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i LOVE Lady Gaga!!

Let me go

Meiyang Chang <3

Please Stop

Those flames

October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010

Thank You

© freakyryo-

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm back to blogging. Few days ago, we had a huge party at our house. Loads of people came and we camwhored A LOT. It was fun. My niece, Pareeseh , got some viral infection and had to be sent to the hospital. But she's muchhh better now,thank God. She used to cry soo much at night and then we all couldn't sleep.One day,Pareeseh even woke me up. LOL at like 4pm. I was sleeping and then she started whining in her cot so I had to get out of my warm bed and take her downstairs to her mommy:P:P And its Pareeseh's 1st Birthday today!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! Auntie loves you<3<3<3
Had a family lunch together at Arizona Grill. Had my all time favourite mocktail- Pina Colada.Yum Yum.
Was sooo full. LOL and yesterday at midnight,we got Pareeseh two cakes for her and then we went out to Pizza Hut which was open till 2AM!! Wow,and had delicious pizza.

                                                        Lady Gaga forever.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I went to PARK TOWERS again yesterday. SPENT ALL THE MONEY I BROUGHT ALONG. Bought 2 books. And a pair of studs( Diamond) and I went GAGA in the Body Shop. LOLOL, I bought this White Musk spray kind of thingy which has a very fresh smell. And I bought an orange sponge which is very fluffy:P And I bought black eyeliner!!!YAY. And I bought MANGO ice cream from Movenpick. It was expensive but it was yummy so who cares. And my brother got me hot dog,it was so good. YUMMY.Hahaha, I LOVE SHOPPING<3<3 And I cant resist the Body Shop.Firstly,the shop smells so nice so I wanna go in and then the products smell so nice that I wanna buy them but I think it is a bit of a rip off.
                                                                   Lady Gaga forever. 

Monday, December 21, 2009

Was meant to stay up to pick up my cousin from the airport.But later,the flight was delayed.So,when the flight landed,we all went to the airport to get them:D Saw my cousin and my NIECEEE!! I was soooo happy to see them!! And my niece,Pareeseh, is SO cute. Went back home,and talked and talked and slept at 8 AM!!
LOL,I've never stayed up THIS much:D Read a one and a half book during the waiting time:d
LOL,And now Ali AKA Gucci and Pareeseh are in the house. VERY CUTE:D
Hahahaha and Pareeseh smiles SO much:D And laughs. She's like so cute.
And Gucci is sooo round and chubby and cute. LOL,he keeps lying down on me. Sweetie pic<3 
My cousin got me a silver clutch.Its damn fantastic. I love it. 

                                                      Lady Gaga forever.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ordered pizza secretly again.YUMYUM.And I watched LONDON DREAMS. I liked it.And there were a lot of drugs showed in the movie.And later when I was asleep.I got a dream about drugs.I was sitting with a bunch of guys and they were drinking something with a heavy drug in it and then I said 'I'll take a sip but after that,no matter how badly i ask for drugs,you will not give it to me'. And after that I took a sip of that drink. And
It was HEAVENLY. The sensation the drug gave was like seventh heaven man.IT was SO DAMN GOOD!! It  was very very good man. I want some more now:P:P LOLOL,hahaha...dont get me wrong,I'm never gonna get hooked on drugs.But I do wanna try it.Just kow what its tastes like.I'm very curious actually.I still cant forget the  SEVENTH HEAVEN SENSATION.That was just too damn good.WOW. I wanna watch more drug movies so that I can get more drug dreams.Thank you LONDON DREAMS!! FOR THE LOVELY DREAM YOU GAVE ME AT NIGHT.I AM FOREVER IN YOUR DEBT.LOVE YOU TO THE CORE<3!!!!

                                                                Lady Gaga forever. 

