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i LOVE Lady Gaga!!

Let me go

Meiyang Chang <3

Please Stop

Those flames

October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010

Thank You

© freakyryo-

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Today was not as good as expected. Was smsing Zain till 1am. Had Humanities common test today. It went okay. Except they didnt give us enough time, I was rushing like hell. Meow. Annoyed Mrs Wong like hell today. And Chinese teacher threw another tantrum today. She threw the whiteboard marker on the table and started shouting and swearing at us. She threw Daryl out of the class. And when I asked her if i could go to the toilet, she was like' dont interrupt me.' and glared at me and i said to her super sarcastically' okay im sorry, whatever.'
She scares me. Rawr.
                                                                                      Lady Gaga forever.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Yesterday was a rather suckish but good day. Well, we had prefect elections. And I'm NOT a prefect. I'm not surprised at all. I knew from the start that in the end, I wouldn't become a prefect. LOL because,all the teachers HATE me. Except Mrs Leong. She rocks man, she's my favourite. And in the morning, Mrs Leong was like ' Manal, you could be an ideal prefect if only your grades went up.'. And that was so true :P Before prefect meeting, went to Mac with Sim Ching and Zakiyah. Shared a McSpicy meal with Zakiyah. Then rushed to prefect meeting. Ms Kaur read out a list of all the prefects and yeah. Daryl, Julie, Jannah, Nisha, Yuehting, Shalini, Kartik , Farheen, David, Joel, Hanees, Amanda ,Jamie,etc etc ALL BECAME PREFECTS. And people like, ME, Daphne, Ryu,Alyssa, Benjamin ,Yasmin, etc etc ... all DIDNT BECOME PREFECTS. Then we were dismissed and Daphne and I were talking about our attire and then we both tucked out our shirts to the MAXX. It was hilarious. We were ecstatic. And then this prefect told us to tuck in our shirts and we were like' IM NOT A PREFECT ANYMORE!' and she was like' But still, tuck in your shirts.' LOL:D:D 
Then, I called up Marvin and then told him and I asked him if he thot I became a prefect and he was like' uhh no?' and I was like YES,THATS RIGHT!! Then I forwarded messages to Renee, Jiahui, Zakiyah,Sim Ching, Hemma, Harveen ,Marvin, Priscilla and Chris. Then, later I met up some ppl and shared the good news with them too..
Now, I can have morning assembly with my class, I don't have to care about attire much, I don't have to come so early and do duties and starve myself during recess. But I will really miss leaving the class early. HAHA! 

Smsed Marvin a little, and then he told me he couldnt sms me anymore for the time being cuz of certain reasons which i wont write here. Don't know if he'll mind if i write it or not but just in case. HAHA! So, I've lost my sms buddy for now. Totally sucks man. My phone seems very useless now. I don't actually mind chucking it in the bin now that my sms buddy's gone. Wow, I'm such a sweet person:P

Went to a play with Sara at 7.30 at the Singapore Repertory Theatre. It was called Daisy pulls it off. 
And it was VERY VERY GOOD. I loved it. It was funny and cute and really really good.Plus, the actresses were super good too. I had been to SRT last year to watch a play with ELDDS too. That play was excellent too. Then it ended at like, 10pm. Ad my parents picked me up and we went to Coffee Club for dinner and I was too sleepy and full to have anything. SoI ordered orange juice, chicken wings and mushroom soup. AND OMG T.G.I Friday is non halal! Ohmygosh. They suckk. Went home, and AUTOMATICALLY SLEPT. 

                                                                                 Lady Gaga forever.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Okay so...about CPR. We each had this CPR kit with this RETARDED dummy in it. It was so freaking ugly. It broke my heart to know that my first kiss would go to something as disgusting as that. Well, the dummy even had a name- MiniAnne. Rawr:P I sat next to Harveen. Ohmygosh, he was SO funny man!!!!! He was so gay and funny and omg, he was just so funny. LOLOL. We had to kneel over the MiniAnne and push it until we hear this small TICKING noise. And, I had absolutely ZERO energy so as hard as I tried to push it, it just wouldn't click. And at one point, the trainer was testing 211 and Harveen thought that it was a practice for the entire hall . And he was kissing the MiniAnne so passionately when Jiahui told me that it was only for 211 and I looked to my right. And there Harveen was, still wrapped up with the MiniAnne. SOOO HILARIOUS MAN!!HAHAHA!!!! I french kissed the MiniAnne and yeah, the taste and smell was very rubbery.Not bad though, Practice for the future. LOL, today was real tiring. After ELDDS, went down to band room. Met Faris. Somehow, he knows about Marvin . LOL, seriously man, I don't know how he finds out all this. But I assured him that even though we are husband and wife, we are NOT boyfriend-girlfriend:P

