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i LOVE Lady Gaga!!

Let me go

Meiyang Chang <3

Please Stop

Those flames

October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010

Thank You

© freakyryo-

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Meow. Yesterday went over to Sidra's house. Got a lot of songs from her, even a voice recording of her singing Naturally by Selena Gomez. Its hilllaarioussss. Then she made me sign a contract for me to keep it a secret. Hahaha, to hell with the contract. Ate the most DELICIOUS pizza at her house. Wow, I've never tasted anything like it before. Meow. Eating pizza reminds me of the pictures I took with Sara at her house. With pizza. Damn awesome! :D:D
I am in love with One Time -Justin Bieberrrrrrrrr.

Anyway, hols suck balls. I am dying to go out with my friends. Going to Sara's house on Friday and meeting Zain on saturday. I want more pizza.

                                                 Lady Gaga forever.

---> why is there pizza in my eyes ??

Saturday, May 29, 2010

HELLO EVERYBODY. Whats up ? Mew, who am I talking to ? Oh yeahh, I forgot to write about the class photo. So yeah, we had the class photo. Jiahui was one LUCKY girl to get the opportunity to sit with our darling form teacher but thenn, she switched and yeah, in the end, she didn't sit with her. So ungrateful :P But in the fun photo, Mrs Wong went to sit with Jiahui. I felt like laughing so badly. And then some more, we had to SQUEEEZZZEEE in the fun photo. And Renee and I were like telling Mrs Wong to squeezee more and more, into Jiahui . HAHAHAHHA! Hilarious. And before the photo, Mrs Wong was like missing and Adeena was looking for her everywhere. Where was she ?? In the sick bay . Doing whattt ?? HER MAKE UP. What the foookkk. HAHAHA! 

Yesterday, bought myself AWESOME Adidas shoes. They're like white, with pink stripes. Dead cool. It was like love at first sight when I saw them. I can't find a picture of them on Google. Never mind, I hope they're allowed to be worn in school. Hahah, but Mum says I've gotta properly break my current shoes and then I can wear the new ones to school . RAWRRR.
Today had the most AWESOME day at Urdu school. It was complete SLACKK, in fact, we honestly didn't study A THING. Really, I'm not exaggerating. HAHA! Ran a million times around the school with Hira and Rika.  We're so damn awesome. Hahah, met Zain like a million times too, but we didn't talk. hahahha! he had a white cloth over his head. So yeahh, he's officially a gay boy. Meow. 

                                                                                  Lady Gaga forever after. ( yea, i wanna watch shrek forever afterrr. )

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I went to Plaza Singapura yesterday, just to look at the Lady Gaga earphones. They are the coolest thing in the world, I want them . But where will I get $240 from ?? I'm so bad at saving. I use up any cash on me. Rawr. Oh yeahh, Jiahui thinks RAWRRRR is cool. So I'll write lots of RAWRRR in this post.  Somehow, I don't think holidays will be really fun this year. RAWR. ' What goes up, must come down .' I think I know what that means now. Life sucked at first, then it suddenly became so good like nothing could ever ruin it , and just like that , I'm back at square one again. Maybe it'll go up again. Hahaha! Nahh, its useless hoping. So now, just gotta make the most of what I've got left. I know only Marian and maybe Marvin,understands what I'm trying to say here. HAHA! Being my idol has its privileges :P Hahah, but I doubt Marvin would get it. I didn't tell him in detail. RAWRRRRR. I can't wait to go to Jeddah, where its only me , my cousin, her husband, my niece, my family and God. HAHA! At least, I'll be away from this shithole. RAWRR. 

                                                              Lady Gaga forever.

Yesterday was bird droppings. I didn't feel anything like holidays had started. It still dosen't feel like it. It just feels like the weekend is here and I'm gonna be back at school on Monday. Meow. Yesterday, we had farewell party for the sec 4's and 5's from ELDDS. WE had pizza . Yum yum. I had 3 slices, well I was really very hungry. Then gave Priscilla her note and keychain. Hahha! And after that went to give Razinah and Melissa their note and keychain but they had already left school. I guess I'll give them AFTER holidays. Haizzz.

