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i LOVE Lady Gaga!!

Let me go

Meiyang Chang <3

Please Stop

Those flames

October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010

Thank You

© freakyryo-

Friday, October 30, 2009

Its 9.15am here,I just woke up.So early...can't believe it.Today is....HALLOWEEN!!!!
Sara's coming later,then we'll get ready and go to Arcadia and then she'll be sleeping over.I miss school and everyone there.Its just been like a day away from it and I've started missing it already.
LOLOL I still remember when Mr MA got me a multi purpose cleaner specially for my table cuz all the LADY GAGA'S scribbled all over my table weren't getting off.In the end,it was so clean..it didnt even look like Manal's table anymore.How Gaga is that?
LOLOL and everything near the open windows was freaking soaked.I still cant stop laughing at Marvin's abnormal yearbook and his Crumpler bag was bloody soaked.Hahahaha..and the toilet experiance with JIAHUI and HEMMA.HAHAHHHAHA...a toilet cubicle door was closed so i just pushed it a little to see if anyone was inside.As the door started to open a littlle,a girl screamed from the other side.I was like OH SHIT.and I ran out of the toilet.HAHAHAHAHHAHAH..IT WAS HILARIOUS.
Akid found out who I liked yesterday,he said my taste was bad.I showed my sister eye candy's picture and she said he looked GAY.I was like WTF!?!?!?!
I went to Pizza Hut at night,had beef lasagne and chicken drumlets.YUM YUM.DAMN I WANNA GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now...its time for my BIRTHDAY MESSAGES. All credits to
-Jiahui for her amazing handwriting.And the amazing card she made.Thanks for the gaga pics and my pics as well.I love the card
-Renee for everything she did to help out with the card.I love your message as well:D
-Hemma for the lovely message and same to Zakiyah(my one and only Brader)
-and to everyone else who wrote the message.love you all:D
Birthday Messages:)
Jovial- hello MANAL!:) Hahahaha,you going pakistan?Must bring HOT guys,hotter than the sguy:)AHAHAHA!:)lol!:)HAPPY BIRTHDAY OKAY!must be like damn hyper okay!:)know one way:HIM.HAHAHA!:)okay,dont be sad over anything.Loves!>3 XOXO

Hemma-HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANAL:)you rock:)just like lady gaga!and ya of course,I lovee you too:)Yon have been an awesome friend.I hope that 2nd december this year would be great too.but the sad thing is that you would be in pakistan on that day but obviously you'll have fun there too.Man,you're finally 13!Hope you like the present.Even though,I have ruined it by telling you what it was:)hahah..hope you have an awesome day.HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Alyssa- Happy B'day Manal!Lady Gaga is fortunate to have a crazy fan like you:)

Huihui- Happy birthday,Manal.Lady Gaga~Lady Gaga~ Haha~be happy and have lots of fun-.-'' Hope you get lots of presents:)

Zakiyah-Happy 13th B'dae,Manal. ILY!Uhh,Lady Gaga rocks? Hahah.But 2PM rocks more.Have fun in Pakistan and [insert name].LOL. Much loves,P.S.I LOVE 2PM:] XOXO.

Sim Ching-Happy Birthday,Manal!13 already ah,grow up^^hehe.Sorry ah,never buy you present.LOL!good luck in''wooing''(lalala):) Love you!Lady Gaga.HAHAHA.

Jiahui-Happy Birthday,Manal!Someone's thirteen:)Haha.Good luck to you and your dearest eye candy alrights.Have fun in Pakistan,dont forget to Facebook/msn me ah.LOLOL!:)Will miss you.Love you!<3 stay pretty and hyper always.Lady Gaga and manal rockkk to the extremeee maxxx.

