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i LOVE Lady Gaga!!

Let me go

Meiyang Chang <3

Please Stop

Those flames

October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010

Thank You

© freakyryo-

Monday, March 29, 2010

Went to Plaza Singapura yesterday. I really begged my mom to go to VivoCity BUTTT, my stupid brother wanted to go play at the arcade at Plaza Sing. so we had to go there instead and mom told me that I could get the Viva Glam Lady Gaga Coral Pink lipstick next week or something. I searched up on the lipstick and quite a lot or sources tell me it only costs $28. And that is REALLY cheap for a Lady Gaga item. And it has Lady Gaga's signature on it. And it comes with a pouch which also had her signature on it. I REALLY WANT IT.

I also want her biography. Marvin says he saw it at Taka yesterday. And his mom didn't allow him to buy it for me :( HAHA! But he'll get it for my birthday present. So yeah. But if I manage to get it before that, I will.

School was okay today. Home Econs was annoying because of SOMEBODY. I didn't get to partner Marvin:( Made some shitty thing which stank. Talked to Marvin like hell today. Jiahui and I drew some of
                                                         the ugliest drawings in the world. HAHA! I do wish someone will start                  
                                                         to learn how to hang out with people their own age. Its so annoying.    
                                                         Ugh. Not smsing at all today to save up on my SKY HIGH bill.    
                                                          Tomorrow is E-Learning day so...no school, only INTERNET! Yay!
                                                         And today, Harveen, Marvin, Ronald, Lixiang all dragged me into the  
                                                         boys toilet and were all surrounding me and Harveen was blocking the
                                                         door. Haha! I thought they were gonna gang rape me or something.
                                                         Then I gave Harveen this look and he automatically let me out.Hehe.
                                                         And when I opened the door to tell them to hurry up. Harveen was like'
                                                        WHATS UP, MANAL!?' and I looked at him. He was half-naked.
                                                         Lucky his shirt was long enough. I am still traumatised.
                                                         Now you've got something to die for. Thats random. ME-OW.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Today is Stefani Joanne Angeline Germanotta's birthday. Better known by her stage name,LADY GAGA!! Ohmygosh, she's 24 years old today and guess what she's coming up with as her birthday present....HER OWN LINE OF SUNGLASSES. How amazing!:D:D
Who wouldn't want to wear Lady Gaga glasses? Wow, I am mind-blown. I <3 you , Lady Gaga!
I'm your biggest fan, i'll follow you until you love me.
I got her album for her birthday. The Fame Monster. But , I really want a lot more stuff. I want Lady Gaga Heartbeats ( earphones) , Lady Gaga Coral Pink Lipstick ( from M.A.C.), Lady Gaga- Beautiful, Dirty, Rich T-shirt (from HMV) and I want Lady Gaga's biography.
I stayed up till midnight yesterday. I'm going to save up BIG TIME to buy all this stuff. 

Friday, March 26, 2010

Meet the Parents session today. It was so boring. Mrs Wong is such a _________!!!
She started telling my mom that Harveen was some boyfriend of mine and that I am very close to him and that I'm too close to him for her liking. and god knows what else. and she said the same to Harveen's mom. And I was like' No wayy, harveen only hangs out with me cuz we're in the same group of friends' and stuff. Mom didn't say anything about it but yeah...Harveen's mom did scold him. Hahaha! Damnnn funny manzxz. Saw loads of people there. Met Mrs Leong too. She was damn sweet la. She said that I had potential and that she could see an improvement in me and that I was starting to make notes and didnt go to the toilet that much anymore. And I knew when to settle down and do my work and stuff. How sweet! :D:D LOL, and Marvin is also damn sweet...he said I looked prettier and more radiant today. Haha! LOL, so sweet!

                                                                              Lady Gaga forever.