                                                                           Lady Gaga forever.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

TODAY WAS A GREAT DAY!!:D:D During IT, I went to the toilet with Zakiyah. I was talking to her and then I heard a THIRD VOICE in the toilet. First, I thought it was Zakiyah and I started talking again but then I heard the THIRD VOICE again!! And this time, I knew it wasn't Zakiyah. I shared a look with Zakiyah and I knew she was scared all the same. And I said' Who is that?'in this totally scared voice. It seemed like the person/ ghost was talking on the phone. And then we went to check the cubicles and all the doors were open, and then, we ran the HELL OUT OF THERE! And when we reached the computer lab, we stopped running and we were like HYSTERICAL. It was damn scary. We couldn't stop laughing for some reason.
At the end of IT lesson, we went to check the 4th floor toilet again and then when I opened the door, I saw a girl standing in the dark there and I just stopped breathing for a second. But then I realized it was only Farzana and then I was like ' No ghost la, Zakiyah! Lets go!' and we left Farzana there confused. HAHA!!! Damn scary man.

The Chinese teacher didn't come today, so I sat with Harveena and I was talking to him when he said 'I'll kick your face.' and I was like 'You dare??' And then he AIMED A KICK RIGHT AT MY CHEEK!Omg.
HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! It was quite painful and my cheekbone's probably broken man.  Nahh, just kidding. Hahaha, he felt pretty bad about it after that. And I laughed about it so so sooo much that I started crying. Thats why he was like' you can bully me for a week.' so I asked him to lick the floor. LOL, and then in the process of telling him that, I had to lick the floor myself. First I licked 3cm(Benjamin measured-.-) then Harveen did a 5cm and then I did a 7cm and then Harveen was like' I ACCEPT DEFEAT!HAHHAHAH!!'

I'll write about CPR tmr cuz there's a lot to write about and LOL, Marvin kissed my hand today. I was like WTF! HAHHAA!! Nasty little shock that was. HAHA! Went to hawker centre and had ice kachang with Jiahui, Harveen,Marvin and Daryl.
Gtg now
                                                                                 Lady Gaga forever.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

In the morning, heard a scream from the toilet, it was my sister's. There was a lizard in the toilet and she was like almost on the verge of crying. I still remember the time when there was a lizard in the bathroom when I was in it. It was like sooo late at night, and I closed the door. And then, the next thing I saw, there was a HUGE FAT lizard on the door. So, I couldn't even open the door. OMG, and whenever the lizard moved, I jumped onto the toilet seat:P:P I stayed in the toilet for 15 minutes until the lizard crawled behind some place and then I dashed out.Scary  man. Since that day, before I close the toilet door, I always look at the door . up and down. up and down. Until its safe to close the door:P
School was normal today. GTG NOW. Bye!!

                                                                                     Lady Gaga forever.

Monday, February 22, 2010

2 hours for D&T= TORTURE. Had to borrow an apron from Jovial. And I had to give a whole SPEECH before I got it from her. When I entered the class, my speech to Mrs Wong was' Good Morning Mrs Wong, May I borrow an apron from Jovial please?' GOODNESSSS!!!!!! It was retardedddd.
And to make it worse, Jovial was right infront of me and I had to say so so soo much. Basket.
Marvin was being such a brat today so I have decided to ignore him. Harveen told JunHong to slap me and JunHong slapped me like so sooo hard man. Ouch. And then I pinched him and hit him. Now, I have officially scarred his hand for life. Nahh, I'm just kidding.

