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i LOVE Lady Gaga!!

Let me go

Meiyang Chang <3

Please Stop

Those flames

October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010

Thank You

© freakyryo-

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Had to wake up early today and then went visiting houses.Went online before leaving the house.Chatted with Harveen and Shani.And after that,I left the house. Firstly,I went to my dad's friends house.Had the most heavenly ice-cream kind of thing there.It was deliciousss...I gobbled it down even though I have cough. And after that I went to my grandmother's house where we had sunday lunch.The soup was oh-so good.My god, I'm gonna tell my aunt to make that stuff again.Gosh,it was amazingggg...but sadly,my stomach was already quite filled with the heavenly ice-cream sort of thing.So,I had very little of the soup. Then, I went to my mum's cousin's house.Where I had MORE mouth-watering food.Yum,yum:D:D:D After that,I went to my aunt's house where I really had no more appetite left for food so I ate nothing.Played carom with my cousins,I'm actually quite good at it:D:DI'm discovering my HIDDEN talents here:P:PLOLOL,and after that I went to my great-grandmother's house where I slept for about half an hour.I was really exhausted:C:C
And after that,I went to my cousin's grandparent's house where they were BBQ-ing so I had a little more food there because everyone insister:D:DIt was very good food as well:D:D Hahhaah..and LASTLYYYY..I went to my other auntie's house where my darling GUCCI stays. Had a lot of fun with GUCCI.Such a shweeeetttiee pie:D:D  He's like chubby to the maxxxxxxx:D:D I didnt have any food there as well.
Was soo tired and finally,I'm HOME SWEET HOME.but my msn buddy aint online. Damn damn damn.
Oh well,its Shubha's birthday today.So,Happy Birthday Shubha!!! I know you wont read this but still..HAPPY BIRTHDAY,I'LL HOPEFULLY MEET YOU IN SINGAPORE WHEN YOU'RE BACK FROM BOSTONNN:D:D

                                                      Lady Gaga forever.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Went to Park Towers yesterday.My sister did lots of shopping.I didnt,I want to go there with my own money. So I can spend it the way I want and my parents wont interrogate:P:P Well,I had mango ice-cream(DELICIOUSS!!) from Gelato Afair.It was heavenly. And after that I had corn:D:D I looked like a greedy  person when I was eating it. I had my ice-cream in one hand,the corn in another. And I was eating both of them :D:D Well,who cares what others think. And today I woke up,went online.Saw the goats being slaughtered.Really gruesome. First they bring the goat,force it down on the ground.Then they slit the throat.And there is a fountain of blood which spurts out.Quite funny but sad.And then it thrashes about on the ground.Until it dies.(Woohoo..until it sleeps.)And then the butcher skins it a little then hangs it upside down so that the blood can drain out.And after that he skins it properly and stuff.Then the organs like kidneys,hearts,lungs are taken out.And the stomach as well.The stomach is HUGE man.And then they properly seperate the head from the body and its very bloody.And i saw EVERYTHING ABOUT 5 TIMES ALL OVER AGAIN.I missed the slaughtering of the first goat.But I saw the rest of the 5 goats.
Had to give Harveen a detailed description of everything.Took a few pictures as well:D:DIts kind of rude though.Then my uncle's and cousins and grandparents came.And I got MONEY MONEY MONEY!!Woohoo...Bottoms looked drop dead gorgeous today but poor baby had a fever so was getting a bit cranky whenever I kissed him:D:DThen they went off.
And then all of us cousins and sibliings camwhored on my sister's iPhone.Damn fun man.Chatting with Harveen,Alyssa,Renee!!!!!