                      I GOT THE FAME MONSTER!!!!!!!
Ohmygoodnesssssss!!!! Shani got me the fame monster for my 13th B'day present! Its just so damn sweet la!
Yesterday, I told Harveen to give me the album AFTER school so I could scream to my heart's desire.BUTTTT, when Harveen came, I couldn't resist it and when Harveen was busy doing Maths, I sneaked up on his bag and took out the album. The second I saw it, I started squealing and screaming and then the everyone in class was looking at me and they were all so quiet ! HAHA! And then I went to Harveen and started hitting him like hell and then I went back to my sit and started hitting Hemma and Marvin and I was laughing so so sooo much, and then I was so happy and hyper, I started crying!
LOL, then Fatimah and Eunice and Hemma were all like 'OMFG, why are you crying?! Stop crying, stop crying!!' hhahhahaha!! and when I looked back at Marvin, he was like' ARE YOU.....CRYING?!?!' and I was like nodding my head and then Hemma and Marvin were just like ' You're seriously nuts.'
WOWW, I was so happyyyy!!! :D:D:D Ohmygoshhh, I HAVE THE FAME MONSTERRR!
Later when Jiahui came, she was all like' Shit, I missed the part when you got the cd.' Cuz she heard that I actually cried. LOLOL.
Then, I went out for morning assembly and I was super hyper still. And then Mrs Wong came and tried to steal my album. She was like' GIVE IT TO ME.' and we were having a tugging war with each other.I was like' NO! NO! NO!' and then I said' I got it after I came out of the class, I can't just go back in and put the album' . Then Mrs Wong felt OWNED. So she angrily told me to put it back in class. HAHA!
And when morning assembly ended, I ran back into class and checked the safety of my cd. Instead of singing the national anthem, I sang Bad Romance<3
Hahaha, and I kept my album with me at all times. Well, I told Jiahui to take care of it while I went to answer a question on the board during Maths. Nothing could spoil my mood today la! For Chinese, I sat with Marvin again. And he had to endure the HEIGHT of my hyperness for one entire hour. I opened the album like 5 times. touched the cd, smelled the new-ness of it. HAHHAHA!
When Noelle, came in class, I showed her the album and she looked starstruck for some reason and then she hugged me and carried me. lol.
MEOW. And Mrs Leong started comparing Lady Gaga's picture on my album to this ugly guy's picture on the screen. They didn't even look familiar. Haha! And for english, I kept my album under the table just in case, Mrs Wong felt like stealing it again. HAHAHHA! Then for recess, I took it with me and told millions of people I had the album. Jiawen, Esther, Shalini,Charmaine, Audeline,Kailee, Nisha, Amanda, Sean, Kartik, Jovial, Farheen, Denise,Nabeela, Aida,David, Joel,Irham, Wayne, etc etc etc. Hahahah, Jiahui and I exchanged our pens today! She took my pink pen and I took her super cool highlighter!
After school, I called up Shani and thanked him for the cd. I told him I started crying and he was like' Why you cry for?' and im like' Cuz i got LADY GAGA's album' and then he's like' ITS JUST A GODDAMN ALBUM' and im like' its not JUST a goddamn album, its LADY GAGA'S album. Hahahah!

Harveen did the stupidest thing after school today, he planned to use Wayne's file to whack off a paper ball that Wayne would be throwing. The ball went somewhere else but Harveen whacked Akid suuuper hard with the file. He actually tore the file. Hahahah!