So, school ended yesterday and that marks the start of holidays. But where did mummy take me after picking me up from school ?? TUITION.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hello Singapore, this is Lady Gaga here. Before I continue with my post 
- Jiahui is AWESOME
- Hemma is COOL to the extreme MAXXX.
- Zakiyah is WOOYOUNG's loverrr.
- Renee is AWESOME TOO !! 
Hahaha! Now you might think that was me being random again, but I was supposed to have done that this morning during Chinese lesson but my computer was being all laggy and the stupid Blogger couldn't load. What am I doing right now ? Watching 'I'm Awesome' s video on Youtube. 
That song is damn funny. A little rude, but its AWESOME. Heh heh heh.

I think Eric Stanley is the best violinist I have ever seen in my entire life. Check him out on Youtube.
My favourite videos are of 'Telephone' , 'Paparazzi' and 'Replay'. He's brilliant at it. Woahhhh.
Watched his videos too. They are like a must-watch for me , each time I go up on Youtube. Rawr.

2nd last day at school . I don't know whether I should be happy or not. Environmental Science went to Mrs Wong to check the addresses and numbers . Not fun. CD went on lame reflection. It was about Dr Goh. I mean please, I didn't even know who he was before he was dead so reflect on him for what ? Haizzz. PE was AWESOME. First , I thought of coming up with an excuse for not running but then Zakiyah dragged me along so I just ran. And after that, Jiahui ,Hemma and Zakiyah and me. .. we played the legendary game of badminton which I am quite a pro at !! 
HAHAHA! After that, played with Ruey Yiing, totally owned him . I actually am quite good at it, thank you thank you !! :D

Science was errrr, crapp. Mdm Cheng taught us blogging , wtf ! She is one science crazy person. She even makes blogs ABOUT science. Damn, that is just over the topp. Then we got only 10 minutes to go to our blogs. So generous of her. Sat with Gillo during Maths. He is such a sicko. I'm not. I'm innocent. Science was replaced with this policeman talk. And surprisingly, i actually listened to everything the guy said. Pretty interesing. I liked the video. But it was so cramped in the hall, cuz the whole school was in it. Damn squeezy. Marvin didn't come today.Sadd, but I talked to him on the phone and all. so yeahhh.

Lady Gaga foreverrrrr <3

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Its been a long time since I PROPERLY blogged. Sorry bout that. 
         Woke up at 11.30am. Which is pretty amazing, seeing as I went to sleep at 3am. I don't know how I wake up by myself after getting so little sleep. Very frightening.read a little TSGS 17 in bed, changed my jeans.went on the laptop, talked to Gillo Man and Shani. After that , changed back into jeans. Heehee, and went for my haircut. No worries, its not SUCHH a drastic change. Just a little trim to the layers, and shortened the fringe. And yes, I really LIKE it !! :D The guy who cut my hair looked like those Korean popstars, and I'm not insulting him by saying that. He was really polite! I liked him. He would be like ' ok . thank you.' after anything I would say.And he was always smiling . Nice guy. After that , I went to Attitude, and bought myself COOKIES. Yum yum. Then like an aunty, I went to Fair Price finest, while my mum did the groceries there. There was this real stinky man there. Smelt of stale sweat ( Try saying this real fast ). On the way back home, sister and parents were arguing and all. I was plugged into my earphones . 
SEE, THE PROBLEM ISSS...that my sister has A levels this year, and the June holidays are for her to seriously catch up on her studies and mug harddd. But Mum is forcing her to come along to Jeddah for holidays. Haizz. 

So, it was Dad's birthday. Gave my phone in during Urdu School cuz I saw that Zain had given in his phone too. Ordered pizza from Pizza Hut during recess with Ali and Sara. School suckeddd. Our class got shifted to the first floor so I can't meet Zain on the toilet trips. SADDD. Maybe we'll get shifted back next week. After school, I took my two slices of pizza. Offered one to Zain but he didn't want it. Talked to him for a while. Then went home, and was suuuper tired. Ate a hell load of food. Like 1 and a quarter naan. HAHAHHA! After that went to Pizza Hut for dinner. Had soup, lasagne , and drumlets. After that, went to Haagen Dazs and had ice cream with Mohsin, Asad they all. After that went to their house, and read aloud ghost stories. WOW, non stop laughter! :D HAHA! Reached home at 2.30am. 

