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i LOVE Lady Gaga!!

Let me go

Meiyang Chang <3

Please Stop

Those flames

October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010

Thank You

© freakyryo-

Thursday, January 28, 2010

LOL, first lesson was SCIENCE and Mrs Leong didn't come!!YAY, so Renee told me to sit at the back with Marvin and she herself later went to sit with Hemma and Zakiyah ppl. LOL,so I went to sit with Marvin. SUPER FUN:D:D LOL, and we talked like hell and copied everything from Hanani.Ronald showed us some magic trick.Some were QUITEEE obvious. Others were PRETTY cool. And one was obvious throughout, but I didnt get the last step of the trick so i guess that makes me dumb:P Later, I sat with Marvin for Reading Period again. This time ,Renee stayed:P And we finalised the 202 Family Tree. Well,its not exactly the ENTIRE class but just a few of us. So, Renee is my daughter. Harveen is my son. Jiahui is my sister. Hemma is my DECEASED sister. Marvin is my husband:P WTFFF. Zakiyah is my brother. Alyssa is the babysitter(temporarily) and Adeena is...I BETTER NOT MENTION IT.

Yeahh, And wished Tamara a HAPPY BIRTHDAYY!!! And Marvin hugged her. LOL, I was totally surprised when he did that, never actually expected him to hug a girl. LOL, was a bit disturbed as well but no problem its his hands, the girl's fine with it so GO ON AND HUG!! :P:P Anyway, borrowed 10 bucks from Kai Sheng.Paid 5 to Harveen cuz he lent me money yesterday which I used on chips and Mentos. And bought a handbook.AND..Marvin has lent me his iTouch for the weekend. You Rock man.Blasted bad romance. Rah rah rah-ah-ah,roma roma-ma, gaga ooh-la-la,want your bad romance.

                                                  Class TEESHIRTTT!!
Hello Everybody, Class T shirt design has been set. Finally. The shirt will be grey. Dark grey,to be exact. With HOT PINK font on it. So basically, On the front of the shirt there will be 'Class of 2010. 202 Rocks!!' written on it . And on the back, would be your name with your index number written on it. The way its written on footballer jerseys. The cst would be around 12 to 16 bucks, not that sure yet. Choose our sizess! LOL, I took XXS. Embarrassinggg.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Today. Were. The . Prefect. Interviews. ( Suspense music plays)
WOW, first of all,we all waited in this room for our turn. I was second to go...OHMYGAGA! While I was walking to the room,my heart was like beating crazily:P And then I politely said GOOD AFTERNOON,and walked in and sat down. Erm, there were so many prefects and Ms Kaur and another teacher whom I don't know. Razinah, Chris,Nathan, Faris,Carine,Irham, etc etc were there as well. And then they asked me abut my cca,why I wanted to be a prefect, how I would benefit the school, how my duties were,whether I could cope with my studies or not.etc etc. And I also had to read announcements. WOW, and I was so nervous I kept saying'ermmm..erm...erm.' LOLOL and when Ms Kaur asked me to tell them something interesting about me, I had NO IDEA WHAT TO SAY. So I was like' ERRRRMMMM, I like Lady Gaga,i think she is so unique and creative and thats why I like her' LOL, and I started going on about Lady Gaga. Then, when I went back to class....WOW, EVERYONE WAS ASKING ME THE QUESTIONS.WHOOSHHH!!! Then talked to loads of new people like Yuehting,Daphne,Denise,Alyssa,Ryu,Chantel,etc etc etc etc.