A new girl joined class today.I wonder why all the new kids are ending up in my class. She's from Myanmar.And her name is Mret Wai Khine. I still haven't figured out how to pronounce her name. GAGA! And the song Replay by Iyaz is STUCCKKK in my head. Shawty's like the melody in my head that I can't keep out got me singing like na na na na everyday. Its like my iPod's stuck on replay-ay. Ok, I'll stop now. Rah Rah, Saw eye candy today. YAY!

                                                                           Lady Gaga forever.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Left the hell hole early yesterday to go bowling with Sara. Feryal aunty got clothes for me. And she specially had to pick Sara's TINIEST clothes. Went to SICC ( Singapore Island Country Club) and got changed there into skinnies and a shirt. Then we ordered our food. I got spaghetti bolognaise. And then, we waited for Sara's aunt and uncle and cousins. When they arrived, the food arrived too. OMG, the spaghetti was just too GOOD!We moved into the two alleys. And I totally sucked at the first game. Near the end of the second game, Abrar uncle took pity on me and gave me a really good tip. And I used it and OMG, I was like a pro after that! HAHA! I even beat Ali aka Small. And Small's like a professional. Actually, Insi khala , Abrar uncle and kids are like a family of GREAT bowlers. Except their young 3 yr old daughter Maria, who sits on the floor and then pushes the ball. Thats her idea of bowling :P:P Then, we played a final game . So all in all, we played 3 games. I started to lose my magic touch of bowling during the third game. SHITTTT. HAHA!! I also had the best ice-kachang there. IT was so heavenly. And I ate a LOT . So in the end, I was left shivering.

We left after the third game. We went to Serene centre to rent movies. AGAIN! And we got Bride Wars and Just my luck.. I actually wanted a horror movie but Sara hates them so yeah. After that we went to Sara's house. And we played this really stupid game of writing a story. And the story was like a really messed up version of Twilight:D:D After that, we went to Great World City to watch VALENTINE'S DAY! I liked the movie but Sara and Feryal aunty didn't like it much. The movie was sweet. And Taylor Swift looked so PRETTYYYY!!! And Taylor Lautner looked SOOOO HAWTTT!!<3<3

Went back home, had pizza. And this chinese vegetable thingy. LOL, and Iman forced me to sing while she played the piano. HAHA! Luckily, the pizza was served quickly and I was like 'Pizza's here. BYE!' and then at night, we watched Bride Wars and it was quite nice. I liked it, the story line was stupid but it was still quite okay, In the morning, had waffles and then we watched Just My luck. So far so good. I didnt get to watch the whole movie cuz mom came.
Actually, I think that I can't judge movies. LOL the only movies which I can judge are horror movies. I can tell if they're good or bad, But normal movies, I rarely know if they're good or bad. HAHA! I wanna watch Shutter's Island and Dear John!!

                                                                      Lady Gaga forever.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mrs Wong is thinking of changing seats, AGAIN! I don't know why she keeps on changing. I'm sitting with Jiahui now, a VERY GOOD seat, you know! And during Literature, Mr Ben saw this boy walking outside class and he asked the boy to come in.After that, Mr Ben took a pair of scissors and SNIP SNIP SNIP. He cut away the spikes at the back of his head. Poor guy :P Yesterday, Yuehting and Izni gave me Valentine's Day chocolates and today, Brittany gave me Valentine's day cookies!! The cookies were REAL good and I ate them while doing duty. LOL and all the 103 people were like' What kind of prefect are you!? ' And I said ' a COOL prefect :P:P' And I gave a small little piece of the cookie to Angeline and this other girl.

Harveen still stared at me today. But lesser than yesterday because I protected myself by writing RAWR on a paper and flashing it in his face when he looked at me. IT had an amazing effect. He immediately covered his eyes. It was like the same effect as when you thrust a cross into a vampire's face.LOL, I am SUCHHH a retard. Marvin was being soooooo freaky today. I have never seen him like this before. Haha! Jiahui came back today. I saw her in the morning and RAN towards her and then I braked when I reached her and guess what I did.......................................I WAVED! yay!
Oooh damn, tuition later at 6. FML.

                                                                       Lady Gaga forever.