Lady Gaga foreverrrr <3<3 I have the FAME MONSTER!:D:D:D

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hahahah, today I didnt realise Marvin's bottle was broken at the bottom, so i just picked it up and WHOOSHHH...all the water gushed out. And I was too shocked to do anything, I just stood standing there at the bottle. And Marvin was like shouting at me to put it aside but all I did was stare at the water bottle like some mental patient. Then Marvin had this pissed off look on his face but I was laughing so hard and trying to say sorry at the same time. The whole class was looking. HAHA! And they were all laughing too. Then Marvin started laughing like hell about it later.
Annoyed the shit out of Alyssa and Renee during Chinese cuz I kept on talking to Marvin. Well, I tend to not care about other people when I'm with Marvin , so yeah! Haha! But I ditched Harveen so I felt really bad for that. Speaking of Harveen, he was so emo today.
Home Econs was so damn funny. Marvin started talking about me being his wife and all to the teacher. he was like' we got two children already!' and im just like ' wtf wtf wtf wtf, shut up!'
Had quite a nice Science lesson today. Mrs Leong started asking me why i supported lady gaga cuz she was so ugly. and im just like YOU'RE SAYING THAT TO MY FACE, IM A DIEHARD LADY GAGA FAN,U KNOW! but i didnt say any of that! Hehe.
After school , Marvin asked me to go to the stadium with him to watch the Heats and stuff. Spent a few hours there. Hanging with Marvin, Akid, Lixiang, Ronald, Harveen, Daryl, Kai Sheng and Charlton. Talked and laughed and talked and laughed like HELLL. Then Marvin and me and Akid and Kai sheng went to 7 Eleven and bought snacks. Marvin got me chips, Marvin bought himself a Kit Kat, Akid got two drinks and nachos and Kai Sheng bought 2 drinks and chocolate and bread roll. and God knows what else. Hehe, then Marvin saved me the last bite of the kit kat, so sweet. Then he also let out a noisy fart. Awesome, right?! HAHA.
Then, walked back to the stadium and talked and laughed some more. But then the event got postponed because of the weather. It was going to rain and there was lightning and stuff.
Met loads of people at the stadium though, Tamara, Kailee, Jasma,Sean, Zifang, Wayne, Charmaine, TingTing, Irfan, Farheen, etc etc etc. I can't remember already. Walked back to school with Farheen, Tamara
,Kailee and Zifang. Hehe. Went back to school,and ....................
TALKED TO HAMMER! Wow, never talked to her like that before man. 1 and a half hour of pure talking. SUPERRRR FUN! We gossiped and we talked about lots of people and lots of stuff. Bloody fun.
When we talked about our first impressions of people, that was most awesome! My first impression of Marvin was so damn funny. HAHAHHAHAHAH!
Then, I called up Harveen and asked him to come where Hemma and me were. And Marvin and Ronald and Lixiang came too. Then Harveen and Marvin were just going and I was shouting at them to come back but they were ignoring me and then i was like ' I WONT TALK TO U ANYMORE!' jokingly. And then immediately Marvin turned around and started walking back to me. Woahhh, that was so damn sweet. Hahahha, i was so touched! LOL, quite an okay day today!!

                                                                                      Lady Gaga forever.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

History lesson was really fun. Meow. Got kicked out during Maths lesson for not doing my work. And then Harveen got himself kicked out too even though he did his work. Damn, he's so sweet. He got himself kicked out to accompany me. Hahahah, wow, I am just so touched ! I never expected anyone to do that for me. We talked throughout the lesson. LOL, our main topic was basically our MOMS. Hehe, his mom is WAYYY cooler than mine. Oh well...life can be soo unfair at times. Haha! Mrs Wong put Harveen's test paper under her armpit today. SUPERRRR FUNNY. Jiahui and I laughed like hell. Haha! Harveen's reaction was so awesome. He was  like ' Oh. My. God.' when she put the paper under her arms. LOL, and Harveen hardly says omg, so it was pretty hilarious. hehehhe. Meow.

I'm going to be quitting ELDDS. I got the transfer form from Mr Justin today. Erm, I feel kind of bad for leaving but then I'd much rather join Track la. I'll definitely miss everyone in EL. But i'll see them around school, so yeah, should be fine la. Haizzz..

                                                                                  Lady Gaga forever.

Monday, March 22, 2010

My 101st Post ! Haha! Today was okay la. Marvin's just a bastard so I hardly spoke to him. I was surprised at how much I talked to Harveen today. It was like a non-stop thing. HAHA! Meow. Changing of form teachers was a false alarm. Sadly. I think every 202 student would want a change of form teacher. Oh well...for literature,  Jiahui and I were late to class. Cuz we asked Ms Lee whether we could go to the toilet but then Mr Ben was like ' Now, you all go and get a permission from her to go back into class.' Hahaha, then Jiahui and I went all around the school looking for her and we stupidly, decided to check the staff room LAST. And I tried to bet 2 bucks with Jiahui that Ms Lee wouldnt be in the staff room. But Jiahui didnt agree. In the end, she actually won the bet but since she called it off, she wont be getting the money. Stupid Girl :P
Mr Chua returned to Queensway today. Dunno whether to be happy or sad. When they announced, I turned to Sim Ching and was like ' Are u happy ?' and she gave me this WTF look. Hahaha
Harveen has the best throwing skills in the world. He threw an eraser. It hit someone's ASS.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, i gtg now. byE!
Btw, i've uploaded the Harveen birthday pics already on facebook.

