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i LOVE Lady Gaga!!

Let me go

Meiyang Chang <3

Please Stop

Those flames

October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010

Thank You

© freakyryo-

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Friday :)

Freaking awesome day. Art was damn awesome, AS USUAL. Photobooth is the shizzleee.
Mrs Wong was in a bad mood at the start. So, she turned off the air con. Which was ABSOLUTELY fine with us , because it was raining heavily and it was so cold! So, Hemma and I thanked her for turning it off. But she mistook our politeness for defiance and got furious. Then she said the whole class won't have recess because of what Hemma and I said. Wong was like ' And you can thank your two friends - Hemma and Manal , because of them you won't have the air-con' . Then Ronald was like THANKS. hahahhahahahhahahah! omg , damn funny la. Then Wong said ' And you can thank your two friends - Hemma and Manal, because of them you won't have RECESSSSS.' and then Harveen was like ' thanks' OMG. hahahhahahaha!!!!!!
Damnnnn funny. lol! later when she was scolding us, I couldn't stop laughing. Most inappropriate place to laugh.Oh, and in the end, the class did have recess :P
My phone got confiscated in Maths. Jeremy was like  FINALLY. hahaha! But I got it back at the end of the lesson. yay! :)
Jiahui and Zakiyah traced out the veins on my hand. After that , my hand looked retarded.

Later at 5pm, Sara , Iman, Feryal Aunty and Ameer came over for lunch. I put my gaga poster. Now, I freak out whenever I enter my room. We called Shriya over at a 5 minute notice. that's the great thing about living 2 minutes away :P hahaha! :) so, shriya came over. went to minimart. then walked back to shriya's house a couple of hours later, hung out there. Shubha is in town atm. Meow, then Mom picked us up. We got ready. Then went to Cathay at Orchard. Neoprints, anklet, ear studs ( PEACE SIGN ONES , OMG.) Went home, played the similarity game that Jiahui taught me. Searched for swimwear, EPICCC FAILLLL.Slept at 2am.

Saturday :)
Another sucky day. I really can't talk to Selena anymore. Great thing that happened today , met hot guy for dinner. HE SAT INFRONT OF ME! :D

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Took my phone to school today :)
Maths was first lesson. I asked Mr Lo if he was going for Hair for Hope. He said he wasn't. Damn, I wanted to see him BALD. Then he saw I didn't do my work and he was like MANAL MANAL. And I was like YES YES. Retarded to the maxxx. AND OMG , YOU KNOW , NOW I SERIOUSLY THINK HE'S LIKE A CHILD PREDATOR. Cuz I always Meow, right ? Then at first he kept on calling me pussycat. but thats fine , cuz he says CAT. But when he was leaving the class, he was like ' Bye Pussy.' and Me, Jiahui, Ronald , Jun Hong, Hemma ( the Debators, according to Mr Lo. Wtf!) were all like WTF. I was damn disgusted and harrassed. If he says that one more time, I really will tell my mom or someone. Disgusting man.

During Physics Practical , Hemma and I were experimenting with the wires and bulbs and batteries while Mrs Leong was talking. Then, one of my bright ideas was to connect one light bulb to  ten batteries. And well sadly, the bulb FUSED. and right after that , mrs leong was like ' And class, please listen, do NOT attach a bulb to TEN BATTERIES!' And Hemma and I were like SHITTTT. After that , I told Mrs Leong and she said she appreciated my honesty. Thank you , thank you.

Blood Analysis was so cool. Reached late to class with Ronald and Lixiang. so we got a choice. Either clean the lab after school or give a few drops of blood for blood analysis. We chose the blood :P First Lixiang did it, then ronald, gosh he was gay. I was moving so much when she pricked my finger. And making so much noise. But it didnt hurt THAT much. I think my blood is the coolest of all. The blood cells were moving like a river. DAMN COOL LA.omg.

Meow, Englist teacher is damn cool He put a picture of Lady gaga on the worksheet. Cool or what ? Meow. He's awesome :) rawr.