Renee-Hello Manal!Happy Birthday!We love you! And stay happy 4ever!Lady Gaga rocks:)

Ruey Yiing-Happy Birthday.Stop singing behind me.Though you sound good.*cough*

Lixiang-Happy Birthday!:)

Harveen&Akid-Happy Birthday!Coma back safe.Carry your balls to stalk/talk to 'eye candy':D

Harveen-I hope you find the balls to talk to 'eye candy':D

~TheEnd~ I lurrvvee the messages,and I love u guys even more.Thanks for the messages and the presents:)see you next year:D

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The last day of Sec 1!!!! WOOHOO....I am eating Ferrero Rocher now.
I am sooo NOT drained today, I am just reeealllyyyy happy! Well,I'll tell you from the start.
First,I came to school.DUH..and then Mr Ma started the usual shit,and then I didn't bring my travel declaration form...as usual. So,I had to let Mr ma use MY phone to call MY MUM!!!!GRRRRR...I need to wash my phone with Dettol now. Ugh. Wasn't really bothered with him calling my mum. He's done it loads of times before. Anyway,and after that..we did more PD presentation.Ugh. And our presentation was this red shirt with the sleeves cut off to make.....................A BAG!!!! is that creative or what?? lol...Marvin kept making me laugh during the presentation lol. Damn funny.And I accidentally tore off one of the ears of Kai Sheng's rubbish looking bunny made of newspapers. I mean it would OBVIOUSLY look like rubbish if its MADE of rubbish in the first place..hahahhha.  And umm...oh yeah,we had to do this loonnnnggggg survey about school and stuff. And mr ma took our whole recess so I couldnt get the chance to say hi to eye candy.
Oh ya,we got our YEARBOOKS!!!!I have my pictures on the Aesthetic Nite pages.Hahaha,but you can't really see my face.Just like a side view. We had a farewell ceremony for our principal,Ms Cecilia lim,cuz she is retiring. It was kind of boring.She gave a long speech and then RAZINAH!!!! aka Head Prefect did a speech which was not that long.And then they played a lame Celine Dion song which only my mother who is a HUGE Celine Dion fan would have enjoyed.And then Ziyu and some other girl sang on Sway by Micheal Buble.Once again...only my mother would have liked the song but their singing was not so bad.There was the prize giving ceremony as well. And only Eugena,Marvin and Ronald got a prize for our class. So pathetic lol.
Tamara got like 4 prizes,she is like an athlete lol. She has more prizes than Ronald,Marvin and Eugena COMBINED!
Then we went back to class where mr ma bought me a MULTI PURPOSE CLEANER WITH A RAG to wipe up all the LADY GAGA'S on my desk.hahahha...its so freaking clean now. None of the lady gaga is written there anymore.And OMGGG...ALL MY FRIENDS GOT ME BIRTHDAY PRESENTS!!!
It was just TOO sweet man!!Harveen and Daryl got me a mug with HAPPY BIRTHDAY written on it and a picture of the one and only Stefani Joanne Germanotta A.K.A LADY GAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THAT WAS SUCH A COOL PRESENT! Now,all my drinks will be drunk in that mug,Harveen and Daryl!
Thank you soooooo much.I love it.
And Hemma,Zakiyah,Jiahui,Renee got me THE FAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG...LADY GAGA'S ALBUM!!!!!and they got me a box of my favourite chocolate...Ferrero Rocher.Thats what I am eating now actuslly.I'm already half way done through the box.
and they made me a FANTASTIC card.Wow.Its mind-blowing.
I'll put up a picture of it later if i can. And I will put up all the messages in another post.They are REAL nice.
Lady Gaga forever.