                                                                   Lady Gaga forvever.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Yesterday was Sania's birthday. Didn't celebrate it or anything. And this morning,Mum woke me up and she was like screming at me 'I'm gonna be late,you better wake up or I'll leave without you......'.
So I quickly got ready then went to the beauty parlour. Upon reaching,we found out that THE HAIRDRESSER WAS LATE!! And I was like' Thanks Mum,for waking me up SO early!'.LOLOL,then she arrived,then a hairdresser washed my hair. Damn relaxing man. Ahhh...and then she brushed it and started snipping away.And after that i had a blow dry job done so my hair looks very straight because of the blow dry. And it looks VERRRYYYY nice:D:D:D Hahahah...I trimmed it and added a few layers to my existing hairstyle. And it looks damn nice:P:P LOLOL,Then it was Mum's turn..she had a whole highlighting process.AND a haircut to do.WOW. The hairdresser refreshed her highlights then cut her hair.....it took SUCH a long time man. I had to wait for my Mum's hair for a REALLY REALLY LONG TIME. Altogether it cost more than a hundred bucks,guess it was worth it:D:D Saw this retarded fat girl there at the parlour who was acting as if she owned the parlour and was applying all the nail polishes on her fingernails.Speaking of nail polish,I really wanted a French Manicure but my nails are too short for one.My sister got one too.Looks very nice.The longer the nails,the nicer it looks:D:D So,I'm gonna grow my nails and get one:D:D But the one bad thing about my hair cut IS that my golden-brown streak is HARDLY visible now.DAMN IT. I asked my Mum for another one,but that was out of question as mum couldnt just ask the hairdresser 'Pls could you apply a little of this to my daughter's hair?' That would sound SO stupid,so Mum endured my whining about my lost streak:D:D Man,I love my mummy,she's cool:D:D But thats because she's MY mummy.LOLOL,just kidding.I'm so hyper now.Anyway,the goats are gonna be slaughtered in my backyard TOMORROW. Harveen wants pictures of their dead bodies so I'll try and get them though children are not really allowed to see them get killed or see their dead bodies.Elders think we'll get mentally unstable by looking at them or something.Oh well,the damage is already done to my brain.Could it get worse?

                                                                 Lady Gaga forever.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Dad's here.Just had pizza and I cant believe it....I forgot to higlight this on my blog today...its my COUSIN,NABEEL'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY BEELU!!!!
He rocks man:D:D:DLove you bro.:D:D:D
Just cut his chocolate cake,and then we camwhored a LOT. Damn fun.Gonna camwhore with the 6 goats tmr ,LOLOL:D:D:D

                                                       Lady Gaga forever.

My uncle came yesterday.He had a stopover for a few hours in Karachi. Then I saw a curling iron and curled a little bit of my hair.Looked nice man.I'm gonna bring the curling iron back to Singapore.Slept at 5am,woke up at 7am.then slept again.Then woke up at 12pm.Then slept again.then woke up at 3pm.Missed lunch.Then sat on the comp,then took the goats out for a walk. Then went back in the house and told the servants to bring the goats back in. And now im chatting with Harveen and Shani.Jiahui's back!! and Dad's coming later today form Singapore as well.

                                                       Lady Gaga forever.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

 Bottoms nearly lost my headphones,I would have killed him if he lost them. Without headphones,my phone is absolutely nothing. And Bottoms kissed me yesterday as well. So sweet:D:D:D Then I went online, chatted with Harveen and his friend,Shani. And after that I had dinner and I wasn't even hungry so I left all my food to my uncle so he could finish it off for me.Oh.My.God. I woke up late and after that I didnt have breakfast and then came the HUGE surprise- We were going to be filling up the wedding packets for my uncle's wedding!!. First,I helped to put all the snacks onto the carpet.Had to carry like HUGE sacks of dried raisins,dates,pistachios,etc..then it took altogether 10 ppl to pack exactly 521 packets in about 2hrs.WOW.We had a break in the middle which was when we had lunch. We all like sat in a circle and passed down the small bags filling them up with the snacks assigned to us.Damn tiring man. Yeh,and had Dunkin Donuts today.Vanilla Sprinkle and Boston Creme...yumyum.