Lady Gaga forever.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Omg. Yesterday, met the HOTTEST guy in the world. W.O.A.H. Oh and remember that Manaal I wrote in one of my December posts ? She's here in Singapore for her honeymoon and she came over to my house for dinner with her husband and his family yesterday. Hahaha, isn't it wierd if the parents come along on your honeymoon ? :S Manaal has this American accent so its pretty funny when she speaks urdu. But she's like a really sweet girl.
Saw my phone lying around yesterday, so texted Selena quickly. Only had time to send him. Oops ;/

D&T - Late for the lesson, 2nd last lesson :D YAY. Was pretty awesome. My peace sign is the shit.

English - Rawr . Boring.


Maths - Mr Lo's picture is FUNNAYYY.

Physics - Jiahui and I helped Mrs Leong carry her stuff to the class. Such helpful girls we are ;)

Oh and this Low Kay Hwa person, is hooking Jiahui and Zakiyah. Irritating :P haha!
and yes, I have a new theory today. Of pakistani guys who live in singapore and ones that come from pakistan. About their mindset. Its really GENIUS.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mom's new rule - NO LAPTOP ON WEEKDAYS. WTF! So yeah. That's the reason I am writing thru the iPhone . Haizz. School was AWESOME :) I took my new bag to school today ! My awesome new bag. LOL. A lot of people said it was nice. Hahaha :) thank you. Daryl said it suited me :/ rawr. But actually, I have realized that I have the same bag as sim ching. But hers is pink ;) meow. PE was okay. As usual, Jiahui got a cramp after running :P meow. Played badminton with Renee and Zakiyah. HAHA. Real fun :D During Chinese, Jun Hong sat with me. Talked a lot, I told him about my phone bill . And he calculated that I send about an average of 160 smses every single day ! Which is shockingly true . Reading period was STRICTTT. hahaha! ;) Maths was damn fun la. I got laughing fits . I had to tell hemma about the Trevor story. So I would pick rubbish on the floor then go talk to her and when mr loh would come, I would act as if I was throwing the rubbish. So funny , omg. I like hemma's belle chop. HAHA. Cuz it's pink. Made another STINKYYYY potion with hammer during chem practical. Took a lot of pictures ! :) yay. English was BORINGGG. I got 29/30 for vocabulary test. Not bad ah. After school, ate in canteen . Gave Chris his letter and I got a pat on the head :P gave Melissa her keychain . And I got a hug :D haha! Went to stadium. Talked non stop to jun hong, Ruey yiing , Kai sheng , chuan long , Benjamin , sim ching. LOL, they all rate me in top 5 eh. How sweet of them . Though I really don't know how I can be top 5 also ! I got 48th position in the run. Self motivation can work wonders .

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Yesterday, my phone bill came. $318, 4788smses. $75 on calls, $ 239 on smses. And I have 500 smses free. Seriously my plan SUCKS. Well, I felt so guilty. All day in Urdu School too. I hardly talked. And when I told Zain , he just laughed. thanks zain. But anyway, thats not the point. I had my phone all day but I didn't sms. I kept my phone in my drawer. Hahaha, at night my parents were like ' Hand over your phone .' They said it quite nicely actually. I didn't get scolded much. So I just handed in my phone.
The good part is .... that my dad has finally realized that my plan is bird droppings. And he will be changing my plan to unlimited free sms once I get my phone back.
Surprisingly, I don't feel very sad though my phone is not with me. I'm still the usual HYPER self. YAY.
Caught the 11.30pm show at Great World to watch the Sorceror's Apprentice. Its DAMN NICE. omg! Me, my sister and little bro watched that. While, mommy , daddy and big bro watch the Inception. My movie was AWESOMEEEEEEE. yay! Hahaha! Reached home at 2.30am. Rawrrrrr <3

Lady Gaga foreverrrr <3

Friday, July 23, 2010

Mr Lohhhh is a gagaaaa old man. Today he PMS-ed like CRRAZZYYY. Hahaha! :)
Firstly, the picture on his card thingy is HILARIOUS. omg! so Jiahui and I were laughing at that, and then he told us to STAY BACK ON MONDAY. psycho. Ronald said SHIT and he had to STAY BACK ON MONDAY. Daryl , Benjamin, Olivia, Jun Hong , ETC ETC ETC , all had to STAY BACK ON MONDAY too. I swear, I started predicting what he would say next. and honestly, one second later he would say exactly that. and he is so biast towards people in the back rows. when Zakiyah laughed SO LOUDLY, he didn't even say anything. then people at the back were all talking and you know what he gave them ?! FIRST CHANCE. WTF! He turned off the fans too, and it was so hot. After a while, I really couldn't take it anymore. I acted as if I went to throw something in the bin, then I quickly turned on all the fans. Stupid man, the whole class laughed so damn much. And Mr Loh didn't even realize. Then when he was leaving the class i was like ' Mr Loh, how come the fans are on ? ' HAHAHAH. Maths was enjoyable. And he can make the entire class stay back on monday and it dosen't make a difference to us because HELLO? WE HAVE NAPFA ON MONDAY.