Friday, May 21, 2010

I don't feel like blogging too much today. Post exam activities SUCKED. Boring to the maxxx. The volley bally ish game injured my finger. Talked to Zakiyah non stop. Went to Vivo with Marian today. didn't get my lipstick. etc etc etc....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I really do hate that day after marking day. Its all about crying and being in suspense the whole time. Planned to go meet Shani at Vivo. But I got Maths back first, and it was flunkkeeddd. So I really was in no mood after that and told him I couldn't make it today. I felt so bad after that. 
And really, when you get marks like that, you're trying not to cry. Then your friends come and tell you not to cry and THATS when you start crying. Hahah! Thats exactly what happened today. Others were okay. Some were good, some were alrighttt. Wtf la. If only I passed Maths, I swear, I wouldn't be this scared of my parents now. 

I'm screwed.

Lady Gaga forever.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Erm , what happened yesterday ? Nothing much. I can't remember much. Like all the stuff that happened yesterday , is all a blur. I only remember being really bored, and for dinner I went to Fish and Co with my family at Paragon. Oh yeah, and I didn't finish my Fish & Chips. They're still packed in the fridge. After that I had tuition, ended at 11.20 pm. And then, I smsed Zain . Like till 1 am . And I told him I might get my haircut the next day, and then we started talking about hairstyles. And I told him about people's REAL bad hairstyles. And then I told him my sick description of this poor girl's hair. Man, I still can't believe I told him that. He laughed like so DAMN hard at that, his brother had to go into his room and tell him to shut up. And I was laughing like CRAZY too but the worst part was I couldn't make a sound while laughing cuz my sister had school the next day and she was trying to sleep. Hahahahah! Omg. I am a sick minded little girl. And Hemma says I think like a boy. o.0  

Oh yes, And I might be going for a haircut today. Gonna give it a trim , cuz its going all wispy at the ends and shorten my fringe cuz its getting too long. Meow. Justin Bieber is gay at the last part of his  ' One Less Lonely Girl ' video.

Lady Gaga forever.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Boringgg party yesterday. Was smsing Zain throughout. Meow. No school today. I seriousslyyy wanna go out tmr man. I'm so bloody bored nowadays.At least when there were exams, there would be something to do. Despite how boring it was, I still had something to do then. Now its like , staring at the 4 walls around you. Oh yes, and I am in LOVEEEE with Eenie Meenie by Sean Kingston ft. Justin Bieber and Hey Soul Sister by Train. Amazing songgs. I <3 them. So 'I no longer hold grudges against band's whose members could easily be senior citizens', thats whats written on my Facebook status now. And yes, it is VERY TRUE. Hahahaha! And now I take back all I said to Harveen about his Metallica, and how he should stop liking them because they were so old. and he should like someone younger, cuz these Metallica people could be dead the next day, etc etc etc etc etc. LOL, I take all of that back. 
Catpreet and Billijeet.
Lady Gaga is revolutionary. Talked to Anmol and Shriya yesterday. Might be going on sleepover to Moly's house this saturday. They wanna give me a Punjabi cat name . W.T.F. So according to Anmol, she is catpreet. And Shakeera is billijeet. And Jastara and Shriya are there owners. Which leaves me and sara. So I'll be the cat, sara will be the owner. I'll leave my Punjabi cat name in the hands of Anmol. HAHHAA! We are so lame. 

                                                              lADY gAGA forever.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Watched Robin Hood yesterday. Quite a nice movie but too much killing. Anyway, I saw the hottest guy in singapore there. my goodness, he was so hot. Like 20+ years old. he looked spanish, and he was muscular, tanned, REAL HOT. And I wanted to sit with him so so sooooooooo badly but my brother didn't let me. sucker, i won't talk to him now. Well, the spanish guy was like a hotter version of cristiano ronaldo, and he came with his girlfriend ( GRRRR.) hahah, and he gf wasn't even pretty, wth! he could have chosen me for his gf instead. HAHA! Reached home at 2 am. Meow, fell asleep like crazy. I cried today. Don't ask why.