                                                            Lady Gaga forever.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Had 5hrs of sleep:( Slept at 4am and woke up at 9am.Was coughing sooo bad but YAY the fever's down:D:D:D Woke up a while ago. Nothing much happened yesterday,I lay in bed most of the day until I got enough energy to go downstairs and use the computer and then I chatted with Harveen and his cousin. That was fun and then after that my back became WAY too painful so I had to lie down. Seriously,why am I so weak?!? Aiyo,when skinny ppl get sick,they don't have energy to even move around, Or get up from the bed or anything. Thats why I hate getting sick,because I'm skinny. Then I get so weak and I am practically like a dead person:P My msn buddy isn't online:( Had breakfast(CEREAL!!) Gosh,I haven't spoken to Renee and Zakiyah for agesssssss....

                                                     Lady Gaga forever

I'm sick. I'm having cough and fever. Fever's pretty high. Was so weak this morning I couldn't get up from the bed. My body is aching as well. Ouch,just woke up. Nothing much has happened:(:(:(

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just had Subway !!! Very nice,I'm full now.Watched another horror movie today.Raaz. This one was actually scary man. There was suspense and horror and it was goood. And there were soooo many blackouts during the movie and that made it scarier. At one point of time,my cousin Ateeb was coming from upstairs during a blackout and he had some linkin park song on his phone and that freaked me out and then I just looked a little at the side and saw someone crawling like the Grudge rapidly towards me.(It was my brother) and then I screamed at the top of my lungs and then I realised its my brother and then I was still so freaked out and terrified that I started crying and after that I bashed my brother up.Stupid idiot.Haha,thats all that happened today:D

                                                          Lady Gaga forever.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yesterday was a HORRIBLE day.The internet wasn't working. It worked in the morning so I wrote a blog entry then....but it wouldn't publish though I tried SO SO harddd.Well yesterday's entry is HERE:
                   Its like 7am here. I slept yesterday evening so now,I can't sleep.And now I wish I didnt tell Harveen to sleep early.My late night msn buddy is sleeping now,and I am gonna be playing FISHVILLE,how sad is that??I was so mean to my little brother,Rayan,today. I feel so bad now,but I'll be nice to him tomorrow/later today.Ohmygosh, I am SO awake now. I should start on my Math tuition homework,but I'm JUST so lazy. I don't get Math anyway. I really don't see how Algebra will help me in the future.Oh and I MUST link up Noelle's blog right now. She just made a GAGA blog,its nice:D:D I'm bored.
And now I will write today's entry.
                   LOLOL,nothing happened today. Oh yeah, I CAMWHORED WITH BOTTOMS YESTERDAY!!! Seriously, Bottoms is SUCHHH a poser. I just put the camera infront of him and he smiles but according to my aunt(Bottom's mum) he only does that with me and he hardly ever poses for other people's camera. WOW,I felt sooo honoured. LOLOL, And after I take a picture,he asks me to show him the picture and then he looks at himself and says'WOW!!''. Super cute:D:D:D

                                                             Lady Gaga forever.
P.S. I still haven't chatted with my msn buddy for a day,he's surprisingly not online at the moment.

Monday, November 16, 2009

At my grandmother's house now. Woke up SOOOO late. Didn't have breakfast.And had lunch and went online:D:D Chatted with Harveen and Jiahui but Sania wanted to watch a movie so I had to go away for a bit. And OMGGGG...DOES ANYONE HAVE ENGLISH PAPER 1?? Seriously,I asked loads of people-Harveen,Jiahui,Renee,Ruey Yiing,Fan Yi. They all don't seem to have it. And we have homework on it. And I've forgotten the format of book and movie review so I can't do that bit of homework as well. Gosh, I am SUCH a failure:( Went out for dinner at this resturant.DELICIOUS food:D:D:D Then had ice cream at another resturant:D:D:D All that happened yesterday.
TODAY,there was SUCHHHH a long blackout. Slept at 4am,was listening to my songs and talking to my sister. Did nothng much today......