Environmental Science . did paper chromatography and hair analysis. HAIR ANALYSIS IS SO COOL. hahaha! but my hair is really fine so it was SUPERRR hard to magnify. akid, ronald, benjamin, aink plus the teacher all tried to magnify my hair, but they all failed. in the end, i just cut off another bit off my hair and akid managed to magnify that. IT WAS DAMN COOOOOLLLLL. My strand was really smooth and IT WAS SO BROWN! Hahaha! :)

Recess - Sat at the benches. Vandalised the bench. Pictures are up on facebook.

Physics practical was so boring because Hemma the ditcher didn't come. I just put down my head and was half asleep. So boring. Meow. Sad sad sad.

Assembley was some racial harmony dance. Kinda boring. Omg , yuehting was so cute on stage. HAHAHA.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chinese lesson was first , and the teacher didn't come . So sat with Renee, Jiahui, Sim Ching and discussed class seating arrangement. Well, I really really really reallyyyyy don't wanna change my seat or Jiahui to move so we've decided to swap Hemma with Yunyin. Cuz wong's gotta problem with Hemma and Jiahui NOT Jiahui and I.

AND OMGGGGG, JIAHUI IS THE BEST SISTER IN THE WORLD. In the morning, she gave all the girls in my clique a picture of their favourite idol. I OBVIOUSLY got Lady Gaga. One of my favourite pictures. That teddy bear one. Zakiyah, Sim ching got their k-pop pictures. Hemma got a cinderella. and Renee got BILL KAULITZ <3
Jiahui's just damn sweet la :) meow, later we all wrote messages behind the picture. Zakiyah's message is the best ! And I love the message I wrote on Zakiyah's one too ;)

Level contact was pretty awesome. Prolly cuz Mr Singh hosted it , NOT Mr Ho or that Mrs Lim. It was about bullying. And they showed us this ACTUAL REAL TRUE video. Not a re-enactment. It was actual abuse being taped. It was really sad. Like a Sec One girl was being kicked and her hair was pulled and they were stripping the clothes off her. Damn sad la. omg.
Then the teacher on stage was like ' How would you feel if that happened to the person next to you ?' AND I WAS SITTING NEXT TO RONALD. WTF. Hahahha! then Ronald looked at me and gave me a wierd look and I was like OMG, and I quickly shuffled to Jiahui's side :P

Meow, finally one Maths lesson where Mr Loh didn't come :P ART WAS SO MUCH FUN.
I opened the photobooth after I finished my work. I clicked on the mirror effect. Stuck out my tongue and it looked as if I was making out with myself . IT WAS SO DAMN FUNNY. omg. but I think Mrs Wong saw :P then she came and scolded me, the whole class was laughing. DAMNNNN FUNNY. I told Alyssa to shut up, for the sake of my friend.

NAPFA TEST - 5 ITEMS. Started with Sit and Reach. Marvin is a champ . The guy can stretch like anything. Haha! I got 31cm. after trying so hard.
Standing Broad jump- Went to the american teacher cuz we heard he was lenient. didn't do that bad actually.
Shuttle Run- Failed first time round. My shoe was slippery.
Pull-ups - did 6 , if i did one more, i could've changed my grade.
Sit ups - cheated like 7 sit ups. so in the end, i got 40. YAY.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

After school, went library with Julie and Sim Ching. Had lunch of sphaghetti over there. Then walked back to school. Met Shani, went back to library. Hung out there. Talked and talked... and OMG , HE GOT ME A LADY GAGA POSTERRRRR <3 I love it to the maxxxx.
And the most sucky thing was, that I saw it in the library and I got SOOO HYPER but I had to keep quiet because.... hello ? ITS A LIBRARY. Hahaha! I am so lame. Gave Shani the ' Coke and Walt Disney is SATANIC' lecture. HAHAHA. Meow. He's so dumb he dosent even know what 666 is. Rawr, then Shani felt hungry so went to Mac to eat. He made me eat his fries. THOUGH I WASN'T HUNGRY. Hahah! So sweet ! :D Then went back library and I drew on his hand. And he added 2 extra hearts after my name, WTFFFF. Then went back to school. Changed clothes, showed Razinah and Faris my poster. And Mom picked me up. Went home, Slept till 5am. Yay!