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Last night was the FINAL wedding function and now its over. And my clothes were very nice:D:DLOL,I loved them. And then my cousin came to stay over at my house.LOL,we reached back home at about 3am. Mostly everyone was awake.Then all of us cousins decided to secretly order pizza while the adults were sleeping:P Hehe,and then we all sat in a circle and savoured the DELICIOUS pizza.Oh god,it was heavenly. We filled the glass with Fanta and passed it around in a circle. Like I said, sharing is caring. And then we talked and talked and LAUGHED AND LAUGHED AND LAUGHED SOME MORE.And we played our retarded' Who do you prefer?' game. Got a hard question' Who do you prefer,your msn buddy or your sms buddy?' LOL, but due to the situation,my answer came almost instantly:D  And at around 6.20am we went to sleep:D LOL and while eating pizza,we could hear my dad coming down the stairs and we were like SHIT. And we hurriedly hid away the pizza boxes and drinks and plates:P Pure fun.
Later at 2pm,Atu woke me up with Lady Gaga's -TELEPHONE blasting in my ear.He put it on FULL VOLUME and some more his phone's an XpressMusic so the highest volume was really deafening.And then I got ready,got my cash and we went to the one and only...PARK TOWERS!! LOL,first we went to the food court,which is oh-so good:D And I got pasta. Beelu bhai was treating us because of is birthday. And later I gave my birthday treat to everyone-I bought everyone a MINIMELTS ice cream.YAY.LOL,it was quite cheap. Then Beelu bhai and I went into Liberty Bookstore and got kicked out of there cuz we weren't allowed to bring food in so I went in without my minimelts and bought 3 books. Spent 1000+ rupees. Then I went to THE BODY SHOP and bought ....BODY MIST,Neroli Jasmine scent. Very nice smell:DSpent 1000+ there as well. So I spent quite a bit:D LOL,Then we went to the movie store and bought 3 movies. Gonna watch one of them now.Bye Bye.

                                                                Lady Gaga forever.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Yesterday was my uncle's wedding. The food was good:D And the photographer kept taking lots of pics,well it was his job.And then he took like a SOLO picture of me.HAHAHHAHAHA,I felt so awkward man:P And there were loads of group photos. I looked quite pretty:P:P Hahahha, LOLOL.
And then reached home....and then, I was like camwhoring with my cousins when I got home.LOL,hahaha,and nothing much happened.

                                               Lady Gaga forever.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Went to my grandmother's house after I got ready.And TADAA....my cousins from Dubai were there:D:D Well,there are 3 little children...Minha, Hadiya and Aayan A.K.A BUBBLES!!!LOL, Bubbles is sooo cute,he is like forever smiling and laughing. Suchh a HAPPY BABY! And Bubbles kisses back as well! Its so CUTE!! 
And then we went to the lawn where the function was taking place.And then I danced...and SURPRISINGLYYYY...everyone said I was good?! LOL, hahhaa,well that was a relief:D
And then we had dinner,yum yum. And we first sat on this low table. WE thought it moved a little so Dania got up.And then Mariam and I were like' Dont be stupid,Dania.Sit down.' And then Dania sat back down...And this time the table REALLY wobbled. So at exactly the same time,the three of us stood up!! And then this elderly lady wanted to sit down there and Dania and I told her the table was broken but then again,WHO LISTENS TO CHILDREN NOWADAYS? So then the elderly lady sat down and BOOM, the table went.......
It was expected. I got an urge to burst out laughing but knew it was a complete NO-NO to laugh at that moment so I surpressed my laughter. LOL,then we sat on a much more stable table(Cool,it rhymes!) and ate our dinner. Oh yeah,during the final and BEST dance,there was a blackout. Whoosh,my sister and cousin were like SO disappointed. They worked so hard on that song.And then,we went back to my grandmother's house which is officially flooded with kids. At that time there were so many kids at her house-Sania,Maliha,Minha,Hadiya,Aayan,Rayan,Maaz,Aleena,Ahmed,Mustafa,and ME!LOL and that is a LOT of kis in one house:P:P Today is my uncle's ACTUAL wedding function:D

                                                 Lady Gaga forever.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm blogging again after SOOO many days:D:D I was dead for the past few days cuz I was VERY busy.Firstly,there were the dance practices which I am forced into by my sister and cousins. Then there are lots of places I gotta go so I didn't really have time for BLOGGING.Anyway,I'm finished with the dance practices and I don't think I did that bad for a person who dosen't dance. LOL, today is one of the wedding functions where I'll have to dance:P Tomorrow is the ACTUAL wedding function. And the day after tomorrow,is another WEDDING-RELATED FUNCTION. So yeah....and just now I went to the beauty parlour:D:D Did a inward  blow dry job,and it looks SOOOOO NICE:D:D Hehe,first the hairdresser washed my hair.Sooo relaxingggg.
And then came the bad part.She brushed and blew dry my hair.OUCH. And then another hairdresser came and they both worked on my hair.Straightening it INWARDS. And both of them pulled like hell.I guess the didn't have a choice:P:P LOL, I was cursing at them in my head. BUT,the end result was awesome. YAY !!