                                                            Lady Gaga forever.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Urdu School sucked as usual. Sara argued with the byotch. Over her hair.She wouldnt tie it up. The loser gang didnt come so it was good. And the teacher made me some class counseller  shit. So I have to collect phones and give them back. Plus point is....that I get to grab my phone first. Before all the others. Then went home and got ready and I went to Sara's house. We went to Great World to get Jade's 16th birthday present. It was FUNNN...in the end, Ali,Sara and I decided on this Body Shop Cherry set. Yeah, we went into this totally overpriced shop with 70 bucks for a tanktop.And we got hamster stuff  for Hammond. Yeah,and then we went home and played Sims 3 and then we dropped Ali off at Jade's party and headed to Island Creamery where we bought a tub of Nutella ice cream and then we rented Nancy Drew and Another Cinderella Story.Went home, has spaghetti bolognese and then we started on Nancy Drew and later watched Another Cinderella Story. Slept at 12 midnight. Was smsing Marvin throughout Nancy Drew,he was so sweet yesterday:P:P In the morning, I had waffles and then Feryal aunty dropped me back home. FUN.

                                                                                 Lady Gaga forever.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Today was normal. Did Brooklyn style for more than ten times with Marvin and after school went mac with Harveen,Hemma,Zakiyah and Akid. Had a mcspicy and twister fries and milo and gave the leftover mcspicy to harveen.end of story.Saw eye candy thrice today after SOOOOOO many days. He seems to have grown taller.YAY!!!

                                                                                    Lady Gaga Forever.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Today Marvin started his new irritating act. First it was Achmed, now its Brooklyn.Some more, Brooklyn even comes with the handshake. Sighh... haven't seen eye candy for the past few days. Super sad man. But its okay, I'm not dying. Have bloody tuition later:P:P Talked to some psychopath on msn. She wanted to show me some video. Freak of nature. I blocked her straight away. Drew the world peace sign on my wrist and on Marvin's hand. Only cuz Lady Gaga has it as a tattoo on wrist. Go Gaga.
                                                                                  Lady Gaga forever.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Mrs Leong nearly killed all of us during Science. She took some little white thing-sodium i think. Then she put it into water or something. First, it caught fire, no one panicked. And then it EXPLODED. Everyone jumped suddenly and started running away from the sodium. Goshh..I stayed in shock for the next 15 minutes. That was a near death experiance. Some more , I was standing right next to the sodium shit. Whoosh. Scary. Then during Chinese lesson, I was singing Tik Tok by Ke$ha and then the teacher claimed that I was talking to Marvin and Ruey Yiing and scolded me. Whatever man. LOL. Then had to stay back for not bringing my math textbook and had to do some questions which I copied the answers from Harveen. Prefect interviews are coming soon.Happy Birthday sis and Chuan Long.

                                                                    Lady Gaga forever.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bunked off my duty today. Thanks to Marvin. First he told me to wait for him to come. So I waited. Then,when he arrived,he started playing Tap Tap Revenge Metallica on Junhong's iTouch. And in the end,I missed the duty and after a while I couldn't take it so I left him to his Tap Tap and quickly ran downstairs. Explained to Chris everything and said sorry about a million times.Moral of the story-Never wait for Marvin. 
And then, I during level contact prefects don't have to attend it. WOOOHOOO..level contact is boring like hell man. So all of us prefects went downstairs and then, I was hanging out with Daryl and Julie. Melidya was there as well. When two groups of Sec 3/4  boys came up,and Melidya was going' No,no no...there's gonna be a fight.' Really, Daryl,Julie and I didn't believe her until it ACTUALLY happened. Meanwhile,Melidya was like trying to make them go back to the canteen but they were like' Shut the hell up.' And then, This boy took the other boy's head and banged it into the wall and started punching it like hell. The other guy,the one getting punched at, was like so shocked,he just picked his glasses off the ground and walked back to his gang. It got pretty out of control man. And OMG, I can't tell you how scared I was. I was SHIT scared man. WOW.I'd never seen anything like that happen before.

