, played Pictionary. I did pretty well, hehe :P After that, people had started leaving so yeah. In the end, it was Me and the girls , not including Sara because she was with her SJII friends ( hmph.) and Giles. We were all talking and stuff. Just sitting on the trampoline in a circle. Later , rayner , kaitlin and sara joined us but they weren't in the conversation cuz they had one of their own. I was sitting in the middle of Rayner and Giles. The neighbours complained we were too noisy so we moved into the living room, Shakeera made brownies. I served them to everyone. They were REALLY GOOD!
I think Rayner and Giles stayed over for way too long , it was like nearly midnight when they left. Feryal aunty and Uncle Asad kept on dropping them hints to leave but they didn't get it :P
First Feryal aunty was like ' I'm really tired.. I think all of you should pack up now.' but she said it to the whole group of us, so they didn't understand. Then she asked the boys ' Are you guys going home by cab ? Should we call a cab for you?' and still they were like its okay, we'll do it ourselves. And later Uncle asked them the same thing. but they said they'd do it themselves, so... in the end, uncle was just like' guys, i think you two should pack up now.' HAHAHHA. then they left. sleeping over were 7 girls, Me, Shakeera, Shriya, Anmol, Jastara, Kaitlin and Kyra.
Kyra is really quiet. We watched Dostana , put english subtitles for Kait and Kyra . I think only me , Anmol and Jastara stayed awake throughout the entire movie. LOL. After the movie, we went up to her room and talked. Kaitlin was SOOO sleepy. I felt a little sorry for her, Sara was bugging her so much to keep her awake. She drew on Kait's face too. With a pink marker. And Kaitlin HATESSS pink. When she saw it was pink, she was like ITS PINK and she pounced on Sara. HAHA. Kaitlin's really sweet ! I was asking Anmol and Shakeera to massage my feet and they were like NO. I was only joking la, i didn't actually want them to massage my feet. And then Kaitlin was like' oh, I was gonna do it for you. ' And then she massaged my feet and I massaged hers. HAHAHA. All of them managed to stay awake till 5am. After that, and then me, shriya, sara and shakeera went down for sehri. We ate .... and talked. With Feryal aunty, Ameer and Ali. Damn fun. I ate a lot, 2 servings of pasta, with chicken curry and prata and orange juice. But I didn't fast. did prayers. Then went to bed. But I was in and out of sleep till 9am. At 9, I properly managed to sleep. At 11am, we woke up, had breakfast , opened her presents. Then went home.... and SLEPT. yay! AND OMG SREERAM WON INDIAN IDOLLLLLLLLLLLLL. YAYYYYYY.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fridayyyy :D

Lady Gaga here. I don't remember muchhhhh . In the morning , Mr Lo walked towards us, during morning assembly. As usual, I started screaming when I saw him coming. Then, he stood right infron of me, and started staring at me. And I began screaming EVEN louder. Then, Mrs Wong came. And BOTH OF THEM started staring at me. Wtf ! :P After that, she was like ' Manal, what's the problem ? ' SO MOTHERLY. And I put on my babyish voice and said HE'S SCARRRRYYYYYY. and she said ' Who's scary ? ' and I pointed at MR LO. HAHA.
After that, I think he got so embarrassed , he left. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED :D

All of us streaked our hair purple. With Adeena's temporary hair dye. Sooo much fun. HAHAHHA. Benjamin sprayed out so much in class, and most of it landed on Renee's shirt. Woah, she was ANGRRYYY. Later, I was doing it in class for Jiahui during english, and Mrs Wong was like MANAL, WHATTTT ARE YOU DOINGGG?! And I'm like ' My hair salon, mrs wong :) ' Later, I did it for Renee and Zakiyah. Seems like my salon business is booming :P HAHAHA. Meow. Its pretty hard to brush your hair when its dyed. Meow. Cuz its so stiff and dry, haizzz. And my hands were all purple. I looked like some alien. Wong asked me what happened and I was like I don't knowwww.

When lessons ended, we went to the hall. Looking like Barneys. They gave us noise makers. After that, we proceeded to Margaret Drive. the entire school was over there so it was PACKED. Yeah, and then somebody shouted MR LO'S COMING! WITH A CAMERA! Wtf!
And I crouched down, and started screaming. then Mr Lo came, and he took a close up of me and said THIS IS MY FAVOURITE STUDENT. And I screameddddd GETTTT LOSSSTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm proud to say that I called him all sorts of stuff that day, including paedo, asshole , stupid, etc etc etc. And he heard it. And he only stood at our class. their was a police bike that stopped and Mr Lo started talking to the guy and I was like POLICE ! POLICEEEE! PAEDO ON THE LOOSE!! Sadly, he wasn't arrested. 