Harveen kept on staring at me today. Freaky. So I slapped him, threw a whiteboard marker at him and shouted at him but he still didn't stop. Jiahui will come to school tomorrow so hopefully, he will stop. Cuz Jiahui shall block me from his gaze. YAY. Sat next to Marvin during D&T. Laughed our asses off at somebody's accent. LOL. He passed his test with FLYING COLOURS but my colours were not flying AT ALL! Its so unfair. We both don't pay attention but he always gets super good marks. Maybe he's just born smart or something. After school, I wanted to go Mac so so sooo much. So, I planned to ask Noelle along. So, I smsed her but NO REPLY. Later, I finally called her and guess where she was..........AT MCDONALDS! Then I hung out with Geerrthana and Marian ,etc etc. I was telling Geerrthana about that SOMEBODY'S accent but just then , that SOMEBODY walked past. OH! MY! SHIT! HAHHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!! Then, went to Mac with Marian. And we sat on the same table as Noelle and her friends. I laughed so hard at the 'Pen is mightier than sword' joke that I nearly choked on my Coke. LOL! HAHAHHA!! Eldds was fine, the trainer didnt come today, it was okay, kinda boring. I'm thinking of quitting actually.

                                                                                        Lady Gaga forever.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Today sucked. IT just sucked. I don't even know what to type. It was a bad day from start to end. Lets hope tomorrow's better. Rah Rah ah ah ahh. Roma roma-ma Gaga Oohlalaa Want your bad romance.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Yesterday, Sara came over. We went to the minimart, but it was closed so we walked over to Shriya's apartment at Arcadia. But she wasn't at home. So we walked back. And then we did random stuff. Had lunch, played Scrabble, watched American Idol, listened to songs, smsed Marvin ,talked to Shriya,etc etc etc. Then at night, we had the BBQ. I found it DEAD boring. It ended at like 12midnight. I was so so sooo tired and sleepy. Then I went to sleep. Finally. 
                                               Lady Gaga forever.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Yesterday was quite boring. Did nothing at all. One major entertainment had gone. Cuz Marvin had gone chinese new year-ing and I he couldn't exactly reply. So, I smsed Harveen but then he was running low on smses so we couldnt talk. DAMN DAMN DAMN. Went to Sentosa to show the guest around and I carried a python. IT was black and really long and really really heavy. But it was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT! <3<3
I brushed my cheek against its skin, it felt so good. I wanna keep a snake when I grow up. Cuz they're oh so cool!! I want a small little tiny one which can coil around my hand so when I wave like a retard, it'll look cool with a snake coiled around my fingers. HAHA! And I want a big one that can go around my shoulders. The onyl problem is, MY MOM. If I get a snake, she'll be like running away from me. LOLOL:P And then we got a late night movie to watch My name is Khan. It ended at like 1.45am. But it was FREAKING GOOD!! I reached home at about 2 something. And at like 1am+ Marvin FINALLY smsed me back. He came back from a karaoke session. All the windows there would probably have shattered with his voice. Just kidddinggg:P

Had tuition just now. Sucked as usual. Later , Sara's coming over. Then when she leaves, my parents are throwing some BBQ thing so I have to go to that OBVIOUSLY. Busy and tiring day man

                                                                            Lady Gaga forever.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Chinese new year celebrations. They sucked. I was bored. I got a candy. But I gave it to Daphne. Handed out Valentine's day cookies. And OMG Lixiang and Ronald are freaking sweet. They gave chocs to nearly all the girls in class. Super sweet man. Never expected it from them. And  ting ting and jiahui gave me as well. nothing much happened. bye
           LAdy G. 4eva

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm back from camp! Just ate frm Mac. Camp was quite fun. I slept next to Renee. And plus, the food wasn't that bad as well. But the toilets were OMG. Disgusting. Some didn't have locks. The bathroom was forever flooded. Goodness, it was terrible! Hahahha..!!! 