                                                              Lady Gaga forever.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Marvin ditched me during morning assembly today. LOLOL, I'll kill him if he does it again:P But , I sat super near eye candy today. LOL, damn cool. He looks nicer in a tie:D:D Marvin thinks I'm GAGA over him but really, I'm not. Marvin and Akid made me laugh so much today with their stupid 'Achmed' that I was so exhausted by the end of the day. Learnt nothing in Science:P Mother tongue lesson was so boring. I was just GaGa-ing over my foolscap paper.Had eldds at the end of the day. I swear I couldnt keep my head up straight, I was soooo tired man. Went home, talked to Sara on the phone,smsed Marvin. Oh yes, and I had my first prefect duty today. Luckily ,Daryl was with me as well. Or else I would die of boredom man. But it was fun actually. The nooblet Sec 1's are so freaking rude. I was telling them to get back to the canteen and they simply ignored me. Bloody moron. Talked to Daryl,Daryl's friend and Joel during my duty so it was quite funny.Listening to Gaga now.

                                                                 Lady Gaga forever.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

First day of school was so awesome. I'm sitting next to Chenke,but the plus point is that I'm near Hemma, Zakiyah and Marvin. Saw eye candy during recess. I got the sms from Razinah to be a trainee prefect. Well, how wierd can the world get?! LOL, ME becoming a prefect is just so......nvm. Anyway, I dragged Marvin with me to become a trainee prefect:D:D I showed the prefect sms to my whole family and they all burst out laughing at me.

                                                              Lady Gaga forever.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm in Singapore. And I miss everyone so much,yesterday, we went to Hot Spot.Had desserts there. Then people came.And i dont feel like writing much cuz im sad. and i miss everyone.the minute i landed in singapore i smsed everyone. Jiahui replied first:D and then soon after the others replied. im bored

                                                           Lady Gaga forever.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Today is like my second last day here. I'm leaving for Singapore tomorrow.Watched Provoked yesterday, its a very very good movie. Stayed up till 6am, then had to wake up so early at 3pm and we went to the cinema to watch 3 idiots.We met Atu's friends at the cinema as well. LOL, 3 idiots is SUCHHH a good movie.Its like 3 hours but its so good! WE have to go to ANOTHER party tonight:(:(:(

                                                           Lady Gaga forever.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Today, we had lunch at this family friend's house. I was sooo sleepy because I slept at 6am .( we were watching Kidnap.Awesome movie.) And then we had to wake up so early. There were two girls from OC,California as well. LOL, and one of them had the same name as mine!! LOL, thats just so freaking cool. And the second Manal,had really pretty green eyes. Manal the 2nd had a sister called Sara. They were both very sweet girls. And they had American accents so when they spoke Urdu,it was really cute because they couldn't pronounce the words right. The food was good as well and then we left to drop the family friend's son to the movies.
And we were listening to music in the car from his iPod.  And the guys on the roads and other cars kept staring at us . There were like 5 girls in the car. And the brother. So we dropped their brother off and we went to eat chaat. LOLOL, and this car full of boys pointed the middle finger at us. Apparently ,thats the norm here.
Then we went home and this other family friend had come to our house and their daughter is my friend. So I spoke to Zainab throughout the time they spent at our house:D:D

                                                                Lady Gaga forever.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! (Yes, I know I'm late.)
Well, I've been having countless parties to go to. And I'm coming back to Singapore on the 6th of Jan.
So I will be coming to school on the 7th. And I wil be a few hours late to school . Its like a complete waste of time to come to school on the 7th so maybe mom can change her mind. Today, we went to the cinema with hopes of watching 3 idiots. BUT, it was a full house. Then we checked New Moon,and it was a full house as well. Moral of the story : Book tickets before coming to the cinema OR reach the cinema a little earlier than we did. So then all of us cousins went to Park Towers where I bough Pareeseh's first birthday present.
Because she lovesss Barney,I got her two Barney cds and a card to go with it. And I bought another mango ice cream from Gelato Affair and then I has Lasagne de Polo at the food court. Deliciaso.
Oh and I just watched Paranormal Activity. I wouldnt say its scary but it is kind of creepy.
                                                       Lady Gaga forever.