Buttt , the person I feel really sad for, is.... LEONG JUN HONG. He was like MR LO, CAN I TAKE A PICTURE WITH YOU? And Mr Lo was all excited. when Junhong stood next to him, Mr Lo tried to put his arms round his shoulders . All of us screamed. Then  Lo tried to HUG jun hong, then all of us ran away. Scary eh.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

SCHOOL WAS..... awesome.
Science went pretty well, omg. CHAN JIAHUI CAN TEACH DAMN WELL. She was teaching me IONS. Woah, I seriously understood damn well. And later, I could do the question during the common test. i didn't know some stuff. But I did MAJOR COPYING at the end of the test. So yeah, should be okay ah! :D

Physics was PRETTY BORING. We went to the lab, did some electricity shit. Boring ttm. Oh and my latest discovery is that FASTING MAKES YOU SLEEPY. Hahaha! yes, I fasted today, and I showered in the morning. Yeah, so I was like damn sleepy. During physics, Hemma and I got the idea for writing Mr Lo's life story.

Maths was fun, I got kicked out again. Like yesterday, I meowed and got kicked out. So Lo Chee Wai has changed our seats. Jiahui sits with Lixiang now during Maths. Peggy with me. Ronald with Edward. And Junhong with Leinuo. Then I meowed. And he was like ' Manal , last warning. ' and then I meowed again, and he started the usual staring. And then i said, JEREMY DID IT. I DIDN'T MEOW. ASK PEGGY. PEGGY! DID I MEOW? And then she shook her head.  Funny ttm. And OMG.

                                                     Mr Lo's AWESOME intro to Set Language.
Lo : Today, I will speak in a language which none of you will understand.
Lo : kdh eghvowvocgisimeclonciogs ( speaks some paedo language )
Lo : * gives paedo smile * no, today's language will be called SET LANGUAGE.
( class wonders whether they should laugh ) ( crickets in the background)
ME : HA. HA. HA. SUCH A FUNNY JOKE, MR LO. ( sarcastic)
* Class bursts out laughing *

Then, I slept in Maths. Half - asleep actually. Then he knocked my table. I ignored. Carried on half sleeping. Then 15 minutes later, he kicked my table . I ignored again. then he kicked harder. I looked up, and he's like STAND UP. And I stood up slowly. And he's like stand in the corridor. and then I shuffled over to the door. loser la he. And like 5 minutes later, the bell rang. and i was like HAHA. Stupid la he.

and omg he's SUCHHH a stalker. When he told us to list some MRT stations , I was like ' Mr Lo, I don't take MRT , I can't do this exercise.' And he's like ' I KNOW. YOUR MOM PICKS U UP AFTER SCHOOL.' and I was like OMG , STALKERRRR . Then he's like My name is L.O. Lo. ' and I'm like NO ONE CARES. And then he's like, I'm saying that cuz Daryl asked. Sometimes, I seriously pity Mr Lo.

During Environmental Science, I started on my book. Its called ' Lo Chee Wai- The Disaster Kid ' Benjamin and I wrote the first few pages. Its so freaking funny. And this Maths lesson, Jiahui was like ' Look at whats written on his pink water bottle ' And the word was KISSABLE. ewwwwwww.

Everyone was sleeping during English. I swear, I have absolutely no idea what Mrs Wong was going thru in the entire lesson. Meow. History was okayyy. Oh during CD, Marvin, Charlton and Akid gave their presentation. It had sex all in it, so the class got pretty excited. Even Mrs Wong did. Haizzzz.

Went for track. Left at 4.30 because I really couldn't take it. After just two rounds of the stadium. I got Hammer's Disney mug :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sunday !!!

Hello everyone.  Sundayyyyy. Oh and on Friday night, my mom's cousin from England came to my house. And she left on Sunday, so yeah. I was soooo bored.  I called Rika over. She came over at 5pm. My mouth was like stuffed with pizza when she came in. Gave her water, went up to mom's , talked and talked. Hahaha! She's like a laughing machine, I swear. She laughs at EVERYTHING I SAY. omg! After that, showed her my room. And then went swimming. We were both having you know whats. And then, we still went swimming because the water exerts some pressure which prevents it from coming out :P haizzz, did cannonballs, touched the pool's floor. pretty hard cuz its SO DEEP. meow, and then we just floated around and talked... after that, mom told us to come up. We went half an hour late, cuz we had to shower and all . And I was supposed to go for some party. In the end , Mom left without us. So yeah. We were home alone. At a little bit, sniffed my new drug . HAHA. Its not a drug la, its just a candle. with the smell of a rose. Its heavenlyyyy. The England people gave it to us. It looks expensive. Haha! And roses are my favourite , so yeah. I was smelling it the whole time. Then, I was like talking to Rika, and then the phone rang. I picked up, no one answered. I put it down and was like ' Oh well. ' And went back to smelling the candle. And Rika found that funny. Can you believe it ?!
Oh and Rika left at about 10 PM. Her mom was so angry. When i picked up the phone she was like
Rika's Mom :  Hello. Is that Manal ?
Me : errr, yeah ? We're just leaving the house
RM : You're leaving the house now ? Rika is supposed to be back in my house by 10!
Me : Er , i'm so sorry.
RM : Yes. This is RIDICULOUS. I am very upset. She's going to be coming home ALONE in the DARK.
Me : I'm so sorry
RM : Now, please send me an sms, once she gets into a taxi.
Me : Yes.