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Went to Sannia's wedding yesterday. It was nice. The food was quite nice as well. Tried my best to not go to the wedding cuz I find weddings a BORE. The girls went to the wedding but the guys didnt. I wanted to go with the boys but Mum forced me. Then I got ready and we were STILL getting ready when the boys came home from dinner. LOLOL,thats a really long time. And then we went to the wedding. Yes,it was nice.Rather empty when we went in but it filled up soon enough.Sannia looked very pretty.the food was good. Was hanging out with this friend of mine,she knocked down my bottle of Coke.Genius she is.
Went home,watched 13B. Was not as scary as before but it still was scary.Then I slept at about 4am........yeah man,this is life. LOL
OH YEAH, I have this fear of the BASEMENT. Only when the lights are off.Its real scary.Like,once the lights are off, I run out of the basement like hell. Hahahah..and yeah,my hair discovery.Basically,my hair became real straight when I came here. Not because I straightened it..its because of the WEATHER!!
The weather is cold and dry here so my hair becomes straight. Cool,huh?
And it looks damn nice but its not as smooth as before.It feels a little dry now,but who cares as long as it looks nice like now.And my latest discovery is that STRAIGHT HAIR IS EASIER TO MANAGE!
Thats all for today:D:DI miss everyone in Sinagpore.I'm gonna start on homework today:(

                                                              Lady Gaga forever.

Friday, November 13, 2009

There were so many blackouts yesterday. Went out to eat corn. Was really surprised to see a few shops there like Charles and Kieth and Secret Recipe. Because I've only seen those shops in Singapore. And my sister said that Charles and Keith was a Singapore brand. Now,isn't that cool? Then went home,sat on the computer again and chatted with Harveen.Talked till 2am(Pakistan time) which would be around 5am(Singapore time).And then he pissed me off but we're alright now. Thanks to Hemma:D:D
Mum's going shopping with my aunts later,still considering whether I should go.
Haven't started on my MOUNTAIN of homework yet. Didnt buy foolscap paper yet.Will have to get it soon or I don't think i'll be done with my homework. Have to go to a wedding tonight. :(

                                                                 Lady Gaga forever.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Slept at 3am last night,so according to Singapore timing....I slept at 6 am!! Read a bit of Animal Farm,it wasnt't all that bad as I initially thought BUT its about goddamn animals. I mean, of all the books in the world,we are reading about ANIMALS??? Well,after that, I listened to my music. Not sure I am allowed to listen to my music at night even though I'm on holiday. So I listened to it under my blanket and I wasnt't that afraid of my mum finding out because mum was in another room.
The next thing I knew was that my mum was sleeping in the SAME room as me and my sister. I was like WTF?!? but Mum didnt realise I was listening to music,she thought I was asleep.So I listened to
Evacuate the dancefloor by Cascada one more time and I quickly kept my headphones and everything and I properly slept. I hope Mum dosen't sleep with us tomorrow. I can't do what I want when she's there:P
Nobody fun's online now:( not my regular msn buddy as well. i am hungry. I haven't told the cook to make my breakfast yet. Damn i am hungry:P
                                            Lady Gaga forever.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mum's here. She started scolding me the minute she stepped in the house.Nice welcome. And then the minute she stepped in the house with Aleena,my sister, there was a blackout. HAHHAHHAA..is that a BAD OMEN? LOLOL,just kidding. And right at that time, I was in an intense convo with Adeena and Harveen!LOLOL... to alert Harveen of whos reading our convos LOL..Our code word is quite good:D:D And then all my relatives came to my house. Bottoms came as well. And my nephew came as well.This was the first time I met him.His name's Ali but his nickname is GUCCI!!!LOLOL,.He's real chubby.Like chubby to the MAXXX..Yeah,Gucci was cute.And I was in the middle of a really good convo with Harveen!!!When my uncle came in and was like'Dont u have manners,there are guests at your house.and you are sitting at the comp here' And then he shut my comp down before I could even say bye to Harveen .And then I was damn pissed. LOLOL,yeah..and now im chatting with him again. No one else is online now.