I am sleepy.And once again,I am drained.
Today,was BORING!and we had some oratorical contest for the lower secondary students in the indoor sports hall.Too bad eye candy wasn't there. Then we had some lame spelling contest and I had to spell'rendezvous'.
EASY. Most of the words were soooo easy....and then we went down to recess.
I finally,saw eye candy there. But as usual, I couldn't say hi.
I really like She Wolf by Shakira....OH MY GAGA...the song is tooooo good!! I like the Spanish version better.LOL I was teaching Harveen Spanish yesterday.And he still remembered it today. Surprising.and after recess Mr ma came and then I realised the blueberry juice I stuffed in my pocket was dripping through my pocket. AND MY WHOLE POCKET WAS SOAKED.oh my gaga.
and omg...hahahhaha Geoffrey made this 'spaceship' water bottle..for the PD project thingy.Oh my gaga..so funny. When Mr ma asked him'Geoffrey,are you ready?'
Geoffrey answered'Ready when you are..' WTH...sounded wrong to some of us actually.heehee, well anyway..Harveen,Hemma,Jiahui,Zakiyah and Renee are not telling me what they got me for my birthday. I hate suspense. But yeah,its sweet of them to get me a b'day present...THANKS GUYS :D
Learned sick things from Sim ching and Ruey yiing...won't write them here.
I still haven't told my marks to mum yet..ughh I suck. She's gonna be so disappointed but I'll have to tell her in the end :(
Lady Gaga forever.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Well,like my title explains...im completely drained today.No idea why,I think I was WAY too hyper at school today. So,I'm drained now. Today, was pretty SUCK-ish.
We had a look inside the QSS Heritage centre thingy,pretty boring actually.Ms Teo took us there.
And its like a small little place with lots of words and pictures. There was the QSS old uniform for girls as well. REALLY UGLAYYY!!! its like a purple pinafore...yuck. Pinafores are SO primary school.
and then we had this quiz, but I got the privilege of not answering anything because I am English Rep.
Hehe..and Julie(chairman) and Harveen(english rep) also didnt have to answer anything.
We had to ask questions instead......lame.
In the end,Ronald,Ruey Yiing and Benjamin had to do a forfeit of singing the school song cuz they couldnt answer the questions correctly.Then we had this anti-smoking skit thingy by the health promotion board.
Okay...it was okay. But too bad we weren't sitting infront/behind 111.
couldn's see eye candy but oh well....i can see it on my phone :)
though I do prefer to see him in reality..but the bad thing is i go all giggly and ACCORDING  to Jiahui,Renee,Jovial,etc....I BLUSH.
but I dont think I blush. And then apparently Adeena started crying in the toilet so we all went to check the situation out so i climbed on top of the toilet bowl and sat up on the wall..really fun place to be(when there is no one else in the neighbouring cubicles OF COURSE).I could see everything from there and i saw adeena as well. Didnt seem to be crying and I went back to class and gave a joke lecture to Harveen but he took it seriously and went all emo and guilty. It was so NOT harveen but in the end he was alright.
I made him listen to Just Dance and Love Game as well. The 2 legendary songs by the one and only-Lady Gaga.He preffered Just Dance actually.And now,im drained.
and all the girls are at Plaza Singapura with Harveen and Junhong(think so).
Its Halloween on Saturday...going with Sara and her cousins to Arcadia...still not sure what I will be for Halloween.Maybe Lady Gaga :D So yeah..and then Sara will sleepover at my house.And hopefully on Sunday i can go to Sim Ching's house which is reeeallllyyy near!!!i am so surprised.
Lady Gaga forever.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Well, i made this blog cuz of Noelle.She made a completely GAGA blog and it inspired me.Umm...today SUCKEEDDDD!!!
First, we went to Sungei Buloh nature reserve..and it was sweltering hot and it was BORING.
i think the most exciting thing we saw there was the snake killing the frog.But i got a bad view of the whole show.It was covered with plants.
On the plus side,Mr Ma took my phone cuz i was listening to music(JUST DANCE BY LADY GAGA!!!). i mean,seriously..all the teachers allow it man,but oh well....and then i went back to school...and looked for him,i found out that he RAN AWAY with my phone!
i called him a million times and then mr ho came and said'mr ma has probably gone away to invigilate the O level exam in ANOTHER school.'
WTH!!!!!! And then i went to watch a play(Youth Matters) with the Eldds gang.
it was absolutely BRILLIANT...but then again,i didnt have my phone.so that was sad.
and i came back to school at around 5pm and called mr ma AGAIN...and yes..u guessed it...mr ma wasnt there,and here i am..with no phone..thanks to somebody.
seriously, he has no right to take my phone away. I wont elaborate on that. Hehe.