Day 1
We arrived, put our bags in our dorms. There were 3 dorms for girls and 3 for boys. So yeah. First we did rock climbing, it was EASSYYY! The wall was like soo short and I finished it in like a minute. The boys kept on staring at Sim Ching's undies. Yuckk. Then, the trainer thought that Harveen smoked but Harveen kept on saying no and then the instructor asked whether Harveen knew anyone who smoked. So Harveen told him but later he wouldn't tell me and Marvin. But I found it out later from Akid anyway. It was pretty obvious actually. We did General Stations which were quite okay. Later at night, we had Blind Man's Trail. OMG, when we were told to make a straight line, I started walking haywire when everyone else had made the line already. Then the instructor kept making a scary hoarse voice and took my hand and took me somewhere. Then I quickly walked away. Then he came back with his normal voice so I followed him but then he took me to the same place and I quickly ran away again. The next time, he managed to take me to the place again and this time, he made me feel someone's hair. And I thought it was some pontianak or something so I freaked out and ran away again. And then he somehow took me back there and made me feel the same hair and I ran away again. At the end, I realised that the place he was taking me was actually the line and the hair belonged to Chenke. And the instructor was just taking me to the right place. When I took my blindfold off , I was just like ' Damn you.' to the instructor. HAHAHAHA!!! Superrr embarrassing...

Day 2
Got the best sleep in a very long time. Nothing can beat sleeping on the floor man. It was just TOO comfortable.Except my pillow was my bag so not exactly comfortable. First we did High Elements.The first one was baby-ish. But I couldn't catch the trapeze of  the challenging one.HAHA.And we did Abseiling which was rather unexciting. But the part in which we have to stand right at the edge of the building was DAMN SCARY, Zipline was veryyy fun! I screamed and later Ruey Yiing was like 'Manal,I LOVE your scream!' HAHAH. And when I put my arm on Harveen's shoulder, Mrs Wong was like ' This is public,you are giving the wrong signals' WTF. Hahaha, and Improvised Raft Building was super lame. We didn't even do anything. Just had to stand under the sun for like 2 hours. Thank God, I put plenty of sun block. Or else I would be black as charcoal now:P Then, we went for Kayaking. My partner was Charlton!! LOL, the kayak is like sooo heavy! Then we bought it into the water and started kayaking. When we got out to sea more, I asked Charlton whether we could CAPSIZE or not. and charlton was like 'uhhh,yeah.' and then we tried to capsize by rocking our kayak but no matter how hard we rocked, it just wouldn't capsize. Then, I got an idea to lean on one side together and we did it and WHOOOSHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Into the water! YAY. Hahahhaa..it was SUPPERRRR fun!! Then the instructor came and was like' Do you think I'm stupid?I knew u did that on purpose!' but I quickly said that my paddle was gonna fall so I had to take it and Charlton was like and I leaned to the side to balance the kayak. HAHA! lol, and then we got back on the kayak.:D:D
Then we had our campfire. We got the songs ready but when the time came for us to perform, we screwed up. Kind of. One group copied my idea of Bad Romance. Suckkerrrs. And Ryu break danced on Sean Kingston's -Fire burning. It was superrr cool. HAHA. And then the instructors started having some water fight thingy. Then we went to sleep.Night.

Day 3
Woke up.Packed up. Brushed up. Tied my hair up. Well, Alyssa helped me a little. Then we had to give out food to the others for breakfast. And yeah. Later, we had Area Cleaning. We cleaned the canteen. Well,I didn't. I just slacked. Yeahhh, then we took a picture and went back to school . Then I went to MAC with Hemma and Zakiyah. Made new friends at mac and met my other friends at mac too:P. Met Vanessa,Zifang,Seri, Jasma,Jiawen,Ryu,Kylie, Charmaine,etc etc etc etc etc. I had like 6 tables full of friends there. School tmr. DAMN

                                                  Lady Gaga forever.

Friday, February 5, 2010

A new girl joined class. And Mrs Wong had to put her next to a girl. So Mrs Wong asked ' Which girl would like to volunteer to sit next to Marvin?' and the whole class apparently started to shout ' MANAL MANAL MANAL MANAL!!' . Well, I didnt know all this happened UNTIL I returned to class and found out that I would be next to my husband !! And I was like, WTF MAN. Yeah. The new girl is from Taiwan and her name's Peggy. Think she'll be joining our gang.
                                                         Today at Cross Country
Today was cross country. I woke up freaking early. At 5.30. Got ready and Mom forced me to have breakfast. Then went to Chinese Garden MRT where the prefects were supposed to meet. In fact, I did skip the run. I didn't want to run so I skipped :D And OMG, the Sec One's are really good at running. I hung out with Priscilla the whole time, near the lakeside and all. When the Milo truck came, I took my first cup. Then Akid came along , looking drained. So he gulped it all up. Then, I took a second cup. Went to give it to Marvin, because Marvin was practically DEAD. And then when I passed it to Marvin, Ryu was like ' I also want eh.' and then I was like ' Ermmm, I'll go get you another one then' because I already gave Marvin the cup. But then , Marvin took a sip and passed the cup to Ryu . So I didnt have to get another one. The last cup I took was all for myself. YAY. Slacked off duty. Marvin got 12th I think. And Ryu got 14th. CONGRATS. Prefect de-brief was HARSH. They were all scolding us. Nice way to end the day,guys.