                                                             Lady Gaga forever.

I just woke up. Its 1.06pm here. Slept at about 2.30am last night. Was chatting with Harveen!Hell yeah,we broke our record...its 8.5 hours now,that is pretty amazing actually. Its one third a DAY! Pretty awesome,eh? Jiahui, Harveen,Hemma, Renee,etc are going for a  movie today. man, I wish I was there.OMGGGG...we got so MUCH homework,I think i'm gonna die. We got so many book reviews,a movie review,some reflection shit and one essay and 3 essay outlines/plannings! IS THIS THEIR IDEA OF HOLIDAY?? Oh god,and thats ONLY English homework,later we'll have all the other subjects as well. And my bloody tuition teacher gave me so much MATH work.Like 3 chapters. I am screwed.
Anyway, my freedom's done for cuz Mum's coming from Singapore today. Well, I don't really know whether I should be happy or not. LOLOL,man I am so mean.
                                           Lady Gaga forever

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My grandmother woke me up real early today and then my uncle dropped me back here.We had Dunkin' Donuts on the way.For breakfast and I had VANILLA SPRINKLE! and after that I went up to change my clothes.I mean obviously I would,I was wearing the same clothes for TWO DAYS.Watched this real crap movie. AND OMG...BOTTOMS KISSED ME!!!Ohmygosh,it was like heaven.Basically,yesterday,we went out to eat ice-cream and then Bottoms slapped me and i pretended that it hurt like hell and i started crying. I was acting actually. And then...he kissed me on the cheek! It was paradise on earth man. Totally made my day.He is really such a cutiee pie:D:D:D No one fun's online right now,my regular msn buddies are not online right now. Harveen and I thrashed someone yesterday HAHAHHAHA...and she went complaining to Hemma(as usual). Well, once again the motto comes in,WHO CARES.

                                          Lady Gaga forever.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Woke up early.Had breakfast.Played games with my cousins and uncles and then...BOTTOMS WOKE UP!!!He looks soooo cute in the morning
and then we went to my great-grandmothers house and we played more games and now we came back and im on the comp.chatting with Harveen,Jiahui and Hemma!!Harveen freaked me out with his whole piercing drama.In the end,it turned out he was lying.Annoying boy. And then he said he wanted a tattoo in the future.WTF.LOL,and i told him to talk to me before he gets it.LOLOL.
Anyway,im getting hungry.

Lady Gaga forever.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Surprisingly,i woke up at 11am.Well,my aunt woke me up.And then I had breakfast!!and then my cousin,nabeel,drove me to my grandma's house.and OMG,MY COUSINS HAVE BECOME SOOOO CUTE!.LOLOL,and Ahmed is real sweet.and BOTTOMS..IS CUTE TO THE MAXXXXX!!!He is just such a sweetie,my goodness,im practically going gaga over him.He makes SUCH cute noises and he laughs and smiles sooo much,totally made my day.I love Bottoms.LOLOL,JIAHUI,I will take videos and pictures of Bottoms dont worry.

Lady Gaga forever.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I am in PAKISTAN!! Last night,I went to Samiksha's birthday. And met Shasta and Shriya and Jastara and Anisha and Shivika.LOLOL. I had laughing fits man.No comment here on why I had them.
The cake was fantastic.And we played Bingo.As usual,I didnt win. And then they started dancing and everything.And dancing is NOT my thing!
And yeah.I went back home and smsed harveen and he was awake so we smsed till 3am.Then we both dozed off while waiting for each others sms. And after that,we woke up at 8am and went on msn and chatted chatted chatted.....until i had to go and do last minute packing!UGHH.
and yeah,after packing i smsed non-stop smsed everyone.marvin,harveenjiahui,renee,zakiyah,hemma.and i sent more than a 100 smses today!now thats amazing.and then i boarded the plane.We had this escort so we got through things real smoothly.I watched 500 days of summer on the plane..and a little bit of harry potter 6.AND I GOT THE WINDOW SEATS.
lol..and then i arrived at pakistan.and my grandpa and grandma and unces and cousin was there.....