                                                                            Lady Gaga forever.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Harveen's party was yesterday. Went to school. LOL, and i straightened my hair in the morning. Haha! Camwhored A LOT! Marvin and Harveen and I took turns to be photographer. LOL, went to NTUC with Zakiyah, Hemma, Marvin and Harveen first. Bought the BBQ stuff. Then went to Renee's house. Got lost on the way. Meow. then relaxedd there. Harveen ate a raw sausage. Disgusting kid. Anyway, i dont feel like blogging now.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rawrrr, i forgot to write here. but i went bowling at Kallang with my friends and family. Got third in the game. Didnt play too bad but I wasn't consistent:P HAHA! Today isssssss..............HARVEEN'S BIRTHDAY!
Happy Birthdayyy Gill-ty. Meow, wished him at 12 midnight. Woohooo, I was the first to do it. i rock so much. anyway, im going now. will  update laterrr.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Yesterday, went to Great world city. Shopped at Zara. Bought three shirts. YAY! spent over like hundred bucks there man! :D:D Then ate at Fish & Co. Hehe, then went to watch Alice in Wonderland- non 3D version.
Hehe, it was okay la! Nothing great. I wouldn't really wanna watch it again! Lixiang , Ronald and Harveen tried to prank call me yesterday. But I was so sleepy that I went like 'Hey ,whats up?' and then Lixiang said' Who are you?' and then I said' Aiyo, shut up la. bye' HAHA! Meow. Then at 1am,I put on my ink blue nail polish. They look like blue claws now. Cuz they are so long and pointy. Haha! They look wickeddd<3

This morning, got up. Got ready. Wore my new Zara shirt. HAHA! With black tights. Then straightened my hair for fun. then went online and tried to fool Harveen that I had rebonded my hair. But , he didn't believe me. He knows me TOO well. Then, mom dropped me off at sim ching's house. Her house location is DAMN wierd. There is number 15,then there is number 17. And her house is 16. Its meant to be in the middle but its like disappeared! :D HAHA! I reached there first. And when I called Sim Ching, she was like sleeping man. HAHA!! Then went up to her room, her dog scared the shit out of me. HEHE! Then talked to Sim Ching. Until everyone came. Marvin cut his hair!! And stupid Hemma kept on saying his shirt was ugly and then I was like ' Eh hemma, ur shirt is even uglier.' cuz she was wearing PE t shirt. HAHAH!! And I completely owned her. As usual.
Then, we camwhored at her pool. With Daryl's AWESOME camera. We took loads of pics. haha! damn fun. I stalked Marvin. LOL, played with her dog. IT was so cute!! LOL, Hemma taught me how to carry it. And then I taught Ronald and Marvin how to carry it :P I took lots of pics with it! And I kissed it too!
Its like white and fluffy. I stood on Marvin's legs too. And Marvin squealed. I stood on Lixiang's legs.NO REACTION. Then I said to Marvin' this is the difference between a normal and a gay guy.' HAHHAHA!
I climbed on Sim Ching's back too. And she said I was really light. Haha! Then , I owned Hemma this other time too. Told her to go back to her grave. And loads of other stuff. Everyone laughed at her. OWNAGE, HEMMA! LOL, but i still love her!:D
Jiahui brought up the brownies for testing at times. LOL, it wasn't bad. I called Harveen twice. Zain, Ryu, Adeena, Zakiyah, once. LOL. Marvin kept on banging my head with the bolster. And when I was lying on the bolster, he sat behind me and kept on rolling my head on it! HAHA!
Plus, Sim Ching practises black magic, just kidding:P but she has her hair extensions hanging in her closet,  damn scary lehh! :P Played a racing game on the PSP, failed miserably. Marvin kept on trying to make me sit on his lap. LOL, dream on Marvin. I like Sim Ching's tap! Its square-ish. And cool-ish. Lixiang helped me get a taxi. Thanks:) RAWR. Locked Marvin out of the room when he kept on leaving. Stupid boy. Hehe. It was really hot today. Noelle kept on sending retarded messages. HAHA!  It was really very fun. But missed Harveen loads. Meow. Bye!