                                                    After Cross Country.
After Cross Country, we planned to go to Jurong Point so I walked to the MRT. Where Sim Ching, Zakiyah and Hemma were waiting. Changed into my clothes there. And Sim Ching started to go gaga over my body. I felt AWKWARD :P She was like 'OMG MANAL, LOOK AT UR TUMMY. I HATE YOU. ITS FREAKING FLAT.And you've got a nice ass and you actually have assets!!!!!!' AND i'm just like wtf.
Waited so so so long for the boys because Harveen went home to change and Akid and Marvin went to change as well. In the end, we left without them. After reaching Jurong Point, spent ages finding them and in that process.......................MY PHONE WENT DEAD. We went to random shops. Donut shops, clothes shops,manicure shops, junk stores, jewelry stores, all kinds of stores. Made Harveen and Marvin try on hairbands and they looked friggin gay. HAHAH. Couldnt eat anything at the Kopitiam cuz it was all non-halal. So I bought a HAAGEN DAZS- Mango Sorbet , and filled my tummy. Yeahhh, bought Valentine's Day chocolates. I saw some cute Lady Gaga peace sign earrings but I couldn't find any small ones so I didn't buy.

Later we went to Zakiyah's house. It was a long way away. Packed the chocolates at her house. and I'll be making the cards as well :D:D It was so hard to get a taxi back home. And when I finally got into a taxi , I muddled up the address so I had to guide the taxi driver on how to take me home. Damn retarded.

                                                Lady Gaga forever.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ohmygosh, I was quite non hyper. When I finally got hyper enough to shout, they just wouldn't hear us. Iknow we were at the back. But ur whole class was shouting HARVEEN AND GILL AND SINGH but they just refused to give a shit about what we said. Oh well, no point thinking about it now. Sadly,chenke didnt win for track and field girls. Tough luck. Today, I didnt get kicked out of Math. YAY. Damn it, and I got last in PE.

This year, I just don't seem to care about running anymore. Last year, I used to run like crazy but this year I just wanna slack. If only, I could have sprinted with Marvin and Akid during the final stretch, I could have still passed. So I had to do extra 5 rounds with harveen and jiahui and sim ching. Harveen kept on telling me to run and I felt like a contestant on the BIGGEST LOSER ASIA. Wow, and then reached late for Reading period. LOL, during running, I called Harveen sweet. But somehow, Akid thought I called him sweet. So Akid was like' No,I'm not sweet' and Me, Marvin and Harveen are just staring at him as if he's lost it. And then I blurted out 'Who the hell called you sweet? I was calling Harveen sweet.'. WHOOSHHH.. complete embarrassing moment for Akid.Cuz after that, Marvin Harveen and I we just went into a laughing fit. HAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!

I didnt say hi to eye candy today though I saw him a million times.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Today just sucked. Was late for my prefect duty. Then I got kicked out of Math class but it wasnt even fair cuz i stayed till 4pm just for the stupiddd maths shit. And she wasnt even there so technically, its NOT EVEN MY FAULT. And then during recess, I showed Harveen how hotly eye candy was standing but harveen burst out laughing. Saying that he looked like an underwear model. But he dosent. And anyway, even if he does, underwear models ARE HOT,OKAY HARVEEN?? sucker, and then he went to tell Marvin and marvin burst out laughing and i got pissed off. But after school Marvin took me to Mac and bought me a McSpicy meal which was so sweet of him.. Thanks Marvinnn!!!!! And then had prefect duty. And now im smsing Marvin, and i spoke to eye candy today as well. YAY!