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Went to Metro at Paragon yesterday.To get the presents for the relatives in pakistan.and then we ate at Coffee Club.And today is like my LAST DAY.almost.
I've nothing to do now. Chatting with Harveen and Hemma. Well,yeah. Nothing much is happening.
Lots of work to do today. Must PACK!
Lady Gaga Forever.

Got back from ELDDS. We didnt have anything to do. First we read a few scripts.Then we watched some AYE thingy,and after that Mr Leong didnt know what to do with us so he told us to go HOME.
i was so hungry so i walked to Mac and had a McSpicy meal.....and then i walked back to school and waited for a long long time until my mum picked me up and while i was driving off...i saw my BRADER aka HANANI aka ZAKIYAH!!
OH yeah...I saw JOVIAL as well. She was leaving when I was coming so yeah...I started to tell her about eye candy but she started running away from me so I stopped lolol. and now i'm home.with nothing to do.
Chatting with JIAHUI and HARVEEN now.And smsing MARVIN now.I really have no life
Lady Gaga forever.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2 days more. OH MY GOSH.
So fast man, yesterday was suckish. The only fun part was smsing Marvin..I smsed him soooo much yesterday.
had nothing else to do.And today i have eldds at 1.30. oh gawd.
And breaking news..my brother found his USB drive so i can finally get my songs!!woohoo.
nothin much goin on.
Lady Gaga forever

Monday, November 2, 2009

Yeh, Haven't written for quite a bit.Cuz I was SICKKK.On Halloween.
.Sara came over and then we got ready.
Sprayed my hair with pink dye.Its temporary.And then put fake blood and and dark eye make up and red lipstick.And changed my clothes and everything.I looked quite scary actually.
Then Mum drove us to Arcadia.Rayan(my little brother) was tagging along as well. Pretty annoying actually.And then...when we reached there..we found out that trick or treating was over.But we still got loads of sweets. Then,we went to hang out at Shriya's house.She was still at MGS when we went there.But her parents kept on telling me to take more food.Until I was seriously SO full! They are REAL nice people.
I met her cousins from UK as well-Shasta and Samiksha.
And later,Shriya came later.And I told her ALL about eye candy.Then mum picked us up,and we went to watch This Is It.It was quite nice.But i slept in the cinema for a little while.Anyone would.It was like a 12 midnight show and it ended at 2am!
And then I went straight to bed after that and woke up at 4am..and started VOMITING.terrible terrible.
and then i was continuosly vomiting...so mum had to take me to the hospital.And I spent about 3hours there.Took loads of medicine and had lots of sleep.When I left the hospital,I had much more energy.But when i got home...I was weak again. And then I had more medicine and slept some more.And then I woke up,went up stairs.Watched tv.Still couldnt get up.And basically the day went on like that. 

But TODAY,I'm so so so so soooo much better.Actually,I'm completely normal. Had a loonnggg sms convo with Marvin. That idiot thought I left for Pakistan already.Correction Marvin...I'm leaving THIS SATURDAY!! 7NOV.
Afternoon flight. Dont worry,I'll sms all you people before I leave kays??
And I'll try my best to come online in the morning.But it'll be hard cuz there is the usual LAST-MINUTE packing.
And my mum will be freaking out and trying to pack all the stuff she thinks needs to be taken there.
The flight is gonna be flipping boring. 6H15min. Without sms. Without contact with friends.I'll just be with my brother.GOSHHH. But it'l be worth it once I reach there.Its gonna be FUNNNN.
And yes,Hemma,I do have computers there.I dont live in a village lol. I will blog and I will msn but I cant sms.Cuz it'll cost muchhh more. Shit.Havent even packed yet. LATERR.