136th post. yay! oh yeahh, I don't know why but the camera in my phone isn't working :( what a tragedy. Meow. Hahahha! :D Yesterday, was all about lazing around, but I went out to eat at a Turkish resturant  in Arab Street. The food was obviously DAMNNN nice. Hahah, but the appetiser was so good, I kept on taking more and more of it, and in the end ate only 1/4 of my food. Saw all the shisha there, and thought of Zain. I told him where I was, he was like WHAT . THE. HELL. Hahaha! Anyway, met him today at urdu school. So yeahh, think we spent like 20 minutes talking, and realized ' shit, we've been here for so long.' and then we went back to class. Meow. But now, no bastard is replyng my text. Its been so bloody long already!
Thats why, I got so bored, I slept and woke up so dehydrated , I didn't feel like getting out of bed because I needed water for energy. In the end, the thirst made me go up and I gulped down one glass of water. Yes, I'm better now. Thanks for your concern :D

                                                                                 Lady G. 4ever.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Yes , that's right. Exams do finish today. But somehow, it just dosen't feel like exams have ended. Paper was a little tough, and the plus point is, I didn't finish the paper. And I lost more than ten marks in that process. I'm scared I might fail the whole bloody paper now. Okayyy, Marvin says be positive. k, actually he's right. I musttt stay positive. But I'm really not looking forward to the day where we get our results back. 
Hemma gave me very good news in the morning, congrats to her. Well, after the exam, went to Mac with Hemma , Zakiyah, Renee and Tamara. 
Tamara is suppperrrr clumsyy! My goodness, she fell like 3 times. HAHAHAH! 
The Meowing incident.
Alright, so. When we were entering Mac, we saw this yellow cat. MEOOOOWWWW! And I was like Meow! and thennnn... the cat was like....MEOWW! Ohmygaga! Wtf just happened?! Then all of us were like DAMNNNN shocked luhh, and then I Meowed again. MEOW! and the cat replied MEOWWW. Interesting conversation, eh ?? And then I did it again a couple more times and it responded! Amazing!! :D I can speak the cat language. hahahah! :D
 There was this freaky incident that happened to but I obviously won't be writing it here. Only Hemma, Harveen and Marvin know about it. HAHAH! But I'll tell the others when I next meet them. Hee!
After that , I had pancakes / hotcakes.With MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE. Wtf , Hemma! 
Rawrr, Renee made me try this super gross recipe with a lot of margarine on it. Hahha! Sorry, Renee, it just wasn't nice. Then everyone applauded when I ate my first hashbrown. Hahaha! :)
After thattt, went home. And you know what I did, when I got home, help my mum out with colouring for the kindergartners. WTF! Got superrr fed up la. Yea, and then I spent about 4 hours just lying in bed and reading. Nearly went to sleep but Zain's message knocked that away. Finished reading a Thousand Splendid Suns, brilliant book. And now, starting on Twilight. I NEED A LIFE.

Lady Meow Meow foreverrrrr.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Yesterday was SCIENCE. It went okayyyy. Haizzz, no comment about it. Only one  more exam to go, then I'm free. Its Maths. And I absolutely suckk at math so i gotta study real hard for it. Meow. After school tmr, going out with Hemma and Zakiyahh probably :) Gonna have tuition soon. Plus,Zain got his phone back today. How Awesome! :D HAHAHAHA! 

Lady Gagaaa foreverrr <3 (This shoes are wicked. Alexander McQueen. Sadly, the designer commited suicide. Waste of talent , I must say . )

Monday, May 10, 2010

Today was Geography. Didn't have CALCULATOR, PROTRACTOR, RULER. So, I got a protractor from this 212 girl. Got calculator from Aida. Got ruler from Junnan. Hahaha, after that some more I took a string from Jiahui.Which later fell on the floor somewhere and I couldn't find it. HAHA! Meow, exam was ouhhkayyy. Not too confident about it. There was so little time but I could finish the paper. Haha! When there was only 10 minutes left, and I had to do the last question, I ran out of paper. And then I raised one hand, the other hand was writing the answer for some other question. BUTTT, the bloody teacher wasn't looking in my direction. Arse. And then , Ronald saw me raising up my hand and he asked the teacher to go to me. HAHA! Thanks Ronald :D If you hadn't done that, I think the teacher would never have looked in my direction and then I would not have finished the paper. MEOW. After exam, went straight home. And thats it. Here I Am. Imma mug like CRAZZZYYYY today.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

For a second it seemed like the end of Jay Seanism. But we're saved :) Jiahui's 6th sense worked. But it was THE HARDEST to go up and talk to him. Some more, Lixiang gave the WTH face when I spoke to him. HEHE! Yeahh, but after that we talked as if nothing happened. Guess it was all fine. But he went a little emo in the middle, saying he felt really bad he hurt me and all. Aiyaaa, its fine now :D 