Oooh,and I plan to change my blogskin soon. Noelle,my blog administrator,showed me some GAGA blogskins,and I like this 'Just Dance' one:D:D Meow,I felt like writing that:D

                                                        Lady Gaga forever.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Aiyooo...I wrote like sooo much,then I erased everything.Before it got saved.And now I'm all annoyed.So I'm not in the mood for blogging today.Stupid stupid stupid. And I love Bottoms:P:P

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I don't know what wrong with me. I slept at 4.15am and I'm waking up at 8am.Thats just SICK.
Wrote another book review and I FINISHED READING ANIMAL FARM!! Studied for 2 hrs:D:D
Animal Farm is NOT REALLY an interesting book,I don't think it really has a storyline.They just keep talking about life on the farm.About the lame windmills and food rations.It was quite a lame book(:(
I'll write the reflection tonight:D I'm bored. And I'm not even sleepy.

                                                           Lady Gaga forever.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I don't feel like blogging much right now. I woke up at 2pm,then took a shower ,got ready and went down for breakfast/lunch. Asked Ateeb to pass me the water and he knocked a glass full of water by accident onto my jeans and it looked as if I had pissed in my pants.LOL,so I took a hair dryer and dried a little bit off.
Mom's at Sunday Bazaar,and I'm chatting with Shani.
                                   Lady Gaga forever.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Guess what? I'm coming back to S'pore on the 2nd of Jan.Mum dosen't want us to miss any school days. Oh well, no comment on that. I'll be back with my friends earlier,but I'll miss everyone here:(:( My cousins are like the coolest people I've ever been with:D:D Gosh yesterday was so disastrous!!!
I was on the way to my grandma's and mid-way the car broke down. Then we were stuck at the side of the road for TWO HOURS! Then we called our driver and then he fixed up the car and then we went to my granny's house. Then we went out to the resturant.And we ate and ate and there were loads of cats there and Bottoms kept acting like the cats.Seriously,he is SUCHHH a cute kid.
Then later I went back to my granny's house.Then we tested Bottoms INTELLIGENCE.. We asked him where was the door.He pointed at the door.We asked him where the fan was,he pointed at the fan.And we tested a couple more things and he got all of em right.It was FRIGGIN COOL.I mean how can a 2-yr old boy who dosent even know how to speak properly,know all this stuff?!?!?
Then my uncle asked Bottoms'Where's MANAL?' and HE FREAKING POINTED AT ME/!??! HOW COOL IS THAT!? And then I was totally like' This child is a GENIUS! A genius,I tell you!!!' lol and for the final test I asked Bottoms to slap my uncle. And whoosh,he slapped my uncle then me and my sister gave started clapping and laughing like mad.Then I was like'THIS CHILD IS OFFICIALLY A GENIUS IN THE MAKING!' .Seriously,I still don't know how he understands all this.
Its damn cool, and then we reacher home at 2am. Then I wasnt even sleepy,so I talked with my sister till 6am.And then I woke up at 1pm and my uncle took us out for lunch at a Chinese resturant.The soup was so filling ,I couldnt finish the main dish,so I had it packed:D:D

                                                    Lady Gaga forever.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Watched Heyy Babyy yesterday,and then messed around with our shadows on the screen.It was fun.Then,watched funny scenes of other movies.Yeah,and then watched Freedom Writers upstairs in my room.That movie is SO FREAKING GOOD.Its about this class of extremely racist students and then this amazing teacher comes and makes everything right.LOL,damn nice:D:D Then I went outside,did one book review and read a chapter of Animal Farm. When my Mum saw me doing homework she was like' Oh wow Manal,you've actually grown up.'. Pretty sarcastic but that was actually praising:P:PLOLOL.
I'm in love with Dance in the Dark,Telephone and So happy I could Die by LADY GAGA:D:D
I haven't talked with my msn buddy for one day and I haven't talked to my sms buddy since I came here.
Jiahui's still counting down:D:D

                                                                    Lady Gaga forever.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! My Facebook wall is literally FLOODED.
Harveen,Shani,Renee and Hemma wished me on 12midnight(Singapore time) sharp.:D:DAnd my whole family wished me at 12midnite(pakistan time).My brother actually set an alarm for 12midnite.Once his alarm rung,I could hear him shouting'HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANAL!!' from the living room. So sweet of them:D:DWOOHOOOOOOOOO I'm THIRTEEN!! Today, I OFFICIALLY BECOME A TEENAGER!!!! WEEHEEEEEEEEE..LOLOL,I've gone mad. Oh yeah,and my uncle and aunt and BOTTOMS wished me a HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY AS WELL:D:D Well,Bottoms didnt really wish me but thats because he hasnt learnt how to speak yet:P:P LOLOL.And my other aunts and uncles and my grandma and granpad and my cousins called me at 12midnite as well:D:D LOL,and I replied every single one of my Facebook birthday wishes.