Today, was an okay day. ITS RACIAL HARMONY DAY.

..............> MY LADY GAGA POSTER.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Sunday, July 18, 2010


I just had , the most AMAZING weekend ever.

Went to Sara's house ( Second Home) , meow, Tessa (maid) told me Sara and Azeemeh were in the guest room. They were hiding at the other end of the sofa, pretty stupid hiding place. Especially when they keep the dustbin over their heads where i'm bound to see it. I think we had lunch after that. Then jumped on the trampoline. Attempted the ' Ninja ' but failed. But I very nearly did it. Nearly cracked my backbone doing it.

Then, changed into clothes. I wore the new Arnold Palmer one. Damn nice :) with my Levi's skinnies. Then , Naazli ( Sara's 26yr old cousin) came. Had dinner of pizza. And dessert was chocolate. I had the Nutty Bar one. That was fantastic. BUT the Havanna Alejorn was just heavenly. It was the best chocolate i've ever tasted.

Feryal Aunty talked to Mom so I could stay over at their house. YAY. Then we went to the Night Festival. BEST WEEKEND EVER, I MUST REPEAT.

It was so crowded, we couldn't find a parking space. When we finally got out, saw this guy lying on nails and he had bricks stacked on him and then all of those bricks were smashed with a hammer. SCARY. But I was so hyper. Screamed at the end of it, and shouted ' I love you ' to the guy :P There's sooo much to write about. I'll write when I've got more time.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

So I tried a Grace Kelly.
                                                             MEOW. Wierd day at Urdu school. Didn't enjoy much .
Yeah, I met Selena. And I don't know exactly WHY my mood is like bird droppings . Kinda confused with stuff going on. Haizzz. Molver Revolver threatened to slap me today. Let him slap la, I'd like to see him try. Hahaha, I felt like laughing when he said that. Nearly did. I smirked though. It made his blood BOIL.

Well, I can't help it if his blood boils. I'm going to Sara's today.

Lady Gaga forever.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I am stretching now. weew, lol, this morning, 202 was shocked by Mr Loh's LEVEL OF RESPONSIBILTY. Yesterday , he told Adeena to give him the class key, saying he will return it to the office. TODAY, turns out, he didn't return it. Then all of us are like stuck outside the class early in the morning, until a prefect came and unlocked the door.

HEADLINE NEWWSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jiahui's seat might be changing. Ohmygod, right ?! I swear, that totally SUCKS , man.
You have no idea how fun it is sitting next to my sister. We doodle, we talk, we make fun of teachers, we get shouted at, etc etc etc etc etc. HAHAHA. So to simplify it all, it just means that sitting next to Domo is super fun.

Snooped in Domo's inbox during recess. LAUGHING NON STOP with Renee, Hemma and Sim Ching. Zakiyah the ditcher didn't come to school today, because she overslept. Haizz.
Gave Jiawen her present today. Yay! Meow.


I might be going out with Sara tmr, and if I do, I'll obviously be staying over too.

Art was AWESOME today. Had to search pictures of Congo people. LOL. Damn fun la.
Photobooth is the greatest invention everrrr <3

Meow, track got cancelled today. YAY.
Hahhaa! The Blood Pledge is released today . I WANNA WATCH. 
Mr Loh PMS-ed like CRAZY today. Meow.
its hilarious seeing him angry. He was like ' I will make you remember me for the rest of your life .' I REALLY COULDN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. I burst out laughing. And I COULDN'T STOP. wtf!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

School today was PRETTY fun.
D&T - My block of wood suddenly went missing, but it was found. Ms Kaur's accent = HILAROUS. Yes, Hemma. I know I'm being mean.

Ying Ying's birthday messages were being written on a volleyball. Pretty creative, I must say. Doodled on it. Played with it. I LOVE BALLS. Later, Mr Chan read all the messages. Superrr funny.