Today wasssss.... LITERATURE EXAM. I didn't study a shit. And some more, when me and Gillo started talking again, I had SO muchhh to tell him so had verrryyyy little time to study.
butttt, still managed to study a lil. Exam was errr, okay ? Couldn't remember the name of the SugarCandy mountain guy so asked Hemma when Ms Chen was collecting the papers. Haha!
Alyssa's alarm rung in class like 3 times. Woahh, retarded manzxc! :P

I'm still uploading the Jovial's Bday pics. There are soooo manyyy !! Hahahha! Meow. I need to study like CRAZZZYYYY.  
                                                                                Yes, thats right. I am gaga.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Hello everybody. Talked to Shani a lot yesterday. Hahaha! He keeps telling me to relax. But how  ahh ?? Went to eat ice cream yesterday at Isetan. Got raspberry flavour. But I came across the COOLEST shop in the ENTIRRREEE world. It is called M.A.C. at Isetan. You must have heard of it . The window of the shop has Lady Gaga's signature on it. Its the most heavenly shop. 
I think I should go there and camwhore at that particular window. Anyone wants to come along?

Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy. Actually I didn't feel like P. Diddy. I don't know what the hell I'm saying. Yeahh so. Had flying saucers for breakfast with guava juice. Then went to STUDDDYYY. Yeah, thats right. I AM STUDYING. Can you believe it ? 
And I didn't go to Urdu School. Ughh. I wanted to go man! But Mom thinks its a waste of time. WTF. One time I ACTUALLY wanna go to Urdu school, and she dosen't let me.
Why do we have to be SOOO different ?My goodness. 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

130th post. Yes, today was proper exam day number one. We had History and English. English was alllriiighhhttt. First passage was about lisp. Learnt A LOT ABOUT IT. hahahaha! I thought I thaw a puthycat. WTF! But it was better than the second passage which was about stupid Tiger Woods, it was so damn confusing and tough, some more we had to write a summary on it too. I wrote the summary in pencil first then counted the word. Exactly 150 words. Not bad, Manal. Then, I went to write it up in pen. I think my summary is not bad. But who knows? 
 Next we had history. You wouldn't believe how much I studies for history. I could literally recite it word for word. It was hard but it was worth it, I wanna take Humanities next year. So yeahh. I wrote like 3 pages FILLED with words, after the exam, Hemma and Alyssa were like ' Manal, you wrote like soooo much!' . Thanks :D But I seriously had to rush to finish it .
So much to write, so little time. Haizzz. 
After exams, walked to hawker with Noobie Jovial, Domo Jiahui and Cinderella Hemma. 
Then walked back to school. Everyone said I looked sad. Noobie told me to go talk to him. I don't see why I should. 
                                          Go Gaga.

Yes, today is still an emo day. But I'm better and I won't let it affect me. Exams are really near. I can't afford to let it affect the studies at least, so I've decided to not give a shit about it. 
                     Lets be normal now.
HELLO! :D Tomorrow is the History exam. Good luck to everyone for it. Study hard. History is easy, so I'm not too worried about it. First lesson was Chinese, aka FREE PERIOD. Frantically did.....ARRRRTTTT! Or else my favourite teacher would call mummy. Haizzz, in the end, I had my resources, and 1 idea done. Not bad, eh?
Next lesson was....ARRRRTTTT!!! Basically all I did, was colour. So yeahh.
After that was GEOGRAPHY. And yes, Geography will be my HIGHLIGHT for today's post.
 Okay, so. The teacher was wearing a green tube dress today. When she entered, it was like sliding down a teeny little bit, but I thought it would be cleavage or something,not like there is any but I didn't say anything. ............................Lesson went on.
................THE DRESS SLID LOWER. UH-OH. Then can see the top of the bra already. I said to Jiahui' Her dress is sliding lower, she should pull it up '. Then Jiahui noticed. I looked behind I see Ruey Yiing smiling, both me and Jiahui knew why. THEN.........IT SLID LOWER. Can nearly see the entire black bra. My goodness, God have mercy on us. AND THE TCHR DIDNT EVEN REALISE. She carried on teaching, I look behind. More people are giggling away.

Then I think she realised we were laughing so she looked down and WOAH, so much to see!
Then quickly she was like covering with the textbook. Me and Jiahui, madly trying to control our laughter. ' Goodbye class.' ' Goodbye ......' ( Teacher quickly turns around and pulls up her dress.) HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Non-stop laughter .