Hahahahha...and OMFG,you won't believe this.I'M IN 202 WITH ALL OF MY GOOOOOD FRIENDS!!! Hemma helped me check at school today.Phew.I was so tense throughout the whole day. So,Renee,Jiahui,Hemma,Marvin,Zakiyah and Harveen are with me next year. Yay,and wooohooo..Geoffrey got kicked out.I'm so glad. When I signed in to MSN,Hemma was the first one who spoke to me.the convo went like this.

Hemma: Hi

Manal:Which class?


Manal:Harveen which class?


LOLOL,stupid Harveen got third in class so he had a HUGEE chance of getting shifted to 204.

LOL,but he'll stay.YAY. And 2 kids from 204 are coming to 202. This girl called Priya and another boy.Well,who cares.

And today at lunch,we went to my dad's friends house .And they made this dish with a goat/cow's toungue in it.I'm not sure which animal though. My dad told me to try it.He said' if I try it,I'll beg for more'. After a lot of insisting,I was like ALRIGHT I'LL TRY THE TOUNGUE. And then my dad gave me the tip of the toungue..I took the fork with the toungue stuck at the end.And I stared at it,it looked GROTESQUEEE. It looked all charred and I could see the taste buds on it.EWWW..I stared and stared and stared at it and in the end,I was like'I AM NOT EATING THIS,DAD!'. LOLOL,damn funny la:D:D:D

OHHHH and I had a dish which was made of BRAIN.Like animal brain,not human brain.It tasted good,but I felt a bit grossed out to be eating something;s BRAIN.Yuckkk.LOL,so I just had one serving of the brain.LOL.
Once again,thank you-Harveen,Jiahui,Renee,Hemma,Shani,Anmol,Benjamin,Sandeep,Bernadette,Wamlas,Natashia,Huma,Shanzeh,
Sam,Safiya,Sana baji,Berjees,Hamayl,Ilisha,Khaloo,Anwer uncle,Jeremy,Annas,Samuel,Nicola,Hebah,Shaheer and Hassan bhai,Beela,Peela,Toiba,Rowdy,Ziyu,Shafia,Yasmin,Leens,Maisha,Neha,Bisma,Apia,Shakeera,Ruey Yiing,etc etc....and sorry if I missed you out:D:D

                                                                  Happy Birthday to me<3 :D:D!!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! A couple of people have already wished me-Harveen,Renee,Hemma,Shani,Ziyu,Yasmin,Natashia,Shafia and Wamlas.
Harveen,Shani,Renee and Hemma wished me on 12midnight(Singapore time) sharp.:D:D So sweet of them:D:DWOOHOOOOOOOOO I'm THIRTEEN!! Today, I OFFICIALLY BECOME A TEENAGER!!!! WEEHEEEEEEEEE..LOLOL,I've gone mad. Oh yeah,and my uncle and aunt and BOTTOMS wished me a HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY AS WELL:D:D Well,Bottoms didnt really wish me but thats because he hasnt learnt how to speak yet:P:P LOLOL.
Hahahahha...and OMFG,you won't believe this.I'M IN 202 WITH ALL OF MY GOOOOOD FRIENDS!!! Hemma helped me check at school today.Phew.I was so tense throughout the whole day. So,Renee,Jiahui,Hemma,Marvin,Zakiyah and Harveen are with me next year. Yay,and wooohooo..Geoffrey got kicked out.I'm so glad. When I signed in to MSN,Hemma was the first one who spoke to me.the convo went like this.
Hemma: Hi
Manal:Which class?
Manal:Harveen which class?
                  LOLOL,stupid Harveen got third in class so he had a HUGEE chance of getting shifted to 204.
LOL,but he'll stay.YAY. And 2 kids from 204 are coming to 202. This girl called Priya and another boy.Well,who cares.
                 And today at lunch,we went to my dad's friends house .And they made this dish with a goat/cow's toungue in it.I'm not sure which animal though. My dad told me to try it.He said' if I try it,I'll beg for more'. After a lot of insisting,I was like ALRIGHT I'LL TRY THE TOUNGUE. And then my dad gave me the tip of the toungue..I took the fork with the toungue stuck at the end.And I stared at it,it looked GROTESQUEEE. It looked all charred and I could see the taste buds on it.EWWW..I stared and stared and stared at it and in the end,I was like'I AM NOT EATING THIS,DAD!'. LOLOL,damn funny la:D:D:D
OHHHH and I had a dish which was made of  BRAIN.Like animal brain,not human brain.It tasted good,but I felt a bit grossed out to be eating something;s BRAIN.Yuckkk.LOL,so I just had one servin of the brain.LOL. Anyway,I shall write another entry later today.Probably I will. Write about my BIRTHDAY DAY.LOLOL.TTYL:D:D:D

                                                   Happy Birthday to ME!!:D:<3