Bought stuff from bookshop. Red , lime green and black marker. Pink pen. And fulscap pad.

Hair for Hope posters , Jiahui and I doodled on them. One said ' GOT HAIR ?' and I wrote ' Yes?' and then the other one ' Hair falling ? ' then Jiahui wrote ' No.' DAMN FUNNY. They took down my poster though. SAD .

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

TODAY, I WOKE UP. Well, of course I did. If I didn't wake up, how would I be writing this ? HAHHAA, I am SO funny. OMG, my jokes are becoming like Zakiyah's jokes :P HAHAH. joking.
Chinese sucked. OHMYGOSH.

highlight of the day. SCIENCE LESSON.

Okay, so basically, the apprentice teacher - Ms Tan . She taught us today. Omg, her feet are damn small. HAHAHA! And both Jiahui and I agree that she has THE BEST WALLPAPER IN THE WORLD. Its like a wallpaper full of babies doing occupations.Damn cute. HAHAHA. But thats not the point. THE POINT IS.....THAT SHE'S AN AWESOME TEACHER. I mean, I only yawned one in the entire lesson and that was during the last 3 minutes. Usually I yawn non stop. Even jiahui hardly yawned. And we both are PROUD TO ANNOUNCE, that we actually payed attention , copied notes, and learnt something today. Ms Tan is an awesome teacher. She has inspired me to study properly.

Mrs Wong made a very funny face talking to me. Ronald and I laughed non stop. Went Jurong Point today. With Jiahui, Hemma, Ronald, Zakiyah, Lixiang and Sim Ching. Sim Ching, Hemma and Zakiyah ditched us and took a cab there. then the rest of us with Chuan Long took the MRT there. Hahaha! Went to Pizza Hut, You won't believe how much I ate. My soup and lasagne and Jiahui's soup and 3/4 of her chicken royale. HAHAHAH! Amazing. After that went to Comic Connection. And then left with Hemma . I know more about MRTS then Hemma. 


Monday, July 12, 2010

Hello, hello baby , you called I can't hear a thing. 


Yes, that is right . You probably know by now. Its the talk of the town :P Teacher's are announcing it in school, the people who sit behind you are gushing about it, its all over the internet, radios and televisions, HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW ABOUT IT ?! 
Unless , you live in a cave or something. 

I stayed up for the match. Well, I slept from 12 to 2am. Then , woke up for the match. I was supporting Spain. But I have to admit, Holland really did put up a good fight . They lasted the entire 90 minutes. But until extra time, that's when Iniesta scored. It was not really a strategic goal. Just one shot in confusion. I went for a shower during half time. Hahaha! The match ended at 5.30am. And it was SUPPOSED to end at 4.30am. After that, spoke for less than half an hour on the phone with Selena. 

When Iniesta scored, I mass messaged loads of people - Jovial, Jiahui, Hemma, Zakiyah, Ronald, Selena, Shani, Sara , Kai Sheng . Daryl smsed me too. Hahaha! Reached school, Jovial is  ' Ole Ole Ole-ing ' . Hahaha, go into class , everyone is like SPAIN WON. 
Yes people, I KNOW SPAIN WON. I wasn't born yesterday, meow. 

Cheated in English test. Joint efforts of me , Jiahui, Ronald and Jun Hong. This new English apprentice teacher - Mr Eng or something is soooo expressionless. We applauded for him to welcome him to 202. And all he says is ' You have some extra time, use it to revise for your test ' and we're all just like HUH? WTF. 