And then we ran out of the house and quickly got her a taxi. write later.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gaga in high school
Urdu School was sooo awesome :) And Sara and Rika might be coming over tmr. I need to go swimwear shoppingggg. A bit awkward when selena walked near me, and I didn't say anything.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

National Day Celebrations = FUN FUN FUN. Went to school, I didn't wear RED. Basically, most of 202 is in uniformed groups. Boy's Brigade. Band. Girl Guides. St. John's . NCC .
So there were VERY few of us in class. Meow. Wanted to play Waka Waka in class but suddenly Mrs wong came in. And OMG, you know what ? Leinuo is SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD! Wtf, and he's in SEC 2. Alongside, 14 YEAR OLDS! So I was talking about that when Wong came in.

Me : OMG, Mrs wong ! you know, Leinuo is 17 ?!
Wong : Yes, but does he ACT 17?
Me : nooo. but omg, you know he pulled Julie's bra straps ? See, Mrs wong, you gave him the idea. But I bet julie enjoyed it, so it's no problem . BUT STILL. and that day, he was looking at all the girls' bra colours. we all felt so harrassed. He's like a Mr Loh in the making.
Wong : MANAL! If you hadn't MEOWED, Mr Loh wouldn't have said that. You think he says's that for no reason !?
Me : But he has NO RIGHT to say that . you see, singapore has something called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. And that gives me thew right to MEOW, MOO OR RAWR wherever I want, WHENEVER I WANT. So, Mr Loh can't go around calling me pussy. Its disgusting. He's a 48-yr old MAN. And I'm a 13 year old GIRL. Big difference.
Wong : He was provoked.
Me : Okay, how about this ? Take for example , there's a really REALLY dumb student in your class. Take marvin for an example , he's a DICKHEAD * marvin's like WTF. * OKAY SORRY, Marvin. But example, there's a REALLY REALLY slow student in class. But you can't call him an idiot. Teacher's can't do that.

After that , wong totally goes besides the point. Talking about how students are rude to teachers :P Wtf! I love debating with Mrs wong! :D:D After that, we watched the band performance, waved hi to Jiahui and Audeline. Shouted soooo much to Hemma. But she was too far away to hear. Then the uniformed groups came. Shouted like crazy to Ronald. HAHAHA. SORRY RONALD. And he couldn't really look up cuz he wasn't allowed. Later, he slowly slowly slowlyyyy looked up. LOL! :) Sang more songs. Chenke was next to me, singing too. No wonder my ears still hurt.

After that, went to hall. Chris, Nathan and Quan Kai's performance. They played REALLYYYYY AWESOMELY. Don't stop Believin' was great. Except the singing was a bit errrrrrmmmm. Next performance was Ziyu's one. She sang Hey soul sister and Live high. She sang super well :) Indian dance was boring. Chinese dance was awesome. My noobie danced GREAATTT. K-pop dance was pretty good too ;) I liked the string-ish thingies in their hair !!! :) Zakiyah and I went to the toilet during one of their boring videos. We like went straight up and across the stage. Damn embarrassing. After that, we sat with the band members at the back. Screamed for Chris, Melissa, Razinah, Wayne, Faris, Mdm June Tan, Chiwen. hahaha ! My scream is so high pitched. lol! After that, sand songs. Arms linked, standing up, swaying in the wrong direction and singing at the top of our lungs. OMG , I heard Jiahui sing for the first time today! :D:D lol! After that, took pictures with Jovial, Chris and his guitar Amber, Faris and RRRRRAZINAHHHH! yay! Awesome day, yeah!

Heylooo. meow, today, I am convinved that I am a REALLY dumb girl. Geography Common Test . I realized that I didn't bring my calculator. Borrowed Jiahui's in the exam ( got the question wrong anyway, I didn't know how to use her calculator) , and then, AFTER the exam.... when I was looking for a worksheet in my bag.... guess what i found ????? MY CALCULATOR. Wtf, right ?!