                                                                               Lady Gaga foreverrrr.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Going to watch a movie today. Hopefully. And its gonna be Alice in Wonderland. Yay! haha, Sara told me the movie sucked. Oh well...nothing much has been happening. Phone bill was pretty high. Oh well...Marian called me. She was screaming on the phone. About Adam Lambert. And how he smiled at her and she got his autograph. HAHA! I wish I went :)

                                                                           Lady Gaga forever. + maybe Justin Bieber too:P

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Holidays have begun. Damn. Mrs Wong scolded me, Harveen and Marvin for apparently LYING to the prefects that she released us late from class. And we weren't lying. And Harveen took the blame when it was me who made the excuse. I was totally in shock man. Thanks soo much Harveen. You really shouldn't have done i. You're the BEST. Then during recess, Harveen followed me to ask the prefects for a Lade Gaga song. But just as I was walking there...Irham was like' Lady Gaga-Pokerface' and I stopped in my tracks and was like OHMYGOSH. psychic sia. HAHA! And then I ran back to my bench and started going gaga. LOL, Audeline and Kailee kept on laughing at me. HAHA! And Renee kept saying that she didn't know me:D:D
Had a cartoonist come for assembly. Then had to rush downstairs cuz Mom was already at school. Rawrr.

                                                                                    Lady Gaga forever.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

                                                       IT / History
IT teacher didn't come today, so I spent the entire lesson with Marvin. When Peggy was sitting on her seat, I had to share seat with Marvin. Which is QUITE uncomfortable cuz he has succchhh a big ass. No la, just kidding. But it was fun sitting with him. We talked like so so sooo much. And then I got pissed off because he screwed up my drawing of my phone. Wth, he made it so ugly. And then i screwed up his but he wasn't angry. As usual:) History lesson was so much fun today. It was the first one me and Jiahui didnt feel sleepy in. Haha! Mr Singh kept on asking me stuff about Pakistan , and I didn't really know anything :P
OH EM GEE! During recess, I went to Nathan , but he was too busy dancing with Irham. Then , I went to Quan Kai, and told him to play Bad Romance. And he was like ' kk, last song!' HAHA! And when it played....OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I WENT HYPERRR.! HAHAHAHHAHA!!! I was screaming and stamping my foot and banging the table and clapping and singing and hitting ppl. and 202 were all like ' MANAL, LADY GAGAAA!!! ' I don't think any of them have seen me this hyper before. HAHAH!!!then Kartik came over and he was also like ' Manal, u must be real happy now! its BAD ROMANCE!' hehe!! LOL, Quan Kai rocks! That was one of the best things that happened today. They played 'Down' by Jay Sean AGAIN! Aiyooo.. and they played Baby- Justin Bieber<3
hahahah..suchh a cute song!
During English, had Mr Dan's lesson. And first , I called Marvin. Then I was watching his face. HAHA! LOL, when he saw it was from me, he had that smile on his face, totally made me and Jiahui laugh like hell. Then, I called Harveen, and he also gave THAT smile . HAHA! and then while Marvin was doing his speech, I called him again. and he tried to ignore it but then he flashed this LOOK in my direction . And he was trying very hard to control his laughter. LOL. Hilariouss. And when he went back to his seat, I fet my phone vibrate and withut checking, i just knew it was Marvin and I looked behind and he was laughing. So I quickly answered the phone call and whispered' HELLO!' and then cut the call! HAHA!!! :D:D Damn fun lehh.

                                                  Chinese lesson
Sat with Harveen and Marvin for chinese lesson. It was the Fat Lady's last lesson. Haha! I think they are firing her for the safety of us, students:P Then Harveen and Marvin started talking about sick stuff, and I got really pissed off. And then Harveen managed to make me forgive him first but Marvin did later, hahhaa, he's so sweet when he says sorry! :D:D LOL, and then they told me the taxi ride story. which was HILARIOUS. And we talked a lottt. LOL both of them rock to the core. Meow.