                                                                                Lady Gaga forever.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

OMG. THANK GOD FOR THE NEW LAPTOP. I CAN BLOG COMFORTABLY NOW AND NOT ON THE IPHONE.Met Selena twice at Urdu school yesterday. Yay! After that went to Sara's house aka my second home. I mean , really, I go there nearly every week. And I stay over most of the time. HAHA! I know nearly all her family. LOL! And her family has like stopped treating me like a guest already. I'm just like part of the family. MEOW. Had lunch , jumped on the trampoline with the babies - liyah , asiya and iman. They're so cute ! Especially Asiya. We had a picnic in the down garden with Asiya. But later we forgot to clear it up and there were ants all over the place . Jumped more on the trampoline. Later , jumped with Imran too. He sent me flying to the moon. HAHAHAH! And omg, you know the people who own Shaw Cinemas, they're my best friends neighbours. Cuz I was like jumping on the trampoline and then I saw the house, its a beautiful house, i swear. And I was like ' Wow, such a nice house. ' And then Sara was like ' Yeah, the Shaw Owner's daughter or sister lives there. its a family business. Mom knows them. Her name's Priscilla. ' And I was like WOW. DON'T YOU GET FREE TICKETS OR SOMETHING ?! Hahaha! Dinner was good. Imran and Abrar uncle came over. Iman taught me how to dance. She's like 5 years old. So cute !! Then , we booked tickets for Letters to Juliet. The 11.30 show. At Lido. Then Mom called me and said she wanted to COME ALONG. and I'm just like WTF, I'M OUT WITH MY BEST FRIEND. But Feryal Aunty was like YEAH SURE. and so in the end, Mom and my sister came along. Letters to Juliet was quite okay. I nearly fell asleep in the first half. But it was a sweeeet movie, but I wouldn't wanna watch it again :P HAHAHA! :)
Played with Iman's toys. Crazy. We were reliving our childhood days. Played with the kitchen set and the bowling set. Damn gay. When I got home from the movie. was dead tired. Immediately slept ! Woke up at 5.30am and the lights were still on and sara had knocked out. So turned off the lights, went back to sleep.
Woke up, and had prata with Nutella. HAHAHAHA! :) Watched tv, and played computer. Was looking at clothes . Damn awesome. Then, Mom picked me up. And we went to Shaw Centre ( wtf, right ?!) , took brother's specs.
After that, Mom wanted to go back home but I got her to Isetan for shopping. She thinks so much before buying something. But my influence worked on her. Ane she got herself so many clothes. And I bought a dress for myself. Damn NICEEEE :D



Friday, July 9, 2010

Meow, hello fellow countrymen. My whole body aches , and when I say the WHOLE body aches , I MEAN IT. 2nd training session was yesterday , more hardcore than the last one . It hurts like crazy when I do the smallest things like getting up , sitting down , etc etc . You get the picture. LOL. Environmental science was damn awesome . I wrote 'bella's Edward ' on benjamin's hand and he didn't even realize that I was reffering to the twilight saga . Quite smart ah :P I teared away the front of my school handbook and we are decorating the back with DOMOS . Jiahui's idea obviously. Still haven't decided what to do with the front page. Meow. And if you combine my name with jiahui's . It will be Janal Chansoor. Cool eh?? LOL. We had two choices or the first name. Either Mahui or Janal. Mahui is just DEMENTED. New guy in class, some Korean dude. Zakiyah is gaga over him :P LOL!!! I lost my bet with Jovial over the Germany VS Spain match. She still hasn't found a forfeit for me. Ronald will be wearing a skirt for his dare , I think. Meow.Oh yes and I went to mac yesterday with sim ching, jiahui , Renee and hammer :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Internet is stills screwed up :( mrs wong whacked my ass today. I'm very traumatized now. I was like sitting on the table and then she hit me and she's like don't sit on the table! And I was like sooooo shocked . I said DONT HIT ME ON MY ASS. I met Shani today. He got me hershey's !!! So sweet, omg. Harveen was being an idiot :P HAHA. Track was killer.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Meow, sorry for not blogging for ages. You see, my laptop is being a screw up for the past few days so the Internet hasn't really been working !! :( depressing or what ?! So today , I couldn't really take it anymore and here I am , writing my blog post through the iPhone ! HAHAHAHA! School was pretty awesome :) LOL morning assembly was sooooooooooooo funny. Mrs wong was stealing hemma away from me. So while mrs wong kept on telling hemma to go at the front , we kept on shushing her. It was super funny !! :D meow! Then we got our youth day chocolates. They were quite okay, except it was dark chocolate and I'm not such a big fan of that ! Meow, read a totally awesome book that jiahui picked for me in the library. RAWRR! English yesterday was damn fun with kai sheng and Daryl . Halloween is a festival , righttttt?! Haizz, talked about the Hungry Ghost festival, and no offence to Buddhists. Hahaha! I'm drawing on my bag cuz I'm gonna be throwing this one soon and getting a new one ;) LOL. Hemma insulted my bag , sadded :(