After that was nothing great. Science was SLACK. Had counselling session with Jiahui, Hemma,Charlton, Lixiang and Harveen. After that it was alright. Maths lesson was SLACCKK. Doing work with Jiahui and Hemma. Home Econs was LAME.  After that Jiahui and Hemma's counselling efforts went to waste. Got Jovial's card, wishing me good luck for exams. Thanks a lottt, Jovial. Love you to the core. AND WHAT YOU DID TODAY FOR ME, I REALLY DO APPRECIATE THAT, THANK YOU SO MUCH. YOU ROCKK. Gamin forever.

Lady Gaga forever too.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wierd day. Wierd moments. Don't feel like blogging. People are drifting. Random losers are closing in. God help us. This is an emo post, but I do feel emo now. I don't know what the eff is going on.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My husband didn't come to school today :( He is down with feverrrr. But he will STILL have to kiss my shoe. Sat with Harveen during History. Emo kid. I still have his history wk, forgot to bring it for him. Science was...okayyy?? We went to lab to play with L.I.G.H.T.S ! :D

After that, we had Level Contact. Wow! Sec 2 was SO REBELLIOUS today! I kind of like the rebellious secondary 2! This 212 guy had to go up on stage, think his name's Kevin. Yehh, he went up on stage and the NA classes were making a lot of noise. Then tthis 211 guy called Kwan Yang got really angry and he shouted ' SHUT UPPP! ' superr loudly. Like, I thought it was a teacher shouting but then I saw him there. The whole hall turned to look at him ! Then Audeline got sent up on stage cuz she laughed after Mr Ho spoke. What a STUPID reason to scold someone! :( Then Mr Ho was like ' Do you think you are disciplined?' And we were all like YESSS. And then the woman shouted BULLLSSHIITTT! hahahhaha! hilarious.

After that, was recess. and then we had english. Quite a funny lesson. not bad. then we had maths, not bad too! Cuz we went to lab and did ace-learning. YAY! After that CD, another lesson of Mrs Wong, not bad too. Called up Marvin a couple of times, and spoke to him on the phone after school for like 2o mins. Told him everything that happened. Heehee! So yeahhh! Went to computer lab after school Printed out the stuff for science presentation. Harveen couldn't open his thumbdrive and he was panickkkingg! But in the end it all worked out. Played with Harveen after school.Damn fun. Should do it more often.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Watched Iron Man 2 yesterday. It ended at like midnight something cuz it started at 9.45pm. Woahh, super tired when I got home. Got ready like quickly but I was still late. Then when I was late , Jiahui called me. She asked me where I was. I was like ' I'm still at home :P' HAHA! Then Jovial was like 'Lady Gaga, you suckk! ' HAHAHAHA! Dad dropped me at Anchorpoint. Was so confused as to what I should wear man. First Noobie was like , WEAR DRESS. Then later she said DON'T NEED. Haha! Haizz, met them all at Anchorpoint. We ate at KFC. Well, I didn't . Cuz I left money at home. Heehee, the boys kept on playing with the lighter. And I kept on trying and trying but it wouldn't light up. One time I did it, I was suddenly SO SHOCKED, i nearly dropped the lighter. Later burn down the whole KFC. Googoo gaga!
Yes, Jisu and her friend came after a while but the weren't gonna hang out with us or anything.
After that took a TAXI with Muffin and Gillo to the hawker centre near school. It was real windy so it took a long time for the candles to keep flaming.

Plus, singing the birthday song was retarded. We would start out singing super loudly then we would like start laughing. I ate a strawberry from the cake. later, there was the cake smashed on Harveen's face. Wonder who did it ?? ME OF COURSE. hahahahha! but, he didn't stop me or anything. He just let me smash his face with it. Wierddddd. After that, we went to the library. Spend time there talking , camwhoring, laughing.
The plan wassss that, we had to STUDDDYYY. but when you have a camera next to you, you can't exactly study.

Then Harveen, Marvin, Jiahui , Hemma,Ronald all left. Then me, noobie, weenee and mathew and lixiang went to the florist. Bought two pots of plants. Retarded Mathew was running around with the trolley. HEHE!
Then they all left and I went back to the library. Fun day with all :D

                                                                                    Lady Gaga foreverrrr.