                                                      After schoooollllllllll
Waited for Marvin to pack his bag,
Manal: Oi, you coming Mac or not?
Marvin : I dont have money. 
Manal: You can share my food with me
Marvin: (wicked laugh) yeahhh, then u eat one side of the burger while i eat the other and this was we shall be kissing when we reach the end of the burger.
Manal: HAHAHHA... yeahh, kissing with burgers stuffed in our mouths. 
Marvin: And we can do the same with french fries.
Manal: yeahh, it'll be MUCHH faster with them! 
Marvin: HAHHAAH, yeah! And we'll have like 100 kisses if we do it with each fry. Remember to UPSIZE,k?

LOL damn funny lehh omggg. but dont worry, we didnt kiss or anything. it was all a joke la. then i allowed junhong to come along with us and harveen was like telling junhong' dont fart, keep quiet at all times and speak only when asked to.' HAHAHAHHAH!!!!!! hilarious manzxz! Meow. Sat with Harveen, Marvin, Junhong, Lixiang and Charlton. I was the only girl there cuz Jiahui, Hemma, Zakiyah and Sim Ching ditched me. And Ronald and Audeline had their seperate table. LOL, we bugged both of them so much. And kept on taking pictures of them. HEHE. Sorry guys:P:P

                                                                            Lady Gaga forever.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

                                                Justin Bieber/ Lady Gaga/ iPod
Today was pretty retarded, Mrs Wong loved us so much that she kept us for more than half the recess. Crazzyy.   During recess, Charmaine and Audeline told me I had missed Telephone ft. Beyonce - lAdy GagA! omg. THAT WAS TODAY'S BIGGGESSSTTTT DISAPPOINTMENT. And I'm in love with Baby- Justin Bieber. It totally wierded me out to find out that his surname is pronounced as BEEber. LOL! I thot it was BYber :P
He's so cute. And his hair is awesome. But his face isnt that cute. And the cutest thing is his voice. It hasn't even broken yet :P:P LOL, WTF. Yesterday was a terribe day without my phone. And no music in the morning I could listen to. SUCKS. The only music I got to listen to was my 8 yr old brother reciting the 6 times table. HAHA! so, I was pretty glad to be out of the car! Then when Hemma came, I immediately took her iPod and blasted Bad Romance, Alejandro and Baby. YOOHOO! Marvin was seriously emo in the morning man.
                                             I GET MY PHONE BACK!
During Recess, I saw Mr Ben. And then Harveen pushed me to go and ask him for my sim card. I REALLY REALLY didnt wanna go cuz it was so scary but Harveen kept on pushing me. So in the end, I explained the enitre story to Mr Ben and then I was like ' so, can i get my phone back?' and he was like NO NO NO and i was like PLS PLS PLS PLS! And then he gave it back to me. I was so happy , I was almost crying. When I went to show Marvin, he was totally WOW-ed but confused as to how I got my phone back. And then he looked at my face and was like ' Are you CRYING!?' and I was like ' errr..yeahh??' HAHA! and then I had to contro my tears a lot. HAH! I am such a sensitive person, which just goes to show that I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT MY PHONE! and then I went to Harveen and was like' omggg harveen i love you i love you i love you i love you...................' HAHAH!!! I wouldnt have done it without him.
                                         HEMMA APPRECIATION DAY!!!!
Took loads of pictures after school . Realised what a camwhore Marvin actually is. Hung out with Wayne and Sim Ching in class. And guess what, today is....HEMMA APPRECIATION DAY!!:D:D Yesterday, I realised that Hemma is suchh an amazing person. Cuz I think that I'm most annoying to Hemma in the entire school. And I make so so sooo much fun of her. And I ditch her at times and be super mean to her. But she never minds it too much and always sticks by me. The most amazing thing is, that she STILL sticks by me when I'm most annoying to her. I have never seen a tolerance level like hers before. Haha! Thats why today is Hemma Appreciation Day! I love you a lot, Hemma! <3<3