Class was really noisy during Chinese. They got their common test back. And they have to rewrite their words like 400 times if they got it wrong. Maybe that's why they were making so much noise :P HAHA.

Was half asleep during English. Level Contact was retarded. 204 did a skit. I didn't get it .

You know what ? I seriously love recess. All of us girls in the clique sit in a circle and talk. Sounds nothing amazing, but honestly, its so much fun. Jiahui told us about someone she knew who became SIXTEEN AND PREGNANT. Funny eh :P okay , sorry Jiahui, I won't laugh. During recess, we decided to have a Class BBQ and Clique Chalet after End Of Years.
Planning it is SO AWESOME.
Oh and I finally started reading a bit of the Low Kay Hwa - you are here. Meow.

Art was AS USUAL freaking awesome. Took loads of picturesssss on PHOTOBOOTH. With Jiahui, Sim Ching, and yes, with Adeena too. Meow, ohhhhhh and during english, jiahui and I told Wong about Mr Loh. And after Art, Mrs Wong told me that she had spoken to Mr Loh and he says that he'll stop calling me pussy, if i stop meowing. Wtf , right? Why the hell shoudl I stop meowing? Is it against the school rules? and I believe Singapore law does include something called FREEDOM OF SPEECH! and saying that I meow infront of Mr Loh, is ALREADY besides the point. Because, after he started calling my pussy, I had stopped Meowing infront of him.

Geography- Boring. Maths- Boringgggg. Though Mr Loh didn't come today, Ms Chen did. And I still don't understand anything. So yeah :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Engleesshhhh common test today. Fairly simple :) meow. Hahaha! Made another cool potion during chemistry :) I did pretty well for literature test : 10/15 . yay! HAHA. Mr loh was like pussy pussy where's the pussy. When I walked past him. Disgusting. I'm telling mrs leong tmr. LOL! Oh and omg , Shani gave me the lady gaga lipstick today :) it's AMAZINGGG.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Music lesson - we got our new music teacher today. heard she was mean and stuff. SO FAR, I think she's fine. She played the national day songs. And I was like the only one singing in class. It was damnnnn retarded. As you know. when I sing, my voice is completely out of tune :P especially high notes. HAHAHHA. LOL, then when she was reading out the class' names , when she said Harveen , I said Hairy. Felt pretty mean after that. OMG AND DURING D&T. I made the peace sign out of wood. Well, MS KAUR helped me. Hahaha! It looks so cool . It was our last lesson today for D & T. Thank gawd :) I think when I get my toy back, I'll throw the whole thing away and keep JUST the peace sign. Stick it on my wall or something :P


My flu was pretty bad today. I was so weak in the morning. I swear, there's something in the air. Everyone is sick. Jiahui had like fever too. I could hardly keep my head up during physics. PE was relaxed. Cuz we didn't do anything. People who failed NAPFA 2.4km run had to re-do.
I helped Hemma cheat one round. So she passed in the end. Hemma,  I KNOW I'M AWESOME :P IT was so freaking funny. We made the SIGNO pen ad today.
(Harveen's pen is not working)
Charlton : Here, try Signo.
(Passes harveen a pen ) Charlton : It had many colours
Harveen : Wow.
(Passes another pen) Charlton : Its affordable
Harveen : Wow.
(Passes another pen) Charlton : Its $2.
Harveen: Wow.
(Passes another pen ) Charlton : It dosen't sumdge.
Harveen: Wow.
(Passes another pen ) Charlton : It has high quality ink
Harveen : Wow.
Charlton : SIGNO ROCKS.
Retarded to the maxxx la! Some more Harveen's Wow was in monotone. So pathetic la.
Oh and I found out today that me English common test is tmr. Wtf, right ? One day before the test. Mr Loh called me pussy again today. Freak of nature. Today, he was holding the remote like one vibrator. It was so funny, we were all laughing. Then he made Me, Jiahui, Ronald, Junhong stand up and go to the side of the class. LOL. Oh and I was hiding behind Zakiyah at the start of the lesson . HAHHAHAHA. Standing at the side of the class is awesome.
We were doing all sorts of stupid stuff like imagining Mr Loh playing the bass .

After school, went to track. You know how many people came ? THREE. Me, Marvin, Ronald. And Wayne. That's it. I saw the heat radiating from the track today. Damn cool, it was like all blurry. Ran 7 rounds. I swear, it was so damn hot. OHMYGODDD.  My shoes were like burning.
After that we relaxed, did 2 more exercises. Then, we ended . Like an hour earlier than we should have. Spent the rest of the hour talking with everyone.
So much fun. I've learnt that girls should not have a banana hairstyle near Wayne. Scary eh :P HAHAHA. Rawrrrr.

                                                                                   Lady Gaga forever.