                                                  Lady Gaga forever.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Meow. During Home Econs, was smsing marvin though he was only a table away. But after a while he stopped so his phone bill won't explode. And then I was smsing Zain. Made this really disgusting sausage roll kind of thing during home econs. I let Nabil (my partner) do all the dirty work. HAHA! Borrowed Denise's apron. LOL,  Hahahahah!! Meow. And I didnt bring my apron. RAWR. First, I asked Harveen, and he was like 'I think I have ah!' and then when he checked in his bag, instead of pulling out an apron, he pulled out his GREEN UNDERWEAR. I was like W.T.F. HHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Meow.So retarded. And then I got my phone confiscated for using it in class and apparently, i'll get it back after hols. Which totally sucks. Mr Ben took it. No comment about that. Cuz if i do comment, i'll be swearing like crazy. 2 weeks without my phone, seems really impossible to me. Fook. Tried to find mr ben after school but he had vanished. Later, told my mum about it and she started scolding me too. Very supportive my mum is. BUT THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED TODAY WAS..................THEY PLAYED PAPARAZZI DURING RECESSS!!!!! OHMYGOSHHH!! I was screaming when they said Paparazzi by Lady Gaga and I was singing the song right into marvin's ear. YEAHHHH, thats the true gaga spirit. 

                                                                                 Lady Gaga forever.

Slept over at Anmol's house. Slept at 3am. Not in the mood for blogging now.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

hello everybody!
i hacked into Manal's account. (:
no lah cause last time i did her blogskin for her and i got her password.
so awesome!
so hello!
don't you think Harveen is super cute?
omg i just realised my head vibrates when i do that.
drink more coffee!
the more caffeine the better... (:
and why is this different?
my posting and Manal's posting style.
blogger is indeed f***ed up.
by the end of next week,
i'll know everybody from 202'10.
i hope! the more friends the better babehh.
and i'm hoping to finish this post before Manal comes online or something.
i hope she doesn't come online today.
cause she'll find this post TOMORROW and freak out and scold me or something.

note to Manal:

I'm going GAGA for Lady GAGA.
Noelle posting here. don't delete this post!

Common tests finish today!! Well, for me they do. Tmr, everyone else has their mother tongue exam. LOL was real retarded today. Bought a club sandwich for recess. And ate only one and a half. Gave one to Harveen. Gave one to Marvin and gave one to Ronald but in the end, I ate more than half of Ronald's . I got paired up with Nabil for Home econs. DARRRRNNN!!! But Marvin and I are only a table away and we can still talk. Hemma sits right infront of me. Rawr. :P Have tuition later. So stupid leh. I get tuition the day my common tests end. Ughhh. Meow. Nisha told me she hated Lady Gaga ! LOL, cuz she was against Christianity. Oh well...hhahaha, I still love her.

                                                   Lady Gaga 4eva.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Well, I got back my sms buddehh yesterday. LOL . But I'm still smsing Zain and Noelle. Cuz I can't just ditch them just cuz I gotmy sms buddy back. Thats just bitchy. Meow. LOL, and discovered that Marvin has some psychic powers cuz I think I was smsing normally but somehow he sensed that I was really stressed out and I was down. And then he talked to me about it. And then I actually understood and I wasn't moody anymore. It was pretty cool, actually. Go Marvin! LOL, he really knows me inside out. Smsed many people today : Ronald, Ryu, Marvin, Noelle and Zain. I was like DAMN retarded when I was smsing Ronald. And later Marvin told me that they were exchanging my messages and laughing like hell at them.LOLOL!!! :D: D Goshh, I bring so much happiness into people's lives. Studied Science like hell. Got 28/40 for Math. Wish I got two marks more. Harveen was really sad about his marks. Cuz he could have done so so soooo much better . I mean, Harveen's like a genius in Maths. And to NOBODY'S SURPRISE, Marvin got 33/40. So smart lehh. MEOW. Had to stand for Maths lesson cuz i didnt do my work. But I got to stand next to Harveen so its not exactly a punishment anymore:P HAHAHHA!! Think I better go sleep now. RAWR!:P All the best to everyone for the last two tests. Good luck, kill em all. Rock on, peace out. MeowMeow. K, bye! Love you all<3
                                                   Alejandro Rocks. Hot like mexico, rejoice<3
                                  Lady MeowMeow forever.
nahh,just retarding...

                                         Lady Gaga forever<3